My Observations of the Board.


Moz Gurlie

I have been only posting and chatting once in awhile,i admit
i come everyday almost and it's been that way for about half a year.
Starting when i first started coming those months ago till about 3 weeks ago, or a month, things have been very lovely and observed many
lovely, intresting, intelligent morrissey fans and i have done
nothing more then have respect for the people here, old or young,
who have something important to say. But i don't know what happened, but this board has gotten more boring more dull, more pointless.
I know there are pure morrissey fans out there, waiting like i am.
Reading Hnia's post has brought me to consider leaving for awhile.
hopefully then things will be cleaned up. David should do something
and i plan on emailing him about the situation, althought i'am sure
i'am not the only one who's done so.
I know GreaseTea's gonna probaly do one on me or something, but
i have no problem with's the ambers, the immitators..
anyways i'll be back in a couple of weeks, i know i'am not very
important here but just wanted to inform...

love, Moz Gurlie
> I know GreaseTea's gonna probaly do one on me or something, but
> i have no problem with's the ambers, the
> immitators..

> love, Moz Gurlie

Yes, but if it wasn't for the IDIOTIC greasetea,there wouldn't be any idiotic immitators.
> Moz Gurlie . . . I have been coming to this site and posting since the days of SYL . . . leaving (other than for temporary mental relief) is not the answer . . . as Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "you fight speech with speech". Neither positive nor negative speech should be censored . . . but if someone crosses the line of class and civility . . . rather than engaging them at their level, just bring on positive messages and information. Barraging the site with positive posts and information is the way to go . . . ignoring the negative posts. Eventually . . . the positive will overwhelm those who choose to waste away their lives by being destructive. It will so sicken them that they will go away. Just ignore them. It's the attention that they crave and feed off. I have a rule: whenever a post of mind is not treated with the same respect that I would treat the post of another person . . . I choose not to respond to that disrespectful post. I don't engage in Internet battles . . . it's not worth it . . . particularly when you can't see the person's expressions and body language and particularly given that we all have the annoying human quality of reading too much tone into printed matter.

Take your break . . . but please come back soon. The site needs class acts.
Moz Gurlie, putting my tail between my legs

That was perhaps the sweetest and most sincere thing I have ever read on this board. No I will not do a number on you. You see I have a method to my micheif and some on this board (supporters and haters of mine) have been able to crack the codey-dodey code. ANd I know you can figure it out too, if your'e not like that doubledumbass HNIA. I agree, surpisingly yes, with you. Oh well, perhaps I am responsible for this shiznit but locusts travel in groups yes? But if you do leave, this is the nicest thing I can say..I'd be mildly irritated for a second and then laugh while I am picking up my horrified hamsters by the ears and tossing them out of my window. It's funny to hear them squeal as they land on their heads.

Moz in tha' houzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyayaaaaaaaayayayayayaYA!
> Take your break . . . but please come back soon. The site needs
> class acts.

Wow. Haven't seen or heard from you in a while. I have to disagree, though, Nick. I think more aggressive action needs to be taken. If you look at the top of the message board, you'll find this message:

*Please be respectful towards one another when you post.
*Try to keep your topics/subjects relevant.
*I reserve the right to remove any message at any time.

Many people don't seem to have a problem with Greasetea's posts, but the problem with them lies in the fact that calling someone monkeylips or telling someone that they wished they would get AIDS and die is anything but respectful. And tacking on that Moz rocks the house, dawg, or some other bit of Ricki Lake caliber slang at the end does not make a post relevant. It seems that a lot of people are hoping that the troublemakers will go away, and maybe they will, but at what cost before they do? How many nice people will be driven away before this happens? And why should anyone other than David run the show? Why are the idiots the only ones given a voice and a platform here? This board is a lovely idea, and it could be used to bring us together and make friends. This is a terrific shame. I'm sure that this will be answered by some shambolic nonsense, and if that's the case, don't bother. I only open and read posts by people who have proven that they have things of quality to contribute.
All right i got the solution..

Fine, i'll stay. But i think before as someone said in a response
to my message, i forgot who..positive action should be taken.
Oh ugh, that sounds cheesey, but i think the solution is simply this..
1. The True Morrissey fans about here come back and make some
relevant messages, back to the old real conversation etc.. and
2.Simply ignore those SleeptheAroundClocks or whatever. They WILL
go away eventually, just don't respond to their idiotic messages.
If you intice them, they'll continue... Even talking about the problems on this message board as i am doesnt help, i am sure they love the attention..

