It’s not about politics

I was very proud of my fellow Irish people last night for these scenes coming out of Dublin and while I had hoped to see more rioting like this over the next few days, I’m afraid that that’ll be it for now. Primarily what I want to see is fear instilled in the hearts of politicians!

They need to be made aware that if they’re not going to obey the will of the people of Ireland then there are repercussions for that and they will be removed from their positions with no chance of ever regaining them. No more being allowed to condescend to the Irish people with the Irish people constantly backing down. If they refuse to get the message, which appears to be the case, then I wouldn’t mind seeing these riots become a permanent fixture all across the country. I’d rather live amongst rubble and burnt out cars, if my own people cause it, than to witness the slow death that the government is subjecting the country to through mass immigration for short-term economic gains. The country will be burning in a few decades anyway when the Irish are effectively replaced as the majority in our own country, so I figure why shouldn’t the Irish burn it themselves now; a taste of what’s to come!

It was shameful that the protests were immediately labelled as 'far right'. It was just ordinary working class people making it clear what they think about mass immigration.

It was shameful that the protests were immediately labelled as 'far right'. It was just ordinary working class people making it clear what they think about mass immigration.

maybe they were though (?)

I was very proud of my fellow Irish people last night for these scenes coming out of Dublin and while I had hoped to see more rioting like this over the next few days, I’m afraid that that’ll be it for now. Primarily what I want to see is fear instilled in the hearts of politicians!

They need to be made aware that if they’re not going to obey the will of the people of Ireland then there are repercussions for that and they will be removed from their positions with no chance of ever regaining them. No more being allowed to condescend to the Irish people with the Irish people constantly backing down. If they refuse to get the message, which appears to be the case, then I wouldn’t mind seeing these riots become a permanent fixture all across the country. I’d rather live amongst rubble and burnt out cars, if my own people cause it, than to witness the slow death that the government is subjecting the country to through mass immigration for short-term economic gains. The country will be burning in a few decades anyway when the Irish are effectively replaced as the majority in our own country, so I figure why shouldn’t the Irish burn it themselves now; a taste of what’s to come!

(But for the record, nobody was killed during these protests or anything, so the protests were mostly peaceful :thumb:)

It's not the "Irish people" you daftie - it's online transnational racist/fascists & some agitators from governments that want to destabilise the West & normalise "ethno-states" to cover their crimes against humanity.
The mainstream media did the same when ordinary working class people in Kirkby protested back in February. It's always the same ploy - label them as 'far right'. Kirkby in Merseyside is one of the most Labour areas in England.
ShtugWhy do you think they stopped?

There were a few dozen arrests which is probably the main reason it stopped. The media and politicians came out against the people rioting as you would expect. So did a lot of Irish people on social media — Ireland has a midwit epidemic, unfortunately. Many of the same people condemning the Irish rioters were fully in favour of the BLM riots in 2020. Here’s one example out of many that I came across:


It’s the lack of cognitive dissonance that I find jarring, they just ignore any hypocrisy.

I suspected it would be one night of spontaneous rioting and if it continued into the next day it would be on a much smaller scale than the night before. I knew one night of it would accomplish nothing; to effect any kind of changes at all the pressure would have to be kept on for at least a week which might lead to politicians making concessions in an attempt to get the riots to stop. Allowing it to be shut down after one night puts the leverage back on the side of the politicians, giving them the opportunity to scapegoat these people and use it as an excuse to talk about pushing through hate speech/hate crime legislation to ensure nothing like this happens again. A climate of fear would have to be created for politicians similar to what the BLM riots created — I mean, how long did those protestors/rioters have people kneeling “in solidarity”!? If the Irish are going to riot we can’t be pushovers about it, otherwise the outcome is worse than if we said nothing at all, and gives the politicians confidence that they have the ability to quickly quell dissent.

I think these protests from civilians always happen too far from any politician’s doorstep.

I agree with this and I’ve said the same thing privately although I have to be careful about what I say publicly. In private on occasion I can go medieval in my attitude towards politicians which simply doesn’t fly in a public setting! 🤷‍♂️
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There were a few dozen arrests which is probably the main reason it stopped. The media and politicians came out against the people rioting as you would expect. So did a lot of Irish people on social media — Ireland has a midwit epidemic, unfortunately. Many of the same people condemning the Irish rioters were fully in favour of the BLM riots in 2020. Here’s one example out of many that I came across:

It’s the lack of cognitive dissonance that I find jarring, they just ignore any hypocrisy.

I suspected it would be one night of spontaneous rioting and if it continued into the next day it would be on a much smaller scale than the night before. I knew one night of it would accomplish nothing; to effect any kind of changes at all the pressure would have to be kept on for at least a week which might lead to politicians making concessions in an attempt to get the riots to stop. Allowing it to be shut down after one night puts the leverage back on the side of the politicians, giving them the opportunity to scapegoat these people and use it as an excuse to talk about pushing through hate speech/hate crime legislation to ensure nothing like this happens again. A climate of fear would have to be created for politicians similar to what the BLM riots created — I mean, how long did those protestors/rioters have people kneeling “in solidarity”!? If the Irish are going to riot we can’t be pushovers about it, otherwise the outcome is worse than if we said nothing at all, and gives the politicians confidence that they have the ability to quickly quell dissent.

