Mexico and U.S. tour dates - update on TTY

Aw, Mel - you are so good to me! I wish I could come out for the S.F. shows. Damn, damn, damn!!!! I miss that foggy little city. So many fond Moz memories with the you and the old gang... :)

I know, I know!!! And what chance do I have of seeing you in S.F. if you're debating whether to see Kathy Griffin over Moz or not?! :eek:

My schedule is uncertain, but I'd really love to go up to S.F. for a couple of shows. And it seems rather daft to go up to S.F. when I already live in Moz Angeles and get 10 dates at the Palladium plus nearby Santa Boo-boo show and TJ. I draw the line at Vegas. Why go out there and pay too much for a room when I can see him in Hollywood and go sleep in my own bed the same night?
The Hollywood Palladium

does anyone know much about the LA Palladium? how big is it?

oh and is it usually GA?

The Hollywood Palladium holds a couple of thousand. The wikipedia entry says 4k for the dancefloor.

Last time he played that venue (two nights) in 1999, it was GA.

The set up was like endstage w/ GA dancefloor (choose this option from the pulldown menu) except that the balcony areas weren't reserved either. It was entirely GA.

I was let into the venue early to interview the support band, and so I could have gone to the barrier front and center, but I decided that I liked keeping my skull intact. I had a brilliant time in the balcony, and Moz said something rather amusing about my impromptu tablecloth banner ("We can have both"). He pretended to be too English, that is too thick, to understand what it meant. I retorted, "Well, it means what you mean! What do YOU mean by 'I Can Have Both'?" I was very happy that he played the songs that I requested of him -- "Lost" and "I Can Have Both". I don't know if my signs have anything to do with it, but he did ask about my signs each time. The part where I sat in the balcony also allowed me to get a very good view.

A guy was stabbed the first night at the Palladium, wasn't he? And being up in the balcony didn't really save me from injury either because as I was coming down the stairs, some Hector involved in a fight hurtled into me and knocked me down the steps, twisting my ankle. The positive part about recent tickets prices to Moz gigs being high is that it keeps the riffraff ratio down.

Even though it doesn't quite have the same association, I sometimes refer to it as the Hollywood Get-Laidium because there used to be a cheesy nightclub in S.F., the Palladium, that was nicknamed the Get-Laidium.
I know, I know!!! And what chance do I have of seeing you in S.F. if you're debating whether to see Kathy Griffin over Moz or not?! :eek:

Well, there are other considerations at work... like not wanting to upset my friend I'm going to Kathy with, you know. If it were just Moz vs. Kathy with no other considerations, of course I'd choose old Mobo. Sigh... bad timing!
Wow, I'm really happy for you westie! This is great timing, especially since you got the job!

THANK YOOOUUUU!!!!!! I am soooo unbelieveably excited!! I'm going out of my mind! This is very much needed......another good dosage of being in Morrissey's presence! YESS!!

Thank you both! Actually, I am a writer. :D But I usually write about things like digital cameras and photo editing software! I might just be working on a novel... but who isn't?

There is a user here, a very, very sweet girl I met at a few shows. She lives in LA. Anyway, her username is "HandHoldingWinsRaces" and that's something that's good to remember here. Morrissey fans are the sweetest, kindest, most giving and sharing people you will ever meet. Clearly he is a good influence on us. The only trouble I've ever seen at shows is from casual fans who are behaving like assholes. The real Moz addicts are very good to each other. We look out for each other. The good part is that he knows that...

That's really sweet. :) And very true....the real Moz addicts are good to each other, I have seen that, and it makes me feel happier, because it is a little piece of hope that are people out there like that....and the fact that the "real addicts" feel the same way and have that connection, makes me feel really really happy. Just thought I would mention that.

