SER: new Moz picture & mention of a 'Christmoz' photo to follow.

Limited audience posts again - is that good for business!?
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'Christmoz'!? o_O
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OMG, you guys, I didn't think the picture was that bad! Have I logged into the Morrissey Roast site instead? Poor Moz, and these are his fans!!

Doesn't matter if its Morrissey or anyone else, we should simply be comfortable in our own skin and grow old as nature intended. No need for surgical makeovers or photo shopping and If people choose to take the piss out of how other people look, then they are shallow f***ers with deep rooted self esteem issues.
Now that Moz has been an old fart he actually looks better with facial hair, he actually looks like he would be Irish gangster living in Boston.
"A lick of shoe polish, guv, and 20 years gone! Just like that! And who cares if your bald spot shines like a new pair of Doc Martens! Only the poor folks in the balcony will notice!"
Death in Venice springs to mind. Why would your nephew do this?
Bono's brother Bongo looks smart as always. Mark Hughes and Bryan Robson says hello!

Remi Moses has nuffink to do with this whatsoever!
Doesn't matter if its Morrissey or anyone else, we should simply be comfortable in our own skin and grow old as nature intended. No need for surgical makeovers or photo shopping and If people choose to take the piss out of how other people look, then they are shallow f***ers with deep rooted self esteem issues.
Let's clarify. We can take the piss out of the photoshop, right? Because I think he's handsome enough as it is. Although I hope he doesn't go for the goateed elder statesman look like Neil Diamond or Tom Jones.
True, but it's only you just now that's said it. Everyone else is topping each other aiming potshots at our Moz. I mean, I laughed, sure but what if he saw this?!
I see your point, and I did feel a bit bad about my comments too, but I mean, he should know I think he's a babe. (you know that, right, mozzer?!) it's just the photoshop we're making fun of.
So, did he really sick? Or this is an old pic with photosh sign on a t-shirt?
What’s the chances of Uncle Diesel being in the Christmoz photo this year ? They could smoke each other’s cigars Sammy.
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