Liverpool, one week on feelings

For god sakes all whiners stop whining and go somewhere else, like maybe a Robbie Williams place

yes, please everyone, stop discussing the subject of this thread. This isn't what message boards were made for.

..oh wait....

Yet he plays the same set night after night, goes through the same actions, lays on the floor at the same moments during the same songs, throws his shirt at the same time ect. ect. ect....
I know he hates the term "Performer"... but he is. And becoming more so all the time.
This isn't meant to sound as though I've lost any respect or admiration for the man, I have not, but this fuss over "I am NOT a performer!" is more than absurd.

Oh yes, wait. Wait until we find out what certain so-called fans are actually doing here? Oh yes, that's the one
Oh yes, wait. Wait until we find out what certain so-called fans are actually doing here? Oh yes, that's the one

So we're suppose to blindly follow him? We can't disagree with him at all? That's not being a fan that's being a tool. To be a fan you have to be able to critique who ever you adore, not mindlessly follow them, because if you do that, then what do you like about them? Everything?
So we're suppose to blindly follow him? We can't disagree with him at all? That's not being a fan that's being a tool. To be a fan you have to be able to critique who ever you adore, not mindlessly follow them, because if you do that, then what do you like about them? Everything?

Well surprise surprise, I like every single about him, everything he was or is or ever shall be. There, I said it. So what do you like about him?
What do I think you are doing here? I dunno.. acting like a child? showing off your mustache? Could be anything I suppose.

Unless you have something intelligent to say, why not go for English lessons?
Mostly his music, hence why I'm here, that's also why I'd be angry if he walked off stage as I would miss out on hearing it.

I'm truly sorry you missed him, but you can't blame him for not accepting unreasonable behaviour
I'm truly sorry you missed him, but you can't blame him for not accepting unreasonable behaviour

Ok, this I can get behind.

I'm really on the fence as to how I feel about how Moz handled the situation, but I certainly know how I feel about someone throwing something at any performer. It's just beyond low.
And none of us know how Morrissey was feeling prior to this and none of us can really say how we would respond if we had been in his shoes.
Oh I wasn't there. It was unacceptable but I believe he was acting irrationally.

Ok, just imagine you're him and a bottle comes flying, hits him on the head, he isn't feeling well anyway. End of, you would freak just like he did. He isn't exactly young any more. In any case he deserves a lot more respect than that, and anyone who doesn't understand that plain and simple concept, in my opinion needs a lobotomy asap:crazy:
Ok, this I can get behind.

I'm really on the fence as to how I feel about how Moz handled the situation, but I certainly know how I feel about someone throwing something at any performer. It's just beyond low.
And none of us know how Morrissey was feeling prior to this and none of us can really say how we would respond if we had been in his shoes.

OK good what you said
Morrissey said:
The audience doesn't realize this but, I, in effect, come to see them, and my temperament depends on how they react and even how they look. I sing directly at the audience, and I look right into the audience - few singers do, I've noticed. I am addressing them with each line, and they react - one way or another - as if we are in conversation.

Morrissey said:
The only bit I actually like is the time onstage, which I obviously love. Otherwise touring is quite lonely.

What do you feel when you're onstage, singing in front of your audience?

Morrissey said:
I think it's the only time in my life that I feel right about myself.
Otherwise, I don't have any function at all as a human being....which is unfortunate! I'm not sure if I even exist offstage.

All of those come from

If he really cared about his fans as much as he says he does and loves entertaining as much as he does then I don't understand why he went offstage over that.

He's become so egotistical. He walked off stage because he could, he knew he could afford it. If he was still in the Smiths and it was one of their first gigs he wouldn't because he knows they would receive a bad reputation. That doesn't matter to him anymore obviously. He just doesn't care about his fans as he use to I suppose. And that's what it just comes down to, he disappointed 8,000 people.
What do you feel when you're onstage, singing in front of your audience?

All of those come from

If he really cared about his fans as much as he says he does and loves entertaining as much as he does then I don't understand why he went offstage over that.

He's become so egotistical. He walked off stage because he could, he knew he could afford it. If he was still in the Smiths and it was one of their first gigs he wouldn't because he knows they would receive a bad reputation. That doesn't matter to him anymore obviously. He just doesn't care about his fans as he use to I suppose. And that's what it just comes down to, he disappointed 8,000 people.

You have your opinion, which everyone is entitled to, and now you've had your say

But don't forget one major here, you're on a fan forum, people have heard you, but now it's time to give it up and acknowledge your say has been said
He's become so egotistical. He walked off stage because he could, he knew he could afford it. If he was still in the Smiths and it was one of their first gigs he wouldn't because he knows they would receive a bad reputation. That doesn't matter to him anymore obviously.

The bold part is possibly true, yes.
But think about the quotes you put up:
"I am addressing them with each line, and they react - one way or another - as if we are in conversation."
Now, if you were having a conversation with me, and I threw a cup of beer at you... wouldn't the conversation be over?

or turn into a good old fashioned fist fight? :D
bluebirds=right morrizsey=right
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