There is no feeling of closeness like standing with your belly pressed against the stage front in a real seated pit with no barrier- rather, you're on the good side of the barrier. The feeling of closeness when you have to pull your hands back when he whips the mike cord or they'll get snapped. The feeling when his shoes are eight inches from your fingertips and you have to tell yourself that touching his legs would be unappreciated. When he drips sweat on you... when he comes over, hovers over the outstretched hands, and chooses yours to shake. When that happens, you can't let go. Your hand just won't let go... and he makes a little face and pulls against your hand and you have to let him go... until the next time.

That's why I don't like GA. He can't get that close when the whole house is pressed against the stage. When there are 36 or 45 people right in front and the rest are held back safely... that's when he really interacts. He can't see our faces when we're all smooshed together in GA.

That is a beautiful moment you speak of....made me all emotional! hehe......that's the girl I am....sensitive emotional person, I will feel that....when i am in the pit for one of these 10 LA shows, I will be balling my bloody eyes out, I know that for a fact, b/c I already get teary-eyes thinking about it!!!.....and will be thinking of your comment, for sure.



I'm moving to L.A. to start a new job, and my first day is.......

OCTOBER 1st!!!!!


/feels the angels smiling down on me

SO many things have happened that pointed toward me moving there....and here's another one. OMFG. I can't believe this!

DO IT!!!! The signs are plain and clear!!!! Do it! Do it! DO it!...haha, no pressure or anything....BUT do it!!!! :D

:Dduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!! i havent been on here in a while and this is the news i see when i decide to stop by! I could kiss you ALL!!! ahh now ill spend hours on the internet searching each CA venue to decide which ones to go to!! maybe ill do vegas again, that was awesome. ahh!!

does anyone know much about the LA Palladium? how big is it?

oh and is it usually GA?

ROFL...I totally responded like that...with the long duuuuuuuuuuude!!!! haha, reminded me of the moment I thought that in my head....:-D

I hope I see some of you there!!! I really really do!!!
Well, there are other considerations at work... like not wanting to upset my friend I'm going to Kathy with, you know. If it were just Moz vs. Kathy with no other considerations, of course I'd choose old Mobo. Sigh... bad timing!

Well, you do what you must!

I commiserate with you on the bad timing! If Moz had done some shows in August, it would've been perfect for me.

Oh well, at least I have something to look forward to this autumn besides another abysmal burfday.
Oh well, at least I have something to look forward to this autumn besides another abysmal burfday.

You and me both! From a fellow old Libra.
according the the hammerstein ballroom website

there are only 4 dates he's playing.....22, 23, 26, and 27th

it also says tickets are 150$, and the show time is 11:59 :eek:

either I'm reading their site wrong, or they have some serious explaining to do
according the the hammerstein ballroom website

there are only 4 dates he's playing.....22, 23, 26, and 27th

it also says tickets are 150$, and the show time is 11:59 :eek:

either I'm reading their site wrong, or they have some serious explaining to do

Can you give a link of where you are reading this from? Perhaps I am looking at an incorrect site or something but I dont see any dates posted for Moz on the hammerstein site. ?????
OK- I just checked the links for the Hammerstein Box office- that is not their box office, it's a brokerage. Hammerstein's actual site links to TXmaster and there is nothing on their official calendar. I called the ticket agency, their phone number has a suburban Chicago area code. I think these are preorders only. I'm waiting for a call back. Face value will probably be only like $65 on these, it's GA. Don't spend $150 until we find out what's going on.
let us hope he does not perform each one of his solo albums in their entirety during those consecutive Los Angeles shows or anytime soon a la Suede.
let us hope he does not perform each one of his solo albums in their entirety during those consecutive Los Angeles shows or anytime soon a la Suede.

That might not be great for someone who is only going to see one show, but how very cool for those who will see all these shows... and there will be more than just Julia, I'm sure.
let us hope he does not perform each one of his solo albums in their entirety during those consecutive Los Angeles shows or anytime soon a la Suede.

What do you mean "let us hope he does not"? That would be brilliant!!! I would be incredibly gleeful if he did such a thing - of course, throwing in the best b-sides from each album as well. But of course he won't. Too many duff tracks he doesn't want to have to sing again. (I mean, really, can you imagine him singing "Dial-A-Cliché"?)
I'm thinking Moz will release some sort of multi-disc live album from the highlights of all these Palladium shows. Has he ever done so many nights at the same venue in a row like this? Absolutely awesome.

