New NME Morrissey interview???

We can't turn a blind eye now and say "ah, but that was then... now I don't want them knocking at my door." For every action there's a reaction and it's the goverment's job to plan ahead an deal with this demand. But no, let's find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq first... And I believe this is what Morrissey was about: the immigration is so out of the goverment's control that the police freaks out and kill an innocent man because, damn, he looked so alike to a terrorist! Morrissey wasn't against the immigrants, he made it very clear, he was against the immigration the way it is now, that threaten innocent lives.

Agree with all you say there but doubt that Morrissey thought it out in such an intelligent manner.
I love his lyrics ,songs and performances but he never really strikes me as being the most intelligent of people.
This statement from Love Music Hate Racism, that "MORRISSEY NEEDS TO SPEAK OUT CLEARLY AGAINST RACISM AND FASCISM" is so ultimately self-defeating. He has been speaking out about these things for a long time. Have they even read the interview?

And calling him typically attention seeking is very telling. I guess they think that he planned this and waited for a chance halfway through the interview to say something controversial, which he would then try to clarify. I'm sure that Morrissey is capable of getting attention without reliving 1992. Can't they see who really attempted to benefit from this? It makes them look silly.

I know it sounds pathetic, but I actually feel a little sorry for Morrissey to see that there are all of these people trying to use him, and that in being honest he presents himself as a target. Most "stars" are trained by their publicists how to shut down anything controversial and how to basically give the same interview repeatedly. In actually giving a thoughtful interesting, and somewhat controversial answer to a question, he opens himself up to being used as a symbol to people selling magazines and t-shirts. I mean, I don't know this LMHR group, but they seem to exist to get their name in the papers, because when they post nonsense that ignores what Morrissey repeatedly said in the very interview they are trying to use against him, they make their organization look like the typical "let's protest something, that would be rad" group that does more harm than good for their cause.

Reading between the lines, I think that Morrissey probably agreed to support LMHR beforehand. He seemed ready to answer the question in the November 5 phone interview. It's a cause Conor is supporting and I'm sure that between him, Merck and Morrissey they wanted to do something together for "the cause" (e.g. interview and 7" single with the LMHR logo on it). I think Morrissey spoke up assuming he was on safe ground only to find it was boobytrapped.

My guess is that Conor wanted Jonze to talk to Morrissey about LMHR issues but was genuinely blindsided by Morrissey's difficult answer. Then he saw a golden opportunity to sell papers, promote LMHR, sell papers, raise his own anti-racist cred, sell papers, and settle a minor personal score against Morrissey for "betraying the cause". All the elements are there. I'd very much like to know from Jonze just how unexpected Morrissey's comments were, and whether or not he had written such damning details as Morrissey's "wide eyes" and his drinking beer from a "bucket" of Heineken. There are some subtle tricks used throughout in addition to the blunt editorial admonishment at the end.

Normally I don't go in for Morrissey's paranoia about "journalists who lie" but this time I'm squarely on his side. Conor and the NME are behaving abominably. He ought to sue Conor's pants off so the rest of the world can see he has no balls.

I feel sorry for Morrissey, too. This is the most forthright, honest, encouraging interview he has ever done on the subjects of immigration and racism-- he has never been so candid nor sounded so sane about these subjects-- and it's been turned against him!
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The worst part of this interview in my eyes is the part where Bengali in Platforms is mentioned as being from 1998!
Reading between the lines, I think that Morrissey probably agreed to support LMHR beforehand. He seemed ready to answer the question in the November 5 phone interview. It's a cause Conor is supporting and I'm sure that between him, Merck and Morrissey they wanted to do something together for "the cause" (e.g. interview and 7" single with the LMHR logo on it). I think Morrissey spoke up assuming he was on safe ground only to find it was boobytrapped.

My guess is that Conor wanted Jonze to talk to Morrissey about LMHR issues but was genuinely blindsided by Morrissey's difficult answer. Then he saw a golden opportunity to sell papers, promote LMHR, sell papers, raise his own anti-racist cred, sell papers, and settle a minor personal score against Morrissey for "betraying the cause". All the elements are there. I'd very much like to know from Jonze just how unexpected Morrissey's comments were, and whether or not he had written such damning details as Morrissey's "wide eyes" and his drinking beer from a "bucket" of Heineken. There are some subtle tricks used throughout in addition to the blunt editorial admonishment at the end.

Normally I don't go in for Morrissey's paranoia about "journalists who lie" but this time I'm squarely on his side. Conor and the NME are behaving abominably. He ought to sue Conor's pants off so the rest of the world can see he has no balls.

I feel sorry for Morrissey, too. This is the most forthright, honest, encouraging interview he has ever done on the subjects of immigration and racism-- he has never been so candid nor sounded so sane about these subjects-- and it's been turned against him!

Thank you. I also noticed the bucket of beer, and I believe Morrissey "lurched" forward at one point. Has Morrissey ever "lurched" in his life?

I honestly can't believe that this story has wheels. I thought that it was just a bunch of indignant navel-gazing on our parts.

