It’s not about politics

Police were not targeting people because of their skin color here, they were enforcing the law.
I think she was referring to the BLM protests after the death of St George of Floyd. In her view those demonstrated 'good' class consciousness on the part of the rioters, so they deserve support. Unlike the protesters in Dublin who demonstrated 'bad' class consciousness. Of course there is no evidence that Mr Floyd was 'targeted' or killed because he was black. He was stopped and arrested by a fairly 'diverse' team of police officers because he attempted to use forged currency. Interesting that the US Supreme Court this week refused to go near re-visiting the case. Almost certainly because they know the murder conviction is as dodgy as hell and they don't want to risk setting the USA on fire. The evidence is clear that Mr Floyd died primarily from a drug overdose and cardiac arrest. The original trial allowed Morries Hall (Floyd's passenger) to assert his 5th amendment right not to testify. He was expected to testify that Floyd swallowed all of his drugs. The court also allowed seven state witnesses to testify that the use of force was inappropriate but excluded evidence of MPD training materials that showed officers using their knee on the back to control a suspect. I see that Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison yesterday and is now in hospital. It might be much more convenient for everyone to just let him die.
America should be able to convince its citizens that they're not being targeted by the police for their skin colour if it's not the case.
The media spins it all, how else can they stoke the race wars. The politicians on the left spin it because they want the black vote. Fact is, almost every officer in these high profile cases was cleared after being thoroughly investigated by the Feds, the George Floyd case is the glaring exception, he was a criminal and a junkie who was made a martyr for BLM. This was and is highly political, he was not murdered, he overdosed and had pre existing health issues. And those were the early reports until there was political pressure to change them.
BLM tried to get a foothold in the remaining white enclaves after this happened. Again, political. I live in one of those places and they were going to riot in my neighborhood and some neighboring places until people started open carrying, which sent a message, and our police don't play either, they were all over it.
We have self defense laws in the US that the UK and even the anti gun nuts here do not understand, and they don't want to. If I am in my house and someone breaks in, I can shoot to kill. What are your options? If I am out for a walk at night, and someone tries to attack or rape me, I can be concealed carrying, and again, shoot to kill. What are your options? The police have the same right to self defense.
Now, Floyd is a little different, he was not shot, it could not be called a justifiable self defense like the other cases could, so it was exploited.

Exactly what evidence do you have that it's about skin color? Besides Morrissey saying so?
You didn't answer the question, goinghome. In which of the countries of the Middle East would you prefer to live? Syria? Jordan? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Iraq? Iran?
Especially if you were a woman or a gay man?
Or would you rather live in Israel? I know which one any sane person would choose.
It's an uncomfortable question to answer, I know. But an important one.

Another question might be "Which countries could I live in?" Israel would never let me move there because I'm not Jewish.
I'm a nationalist. I have no desire to impose my values on other nations. If the Iranian people want to live under an Islamic theocracy, that's none of my business.

I was very proud of my fellow Irish people last night for these scenes coming out of Dublin and while I had hoped to see more rioting like this over the next few days, I’m afraid that that’ll be it for now. Primarily what I want to see is fear instilled in the hearts of politicians!

We'll see. J6 felt good in the moment but in hindsight, it was an own goal. It's good to see that at least some of the Irish still have some fight left in them but the full implications of this event may not be made clear for some time.

The media spins it all, how else can they stoke the race wars. The politicians on the left spin it because they want the black vote. Fact is, almost every officer in these high profile cases was cleared after being thoroughly investigated by the Feds, the George Floyd case is the glaring exception, he was a criminal and a junkie who was made a martyr for BLM. This was and is highly political, he was not murdered, he overdosed and had pre existing health issues. And those were the early reports until there was political pressure to change them.
What's interesting is that these high-profile BLM events always seem to flare up on election years and then BLM will fade into the background almost immediately after the election.
Another question might be "Which countries could I live in?" Israel would never let me move there because I'm not Jewish.
I'm a nationalist. I have no desire to impose my values on other nations. If the Iranian people want to live under an Islamic theocracy, that's none of my business.

We'll see. J6 felt good in the moment but in hindsight, it was an own goal. It's good to see that at least some of the Irish still have some fight left in them but the full implications of this event may not be made clear for some time.

What's interesting is that these high-profile BLM events always seem to flare up on election years and then BLM will fade into the background almost immediately after the election.
"This will be my final post."
Like a fly around a bulls backside 🙄
I just think it's grey, not black and white. It's too easy to portray Israel as the 'evil' oppressor and Palestine as the 'good' victim.

