What does your significant other think of Moz?

NO, keep him to yourself, I tell you one thing I am not sharing my peepholism with anyone. My friend asked me what would I do if I came home one day to find him watching a Morrissey dvd or listening to an album or something. I said I would know he was taking the piss!
Actually we have a couple of married fans on this site so we should ask them how they get along with their Moz loving.

morrisseydating.com seems to be free - shall we set up in business?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! He should try joining anyway; I'm sure that he'd find plenty of people to hate 'round here.

That's precisely why he won't join; he has to deal with enough stupid people that he hates in real life. The other reason was something along the lines of "oh and I have an important full time job and no time to putz around on the computer like you in your house all day eating bon bons watching the soaps". he was only being sarcastic about the bon bons and soaps lol (I do have a job for those of you reading and not talking, but its at night, and only 5 hours... and no I'm not a hooker)

NO, keep him to yourself, I tell you one thing I am not sharing my peepholism with anyone. My friend asked me what would I do if I came home one day to find him watching a Morrissey dvd or listening to an album or something. I said I would know he was taking the piss!
Actually we have a couple of married fans on this site so we should ask them how they get along with their Moz loving.

As long as you love morrissey way more than she does it will work out fine. sometimes there's pissing contests in our house about who loves him more but we all know its Jason not me :) He's the one who made a morrissey shrine on our wall ( I am so not kidding)
He's the one who made a morrissey shrine on our wall ( I am so not kidding)

LOL - if i was to make a Morrissey Shrine on my wall on a thursday i would be divorced by the weekend.

How does one make a Morrissey Shrine.....?Can you post a pic?
My husband is such a huge Morrissey fan, I'm almost sorry that I started the whole thing. He was never really into The Smiths, and Morrissey's solo records never really lit the fire, either.

It was when I finally persuaded him to see Moz live that the trouble started. He was hopelessly captivated. He began to hum Morrissey tunes incessantly. He grew sideburns (boy, was that a good move). At other shows, he says things like "Morrissey could wipe the floor with these guys." It's fascinating to see this sort of thing happen to an otherwise rational, well-adjusted adult.

I should point out that, although I do spend way too much time on this site, in the real world we pretty much keep this nonsense to ourselves, unless we are in sympathetic company. The fact that we have several friends who range from Moz-friendly to completely nuts themselves is of great comfort.

Morrissey, you old devil, when will this madness end?

:D :o
My husband is such a huge Morrissey fan, I'm almost sorry that I started the whole thing. He was never really into The Smiths, and Morrissey's solo records never really lit the fire, either.

It was when I finally persuaded him to see Moz live that the trouble started. He was hopelessly captivated. He began to hum Morrissey tunes incessantly. He grew sideburns (boy, was that a good move). At other shows, he says things like "Morrissey could wipe the floor with these guys." It's fascinating to see this sort of thing happen to an otherwise rational, well-adjusted adult.

I should point out that, although I do spend way too much time on this site, in the real world we pretty much keep this nonsense to ourselves, unless we are in sympathetic company. The fact that we have several friends who range from Moz-friendly to completely nuts themselves is of great comfort.

Morrissey, you old devil, when will this madness end?

:D :o

what you did to your man was what was done to me. I didnt care either way for him until i went to live concerts and now I'm totally devoted.
what you did to your man was what was done to me. I didnt care either way for him until i went to live concerts and now I'm totally devoted.

This is Morrissey's uncanny power, isn't it? It goes beyond fun, really, into the realms of obsession.

I should add that we have been musicians/performers for many, many years. We know the tricks of the trade, and we are jaded as hell. The fact that Morrissey just sort of blew through all that and made music and "performance" seem so miraculous again is a gift that hasn't stopped giving.

Jeez, we just love him to pieces.
My husband is such a huge Morrissey fan, I'm almost sorry that I started the whole thing. He was never really into The Smiths, and Morrissey's solo records never really lit the fire, either.

It was when I finally persuaded him to see Moz live that the trouble started. He was hopelessly captivated. He began to hum Morrissey tunes incessantly. He grew sideburns (boy, was that a good move). At other shows, he says things like "Morrissey could wipe the floor with these guys." It's fascinating to see this sort of thing happen to an otherwise rational, well-adjusted adult.