EDIT: let me just add that I hope that we get something better than an updated "Journalists Who Lie" out of this whole sad affair.
Isn't the trouble with the "reap what you sow" argument that you are tacitly admitting that immigration is bad? I noticed that somone in another thread said the same thing, more or less. "We've been giving them the shaft for so long, it's only fair we got it too." And isn't there a pretty big difference between "the shaft"-- meaning a colonial power landing in your country, decimating your population, raping your culture, pillaging your resources and enslaving your workers for profit-- and "the shaft" meaning opening an all-nite kebab hut in what was formerly a tea shop? This isn't exactly what I'd call "eye for an eye" warfare.

Not wagging any fingers, just...y'know, maybe that "coming home to roost" parallel doesn't hold up.

Well, no, I'm not admitting that immigration is bad. But England has invited itself into a lot of other countries over the centuries. It changed those countries. And it can't remain immune to the change, no country can. This is just the way of the world.

Which still doesn't change what I believe Morrissey said, which was, more or less, "My home country is changing and that makes me sad." Nostalgia, more than sadness. I'd probably feel the same way about American culture if I could identify it.
Most "stars" are trained by their publicists how to shut down anything controversial and how to basically give the same interview repeatedly. In actually giving a thoughtful interesting, and somewhat controversial answer to a question, he opens himself up to being used as a symbol to people selling magazines and t-shirts.

"Lock-jawed popstars, thicker than pigshit, nothing to convey. So scared to show intelligence, it might smear their lovely careers" Morrissey

I don't think he's ignorant of how his words can be turned against him, and I believe he has enough strength of character to stand up for himself.

Also, sorry for the weird look of the Moz quote above- I forgot it would make it look as though he posted it here, clearly he didn't, I just wanted to call it out. I'll change the quote formatting. I am an ethical journalist...
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If you and your publication wanted to be helpful "in a time of great tensions" then WHY sensationalize and publish this? Doesn't it simply create more tension? I doubt that you are concerned about helping in a time of great tension. Please do not try to make it sound that way because this move was about selling papers, associating yourself with a cause and creating a reputation for yourself.

Mr. McNicholas, are you like so many second rate journalists? A failed figure or politician (or perhaps a failed artist given the genre) who will always try to be close to yet begrudge, attack, set up, and try to belittle or somehow feel bigger than anybody who has the true talent and genius that you clearly do not have - that is, anybody who has succeeded at that which you have FAILED at?

You cover music, was your dream was not realized? Did you ever even pick up a guitar or microphone or was your dream crushed before you even got that far? Or did you make it further . . . a high school band?

:p :p :p

Whatever the case is, you are not that which you write about; and apparently that must bother you and your staff a great deal, or so it seems from here.

Otherwise why publish such rubbish and desperately try to create a rep or associate yourself with a position at the expense of Morrissey and clearly presenting the interview and letting the interviewer write his story?

I am glad that your comments to Morrissey on the matter were published. Your words to Merck so clearly illustrated the political and pathetic, sleazy and sad way that you choose to communicate and express yourself. It seems this has only generated more support for Morrissey, and less credibility for NME and certainly for you as an editor. I hope other artists take notice and refuse to interview with NME or whatever publication you are associated with. The sad fact is that so few people are authentic and spontaneous - in the moment. Most people plot and plan and have a pre-written and approved speech to give with perfect pc and bulletproof politics. The fact that Morrissey does not do that is what has earned him devoted supporters, the title of living genius, legend - he is a true artist... those are rare and I don't see many of them in your magazine... so perhaps interviews will not be a problem for you. HOWEVER you should all be ashamed of yourself for REPEATEDLY attacking one of these rare geniuses just because his politics are not bulletproof... if they were, I have a feeling it would be at the expense of his genius... ever notice that the two often do not go hand in hand?

Finally, I wonder how it is that such a weak, political person (that is what I gather from your poor me, this is so depressing, "I never wanted to be in this place but as editor I've simply not had another option."... BOO F*#&IN HOO) even has the right to a gold disc on his wall... much less the opportunity to talk to or meet such an artist. :confused:

I hope Morrissey never ever even picks up another copy of NME much less graces you with an interview.
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Did you send this to the NME, suparni?

no, i figure he is at home drunk reading this. but I can...:rolleyes:

shall I?

I guess this will pretty much trash my chance at ever doing photo shoots for them... huh?

but right is right! and its Moz!!! i would jump in front of a career speeding bullet just for his glory and honor! Hell why not?
I have'nt read the nme for a while now due to its poor poor content, i don;t know many who read it either

Now can any regular readers let me know how diverse the magazine is in representing multi-cultural music? last time i looked not very well. Does this make them racists?
Does this make them racists?

well... i dunno but it CAN! why not, lets just select a whole bunch of quotes and pics and stuff - we can do a side by side comparison - and we will only compare it to Maxim and EBONY magazines... and we will show how lopsided and in fact racist they are... and then we can publish it and start a campaign against them. :p:p
Sadly, I let my subby expire. You are going to have to go first, I'm sure you've got a big stack of them in the downstairs bathroom. :D

If I had a downstairs bathroom with a big stack of Maxims, do you really think that I'd spend so much time here? At least you gals can kill two birds with one stone over at the frink thread.
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