As i said i'am staying since i know your all crying and weeping
and such..but i still will take some time off..maybe a few days.
And to Greasetea, i don't care what anybody says, i LIKE you.
But i'd never join your world order, cause i have my own
world orders to attend to and such..

moz gurlie p.s : for sleeparoundtheclock..or whoever the hell that
imitator is, stop butchering the name of a most beautiful Belle
and Sebastian song..That's all.
I also want to say that the jerks who have stolen my name and others and then imitate the postings of one not only clouds up the board but it is also never funny. If you morons can't post something on your own and have to steal another's name then maybe Grease is right and they should kill themselves. I'm sorry crushed roses but i don't think anyone but Dave has the power to rid these people and i know he must read it once in awhile.

P.S. have you noticed Amber has stopped posting? One down, 30 more to go.
I haven't posted here long but I also want to say something on this issue. I have always enjoyed coming here, and I feel that this recent outbreak is just that, these people apparently didn't do this before, and perhaps in time they will just die down/go away. We can only hope. I haven't really had a chance to get to know that many people on here aside from their posts, but I would like to, and I sincerly hope that I don't lost that chance due to a couple of weird bored people.
God sakes Crushed Roses, get a sense of humor!

While I agree with some of the stuff you said, I disagree with your feelings towards Greasetea. First, everyone knows the posts by Greasetea is meant to be stupid and harmless. For pity's sake even those rap versions have some humor quality to it. I'm sorry you do not have a sense of humor, but don't take it out on the board.

Greasetea World Order
David, listen to the few

> David should do something

I don't think David has any choice but to do away with the board completely. A terrorist situation exists. I have lurked in horror for the last month to see people laugh at the terrorist instead of retaliating. If the instigator of this evil takeover can't be banned, then there is no choice.
Those who imitate

> Yes, but if it wasn't for the IDIOTIC greasetea,there wouldn't
> be any idiotic immitators.

Those who imitate are as bad as the one who started this madness. Those who condone it are as guilty.
Those who laugh at it are guilty.
The guilt is wide spread.
Re: Those who imitate

> Those who imitate are as bad as the one who started this
> madness. Those who condone it are as guilty.
> Those who laugh at it are guilty.
> The guilt is wide spread.

I am guilty because I laugh with Greasetea's posts.

David Tseng should kill me.

Kill me = Fabricio.

And not you = "me". Because you ("me") are not guilty because you didn't begin, you didn't condone and you didn't laugh about this "madness".
This board is like the Autobahn...

You can take this place to its limit, and have fun. Except when people say: "Morrissey is gay!" "Morrissey should die because he's gay!" now that's just stupid. that's not fun for anyone. if anyone should die it should be the WebRiot guy.

Anyway, I've been reading this board since last summer and observed how people would try to be "witty" and "clever" like Morrissey (but imitate it badly) They wouldn't develope their own damn personality, they'd just make a bad reflection on Morrissey's character then it'd get to their head and they'd snap at anyone claiming they like Alanis Morissette (sp?) or The Pixies or Tom Green (cheap humor so what he's funny Canadian, yush!). Then there's people who think this is some literature class and correct eachothers grammar and spelling mistakes (and you say greasetea had no life...) This board has gotton much better and more interesting ever since Greasetea came, because he has a uinique personality. And I feel he has influenced a few on this board to show their faces. (Ok, now I'm gonna sound like a geek but that's exactly what Morrissey wanted to do when he was with The Smiths. He wanted to show himself, and be proud to differ.)

I'm tired of typing now, I'm going to get some sleep. Can't wait for the Chicago show, yeee! But come on Moz come over to New Zealand!


blippo ~!
Invasive infection

> Many people don't seem to have a problem with Greasetea's posts,
> but the problem with them lies in the fact that calling someone
> monkeylips or telling someone that they wished they would get
> AIDS and die is anything but respectful.

Bravo Insults and rudeness are never acceptable. This should have been stopped when it first started.

> And tacking on that Moz
> rocks the house, dawg, or some other bit of Ricki Lake caliber
> slang at the end does not make a post relevant.

That was intended a a slap to Morrissey and the very reason we post on this board.

> It seems that a
> lot of people are hoping that the troublemakers will go away,
> and maybe they will, but at what cost before they do? How many
> nice people will be driven away before this happens? And why
> should anyone other than David run the show? Why are the idiots
> the only ones given a voice and a platform here? This board is a
> lovely idea, and it could be used to bring us together and make
> friends. This is a terrific shame.

A friend of mine Emailed me about the concerns she had with what was happening here. Since I have read and occasionally posted here for many years, I have seen old friends on this board join in the attack like a mob cheering the perpetrator on. We need freedom *from* speech now. I think the board must be given a decent burial. The infection is so invasive now.

> I'm sure that this will be
> answered by some shambolic nonsense, and if that's the case,
> don't bother. I only open and read posts by people who have
> proven that they have things of quality to contribute.