Can't wait for the Boston show! Three dates (even if one was half a show) in three months. Ahhh!
A little annoying for the UK'ers like myself. Also because of the Americans who threatened boycotts and said all sorts of bad stuff about him because of the cancellations, they'll all go to these shows now i expect.
What do you mean "let us hope he does not"? That would be brilliant!!! I would be incredibly gleeful if he did such a thing - of course, throwing in the best b-sides from each album as well. But of course he won't. Too many duff tracks he doesn't want to have to sing again. (I mean, really, can you imagine him singing "Dial-A-Cliché"?)

It would a pinnacle indeed but it signaled the end of Suede. Surely I was only saying.
There is a user here, a very, very sweet girl I met at a few shows. She lives in LA. Anyway, her username is "HandHoldingWinsRaces" and that's something that's good to remember here. Morrissey fans are the sweetest, kindest, most giving and sharing people you will ever meet. Clearly he is a good influence on us. The only trouble I've ever seen at shows is from casual fans who are behaving like assholes. The real Moz addicts are very good to each other. We look out for each other. The good part is that he knows that...

AMEN TO EVERYTHING YOU SAY!!! I include you, Ms. Torment, Ms. Claudia, and all the amazing people I met this summer, in this description. :)

Thank you for the name drop! AAAAHHH! I'm finally financially recovered from the "Irregular Regulars" Odyssey and now this! This announcement is, frankly, shocking. The rumors in NJ were that he was going to take a break for a while and let us, the crazies, return to our normal lives. Maybe a few shows, maybe record, but nothing of this magnitude.
Y'all are dead-on with your previous comments... part of the reason I push aside my entire life to do this so often is the sense of community I feel with other fans... I think HE feeds off this energy too.

So now I am doing everything possible to do it all again. But, since the darlings are back in school, it's not the money, but finding a sub for my students. Maybe the lambs need a 2-week Hollywood field trip this year. Here's praying for seated shows!

The adage is true: All my dignity and money go to Morrissey!
AMEN TO EVERYTHING YOU SAY!!! I include you, Ms. Torment, Ms. Claudia, and all the amazing people I met this summer, in this description. :)

Thank you for the name drop! AAAAHHH! I'm finally financially recovered from the "Irregular Regulars" Odyssey and now this! This announcement is, frankly, shocking. The rumors in NJ were that he was going to take a break for a while and let us, the crazies, return to our normal lives. Maybe a few shows, maybe record, but nothing of this magnitude.
Y'all are dead-on with your previous comments... part of the reason I push aside my entire life to do this so often is the sense of community I feel with other fans... I think HE feeds off this energy too.

So now I am doing everything possible to do it all again. But, since the darlings are back in school, it's not the money, but finding a sub for my students. Maybe the lambs need a 2-week Hollywood field trip this year. Here's praying for seated shows!

The adage is true: All my dignity and money go to Morrissey!

If not, you know we'll hold you a spot on line, but we'll miss you all day long! :D I say this like I'm going - I don't know yet if I can make it to LA or not but SOMEONE will hold your place! (And check your email, btw!)

And, ditto what you, PFTLT, Mel Torment, and uh... me, earlier, all said. I basically organize my entire life around this these days. This has been quite a year, and it's not an exaggeration to call it life-changing. I go to all this trouble for him first and foremost, but I also do it so I can be with you guys! On any given show day, we're around each other for a much longer period of time than we are in front of him, and it would be unbearable if true Morrissey fans weren't wonderful people. I can't say enough about how amazing the people are who I've met through Morrissey.

And I agree with you completely - I think he does sense our connection to each other when we're all together standing in front of him. It's the most intense feeling of closeness and friendship I've ever had in my life, to be honest. It's incredible. I absolutely think Moz can feel it too.
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