I agree with this and I’ve said the same thing privately although I have to be careful about what I say publicly. In private on occasion I can go medieval in my attitude towards politicians which simply doesn’t fly in a public setting! 🤭

Rioting against immigrants because a crime has been committed isn't the same thing as rioting against heavy-handed policing.
There were a few dozen arrests which is probably the main reason it stopped. The media and politicians came out against the people rioting as you would expect. So did a lot of Irish people on social media — Ireland has a midwit epidemic, unfortunately. Many of the same people condemning the Irish rioters were fully in favour of the BLM riots in 2020. Here’s one example out of many that I came across:

It’s the lack of cognitive dissonance that I find jarring, they just ignore any hypocrisy.

I suspected it would be one night of spontaneous rioting and if it continued into the next day it would be on a much smaller scale than the night before. I knew one night of it would accomplish nothing; to effect any kind of changes at all the pressure would have to be kept on for at least a week which might lead to politicians making concessions in an attempt to get the riots to stop. Allowing it to be shut down after one night puts the leverage back on the side of the politicians, giving them the opportunity to scapegoat these people and use it as an excuse to talk about pushing through hate speech/hate crime legislation to ensure nothing like this happens again. A climate of fear would have to be created for politicians similar to what the BLM riots created — I mean, how long did those protestors/rioters have people kneeling “in solidarity”!? If the Irish are going to riot we can’t be pushovers about it, otherwise the outcome is worse than if we said nothing at all, and gives the politicians confidence that they have the ability to quickly quell dissent.

I agree with this and I’ve said the same thing privately although I have to be careful about what I say publicly. In private on occasion I can go medieval in my attitude towards politicians which simply doesn’t fly in a public setting! 🤭

Nothing wrong with criticizing protest techniques. Just think it sucks when citizens hurt citizens.
It's not the "Irish people" you daftie - it's online transnational racist/fascists & some agitators from governments that want to destabilise the West & normalise "ethno-states" to cover their crimes against humanity.

The west is already destabilised, ethno-states were the norm until recently. Ireland was an “ethno-state” up until about 20 years ago. If you want me to respond to what you’re saying you’re going to have to make clear points instead of alluding to things in a vague manner while expecting me to know what you’re talking about. “Agitators from governments” etc., I think it’s fair to say no one else knows what you’re talking about either. If you were confident in what you’re saying, you would say it clearly.

Rioting against immigrants because a crime has been committed isn't the same thing as rioting against heavy-handed policing.

They were rioting against the government and its policies. Since we’re comparing: rioting because of children being stabbed is more noble than rioting because a convicted criminal who was on fentanyl died while resisting arrest.
Rioting against immigrants because a crime has been committed isn't the same thing as rioting against heavy-handed policing.
What utter rubbish. What, because the former demonstrates bad class consciousness, and the latter good class consciousness? Both are spontaneous, emotional responses taking place on the streets.
The west is already destabilised, ethno-states were the norm until recently. Ireland was an “ethno-state” up until about 20 years ago. If you want me to respond to what you’re saying you’re going to have to make clear points instead of alluding to things in a vague manner while expecting me to know what you’re talking about. “Agitators from governments” etc., I think it’s fair to say no one else knows what you’re talking about either. If you were confident in what you’re saying, you would say it clearly.

They were rioting against the government and its policies. Since we’re comparing: rioting because of children being stabbed is more noble than rioting because a convicted criminal who was on fentanyl died while resisting arrest.

Have you read an Irish history book?

It's utter bollocks that we were all stable ethno-states until recently. We had non-stop wars including 2 world wars in the 20th Century. Borders have shifted, languages & religions have changed. Rioting about foreigners isn't new & it isn't justice.
What utter rubbish. What, because the former demonstrates bad class consciousness, and the latter good class consciousness? Both are spontaneous, emotional responses taking place on the streets.

One is protesting against people because they're immigrants & one is protesting against the police for targeting people because of their skin colour.

I was very proud of my fellow Irish people last night for these scenes coming out of Dublin and while I had hoped to see more rioting like this over the next few days, I’m afraid that that’ll be it for now. Primarily what I want to see is fear instilled in the hearts of politicians!

They need to be made aware that if they’re not going to obey the will of the people of Ireland then there are repercussions for that and they will be removed from their positions with no chance of ever regaining them. No more being allowed to condescend to the Irish people with the Irish people constantly backing down. If they refuse to get the message, which appears to be the case, then I wouldn’t mind seeing these riots become a permanent fixture all across the country. I’d rather live amongst rubble and burnt out cars, if my own people cause it, than to witness the slow death that the government is subjecting the country to through mass immigration for short-term economic gains. The country will be burning in a few decades anyway when the Irish are effectively replaced as the majority in our own country, so I figure why shouldn’t the Irish burn it themselves now; a taste of what’s to come!

(But for the record, nobody was killed during these protests or anything, so the protests were mostly peaceful :thumb:)

the irish are fighters! they wont submit! im 22% irish so i can speak on these things!!!

love to the irish!!!!!!!!!! :rock: 🇮🇪
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