I hope this doesn't happen, but I have a feeling it will. I wonder if those who have joined in the attacks have done so to keep themselves from being the prey. How sad.
Not harmless

> I disagree with
> your feelings towards Greasetea. First, everyone knows the posts
> by Greasetea is meant to be stupid and harmless.

The things that have been posted by that person are stupid but not harmless. They hurt. Do you enjoy being insulted?

> For pity's sake
> even those rap versions have some humor quality to it.

Is that all you have read? Haven't you read the rest of it?

> I'm sorry
> you do not have a sense of humor, but don't take it out on the
> board. Greasetea World Order

Your stand on the destruction of this board is evident. I guess this is another name for somebody's list in an earlier post. Sorry.
> I haven't posted here long but I also want to say something on
> this issue. I have always enjoyed coming here, and I feel that
> this recent outbreak is just that, these people apparently
> didn't do this before, and perhaps in time they will just die
> down/go away. We can only hope. I haven't really had a chance to
> get to know that many people on here aside from their posts, but
> I would like to, and I sincerly hope that I don't lost that
> chance due to a couple of weird bored people.

The fact is that it wasn't like this before. This is a situation that has escalated since the ISDNs were eliminated. Now people can post freely under *any* name they choose without leaving a trail. The outbreak won't simply go away. An outbreak is a symptom of a problem that needs to be addressed. You can't simply bury your head under a pillow and hope that it will go away. This whole thing is completely ridiculous. People seem to have taken leave of all sense of common courtesy. Just because you are seated at home in front of your computer, it should not mean that you are free to be insulting and nauseating. I'm all for free speech, and free expression of thought. But this situation is a perfect example of people who would not have the courage to look you in the face if they were in the same room with you being unleashed on a forum where they can remain anonymous. As a result, no one is made to feel any sort of consequence for what they write. (Except people who innocently ask questions, and have no idea what the board has become.) We're talking about the way people are being treated here. If someone walked up to you in a grocery store and addressed you the way many of the people address one another on this board, it would be considered abuse and harassment at the very least. I don't think abuse of people in any forum should be tolerated. So maybe you can't see the people you're dealing with; that doesn't make being rude and offensive acceptable.
Re: God sakes Crushed Roses, get a sense of humor!

> While I agree with some of the stuff you said, I disagree with
> your feelings towards Greasetea. First, everyone knows the posts
> by Greasetea is meant to be stupid and harmless. For pity's sake
> even those rap versions have some humor quality to it. I'm sorry
> you do not have a sense of humor, but don't take it out on the
> board.

> Greasetea World Order

I'm not here to win you over to my way of thinking. You're entitled to your views, as I am to mine. I do not happen to think that wishing AIDS on someone is funny. As far as "taking it out on the board," I think that there are other people who could be more aptly addressed with that remark. If Greasetea is so wonderfully funny, and so many are in aggreement about this "Greasetea World Order," then why don't you go and start your own message board on which you can discuss how wonderful Greastea is and have it actually be a subject of relevance. This is a message board that should be devoted to the subject of Morrissey.

What you call a joke just isn't funny anymore.
Jory? Is that you?

If it is, I haven't forgotten you. This is so horrible. It's like unearthing people in the aftermath of a bombing, or something. Oh, look another's Jory, it's Mr. So & So, it's Brutalful...where have you been, and why do you hide behind a name we won't recognize?

> Bravo Insults and rudeness are never acceptable. This should
> have been stopped when it first started.

> That was intended a a slap to Morrissey and the very reason we
> post on this board.

> A friend of mine Emailed me about the concerns she had with what
> was happening here. Since I have read and occasionally posted
> here for many years, I have seen old friends on this board join
> in the attack like a mob cheering the perpetrator on. We need
> freedom *from* speech now. I think the board must be given a
> decent burial. The infection is so invasive now.

> I hope this doesn't happen, but I have a feeling it will. I
> wonder if those who have joined in the attacks have done so to
> keep themselves from being the prey. How sad.
Re: Jory? Is that you? - Yes!

> If it is, I haven't forgotten you. This is so horrible. It's
> like unearthing people in the aftermath of a bombing, or
> something. Oh, look another's Jory, it's Mr. So &
> So, it's Brutalful...where have you been, and why do you hide
> behind a name we won't recognize?

LOL It's JORY all right. I didn't know that anyone here would still remember me. I chose to remain anonymous with "me" for the same reasons I posted. *I* don't want to become the target of the insults. But, what the hey ... I'm glad to see that there are survivors. I have a very busy life, but I find time,even at work, to sneak a peek at the board. Maybe I should stick around and see what happens. I'm especially interested to see what happens with Morrissey's next foray into uncharted seas.
True, so what's your suggestiong for how to "address the issue"?
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