I should point out that, although I do spend way too much time on this site, in the real world we pretty much keep this nonsense to ourselves, unless we are in sympathetic company. The fact that we have several friends who range from Moz-friendly to completely nuts themselves is of great comfort.

Morrissey, you old devil, when will this madness end?

:D :o

Ha Ha - great post - lets hope the answer is NEVER
I guess it does, yes. ;)

Is this true? Or are you just making it up? :eek: You are so lucky....

After 1999, her long, suffering patience had been stretched to the max. I was given the choice, "Morrissey or me?". Naturally I choose Moz but 'I can have both'. Each tour I promise to cut it right down then don't. This time, I couldn't. She has suffered for so long and it's cost me in OH SO MANY ways. I'll be at Edinburgh. Front row centre mind you. That's Ed been briefed.
Then you probably understand the draw. This time it is Scotland only for me. Financially and mentally, I'm drained. There are other reasons too that I wouldn't post.

Yes, I do. However, when things began crashing down around me and people I cared about were being hurt, I stopped for quite a while. Years, in fact.

I understand about being drained. I mean, trust me - I DO, I do, I do.
So, why do you continue? Why?
What I mean is, well, what are the reasons? Is it worth it?
After 1999, her long, suffering patience had been stretched to the max. I was given the choice, "Morrissey or me?". Naturally I choose Moz but 'I can have both'. Each tour I promise to cut it right down then don't. This time, I couldn't. She has suffered for so long and it's cost me in OH SO MANY ways. I'll be at Edinburgh. Front row centre mind you. That's Ed been briefed.

I'll be at Strasbourg, all by myself, and my dh didn't even try to stop me (though he will probably be sick with worry). He knows I would become hysterical if he stopped me. Especially because it's going to be my 30th birthday the week after.... :D So, I deffo deserve it!

Ps: What do you mean by OH SO MANY ways?
You should have seen Mrs. NRitH's face when I asked her whether we had anything going on the week of January 21st. She just knew. And I don't mean "just knew" in "Come Back to Camden" style (which would've been nice); I mean "just knew that I was going to ask some ridiculous thing about a Morrissey concert."
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I'll be at Strasbourg, all by myself, and my dh didn't even try to stop me (though he will probably be sick with worry). He knows I would become hysterical if he stopped me. Especially because it's going to be my 30th birthday the week after.... :D So, I deffo deserve it!

Ps: What do you mean by OH SO MANY ways?

It sounds like you have a wonderful husband. Having someone "sick with worry" over you is something special, indeed. It's having someone that cares about you deeply. It's not to be taken lightly. Do you know what I mean?

I hope you give him as much attention, love, and time as you give Moz! (Because if you don't, trust me, you will live to regret it.) :)

And, what you're asking of M23 -- I believe he said in a later post that he didn't want to post about it on here.
After 1999, her long, suffering patience had been stretched to the max. I was given the choice, "Morrissey or me?". Naturally I choose Moz but 'I can have both'. Each tour I promise to cut it right down then don't. This time, I couldn't. She has suffered for so long and it's cost me in OH SO MANY ways. I'll be at Edinburgh. Front row centre mind you. That's Ed been briefed.

It sounds like you have a wonderful husband. Having someone "sick with worry" over you is something special, indeed. It's having someone that cares about you deeply. It's not to be taken lightly. Do you know what I mean?

I hope you give him as much attention, love, and time as you give Moz! (Because if you don't, trust me, you will live to regret it.) :)

And, what you're asking of M23 -- I believe he said in a later post that he didn't want to post about it on here.

Awww, thank you, that was really nice of you. I do take my marriage seriously, so no worries there. But what really worries me is the following: what is it about Moz that drives us all so crazy, to obsession? I mean I've never been a fan of anyone since my teenage years and now I'm almost 30! :eek: How can he put a spell even on straight men and married women????
My husband loves morrissey more than I do :D I think there's 3 of us in this marriage sometimes :rolleyes:
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