I agree it's grey. This is the human race we're dealing with, and no one comes out spotless. But I don't think a good internal record on human rights is sufficient to justify Israel's bad behavior towards the Palestinians, who shouldn't have to be saints to be victims.

About 80% of the original British Mandate of Palestine was given to the territory of what is now Jordan. Should that be given back to a new 'Free Palestine' too? I don't hear anyone calling for that.

No, they certainly aren't. The British divided their whole Middle East territory along lines that didn't consider ethnic and tribal loyalties. Iraq was a disaster case, trying to merge Sunni Kurds, Shi'a Arabs, and Sunni Arabs into a single province, and it's been theorized that only a murderous tyrant like Saddam Hussein was able to manage it. Anyway, the Palestinian cause is obviously a lot less concerned with the precision of British Mandate boundaries than it is with getting Israel off its back (and presumably off the map). They were protesting against the influx of Jews since before the Jewish state was even created. Why doesn't Douglas Murray view their immigration crisis a hundred years ago the same way he sees Britain's now?
I agree it's grey. This is the human race we're dealing with, and no one comes out spotless. But I don't think a good internal record on human rights is sufficient to justify Israel's bad behavior towards the Palestinians, who shouldn't have to be saints to be victims.

No, they certainly aren't. The British divided their whole Middle East territory along lines that didn't consider ethnic and tribal loyalties. Iraq was a disaster case, trying to merge Sunni Kurds, Shi'a Arabs, and Sunni Arabs into a single province, and it's been theorized that only a murderous tyrant like Saddam Hussein was able to manage it. Anyway, the Palestinian cause is obviously a lot less concerned with the precision of British Mandate boundaries than it is with getting Israel off its back (and presumably off the map). They were protesting against the influx of Jews since before the Jewish state was even created. Why doesn't Douglas Murray view their immigration crisis a hundred years ago the same way he sees Britain's now?
Maybe these f***ing tribes should join the 21st century. Ridiculous that they think they can carry on thst way in the modern world. Guess multiculturalism isn't  their strength!
I agree it's grey. This is the human race we're dealing with, and no one comes out spotless. But I don't think a good internal record on human rights is sufficient to justify Israel's bad behavior towards the Palestinians, who shouldn't have to be saints to be victims.

No, they certainly aren't. The British divided their whole Middle East territory along lines that didn't consider ethnic and tribal loyalties. Iraq was a disaster case, trying to merge Sunni Kurds, Shi'a Arabs, and Sunni Arabs into a single province, and it's been theorized that only a murderous tyrant like Saddam Hussein was able to manage it. Anyway, the Palestinian cause is obviously a lot less concerned with the precision of British Mandate boundaries than it is with getting Israel off its back (and presumably off the map). They were protesting against the influx of Jews since before the Jewish state was even created. Why doesn't Douglas Murray view their immigration crisis a hundred years ago the same way he sees Britain's now?

The Guardian has removed an item, hashtagged letter to America, from their website which they had up for the last 21 years, because of how much it fingers the treatment of Palestine as a primary cause of Arab resentment of the West: censored due to too much unwanted current interest in its content -

Veteran Israeli journalist Gideon Levy spoke in 2015 about Israeli persecution of Palestinians as if it was today -

American political scientist Normal Finkelstein confirms it's gotten worse

Biden mentioned hope for peace yesterday though, didn't he? While banning mention of it and similar terms a month ago? Political spectacle playing out?

Banksy Shooting Gaza.jpg
Maybe these f***ing tribes should join the 21st century. Ridiculous that they think they can carry on thst way in the modern world. Guess multiculturalism isn't  their strength!

No, multiculturalism is definitely not their strength. Who is going to bring them into the 21st century? Do you think they'll learn their lesson if more Judaeo-Christian bombs rain down on them? "Blitz them all back to the stone age ... "
No, multiculturalism is definitely not their strength. Who is going to bring them into the 21st century? Do you think they'll learn their lesson if more Judaeo-Christian bombs rain down on them? "Blitz them all back to the stone age ... "
Yes, more judeo-christian bombs are in order. What you have in the middle east is proof of the old adage "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree." wipe the slate clean and start again. It's the only thing to be done.
Yes, more judeo-christian bombs are in order. What you have in the middle east is proof of the old adage "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree." wipe the slate clean and start again. It's the only thing to be done.

Wipe the slate clean—would that be nuking them all? Interesting solution. But then if the winds blow the wrong way, your Noa Tishby and her Israeli Jews would get the fallout.
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