New Morrissey interview in Rookie

Yeah, the world's ills would vanish if guys were all catty, limpwristed queens.

Unfortunately, the species is dependent on heterosexuals to survive.

I'm not sure that he expects or aspires to be taken seriously as a "political commentator" - here the interviewer asked him questions and he gave candid answers. It's not as though he will ever abandon the music business to concentrate on campaigning for animal rights and the abolition of the Royal Family.

I didn't mean it in the sense of a professional political commentator. Morrissey, however, often talks about political and socially sensitive issues. The way he delivers his message is often too abrasive and one sided, that seems to be his style. It is a shame because people often dismiss him as a nutter when he does have intelligent thoughts to convey.
I suppose soon you'll be telling us that Hollywood high is sold out - but not soon enough its already at
Gays don't kill people? Tell that to John Wayne Gacy and Dennis Nielsen.
I'd like to hear Joe Orton's views on the peace loving instincts of homosexual men. I might email him.

Oh, hold on...

In Morrissey's defence I imagine it must be tedious in the extreme to keep being asked very similar questions by journalists from across the globe. The temptation to say something outrageous must be immense.
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Maybe this have some bearing with the conversation at hand:

A list of Homosexual Serial Killers

Moz is a childish b&w soul there's no denying it.

This is the level of debate here Hitler, Hindley and Serial killers like those are the benchmarks of gender. Clearly there is cruelty in male and female, isn't the subject matter here war rather than evil or cruelty? - nevermind sigh.
This is the level of debate here Hitler, Hindley and Serial killers like those are the benchmarks of gender. Clearly there is cruelty in male and female, isn't the subject matter here war rather than evil or cruelty? - nevermind sigh.

What is war if not a pure manifestation of evil and cruelty, on one side or the other, or both?

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." George S. Patton
Great, that's good, but why didn't you check it was already posted here before your last comment?

I was posting my post when that post was posted so although my post was posted post that post i was infact actively posting my post as the other post was being posted. I hope that clear this matter up for you.
Oh the irony "following the older sibling (or in your case and in this sites case - Morrissey) around obsessively, insulting them to get attention, anything to make himself look less of a failure" - remind you of anyone?

Morrisey-solo is no longer the place for Morrissey news, recently the interesting stuff appears at first - get used to it. You should probably start checking there first from now on if you want to be updated on whats going on.

Its laughable that you use Morrissey completely imagined "interest" as your gauge for what is good

Er, yeah - Morrissey and David Bowie?

You're bizarre, Smiler - you hate this place, and yet you still come here to gloat that an interview was published on AYNIM an entire thirty minutes before it reached here. Mind-boggling. I mentioned Morrissey because he's just like you; he loves to hate this site, loves to attack it long and loud without realising that all his criticism does is increase the site traffic and encourage casual listeners to check it out. He's the best PR machine Davidt could ask for.
I was posting my post when that post was posted so although my post was posted post that post i was infact actively posting my post as the other post was being posted. I hope that clear this matter up for you.


You are Sir Humphrey Appleby and I claim my five pounds!
I was posting my post when that post was posted so although my post was posted post that post i was infact actively posting my post as the other post was being posted. I hope that clear this matter up for you.

Are you a postman?
What is war if not a pure manifestation of evil and cruelty, on one side or the other, or both?

interesting question - i think Morrissey is suggesting it could instead be a manifestation of sexuality. Now lets see if you can debate something without name calling?
This is the level of debate here Hitler, Hindley and Serial killers like those are the benchmarks of gender. Clearly there is cruelty in male and female, isn't the subject matter here war rather than evil or cruelty? - nevermind sigh.
yes indeed, however this is morrisseys level people are talking from, its morrissey who needs to be told this. infac i imagine he already knows, he just likes to generalize.

This has to be one the dumbest interviews he's ever given.

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