best music video ever? Lady Gaga and Beyonce - Telephone

So is the inclusion of the Pussy Wagon a nod to Tarentino? Or are they mocking Kill Bill? :confused: Or did he have something to do with this as a nomedeplume?
So is the inclusion of the Pussy Wagon a nod to Tarentino? Or are they mocking Kill Bill? :confused: Or did he have something to do with this as a nomedeplume?

Magic 8-Ball sez Quentin let GaGa borrow the Pussy Wagon after telling him the idea and winning his approval. QT did not direct the video, though I wasn't totally sure for a minute or two.
Magic 8-Ball sez Quentin let GaGa borrow the Pussy Wagon after telling him the idea and winning his approval. QT did not direct the video, though I wasn't totally sure for a minute or two.

Yeah, me neither.
Product placement overkill, but i told you she had no dick.
Ha, is that even possible? Why bother? Could you argue convincingly one way or the other about whether it empowers or degrades women? Seriously? That argument is out the window. This video exists as the purest marketing. Whatever you can say about this video, the opposite is also true. There's no point in dissecting it.

Unless you're a geek and you just want to talk. :rolleyes:

The empowering/degrading debate is a longstanding one in the feminist discourse, and it's often ambiguous. It's everywhere you look if you want to see it, even in a lady gaga video. Yes, there is no cut and clear answer, but so what? That's exactly what makes it a discussion. I'm interested in things like female representation in pop and the effect of pop culture on our everyday life, and it was very natural for me to think about that after watching the video. Instead of not talking about it :)rolleyes: back at you!), I choose to discuses it with other people who care about these things just as I do but come from a different point of view. It's more fun and I learn a thing or two, even if we don't find an absolute answer.
To answer your first question- yes, it's possible.
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Product placement overkill, but i told you she had no dick.

Yeah, this kinda sucks the oomph out of her message. She's an empowered, jailed woman who can cook poison with her dike-otymous sistah and kill a man, yet in reality THE MAN funded her video and made her bend over and take it like a bitch with all the obvious product placement. :confused:

This is why the real truth is not disseminated via mass media. Hate to get all Marshall McLuhan on you, but it's true. :straightface:
So I read up a tad on Lady Gaga so as not to jump to conclusions that her work isn't exactly authentic. (This video seems forced to me for some reason.) Her inspirations are artists like Bowie and Queen, so her "queeniness" is stemmed from a train of thought already derived. It's hard to explain, but it's a little like a Van Gogh Coloring Book company getting paid zillions and tons of spotlight when Van Gogh did it first. Take this video for example, she didn't exactly cook up a new concept in order to communicate her message, she borrowed from Tarentino's Bride. Anyway, not to say that her pain isn't real and she is an artist whose had a painful imprisoned past with an authentic message to get out there (going to private school can be rough) I couldn't help but notice, and correct me if I'm wrong, our Kristeen did this first: :straightface:

Hey, I thought it was brave of her to bare her vagina. :blushing:

Is that all one has to do for you to think them brave?

And Kristeen incorporated the X on her chest with the bubbles which made an appearance in the video in the jail cell. I'd be f***ing pissed if I were Kristeen.

You know what? It's because Gaga is blonde. Everyone automatically thinks blonde is prettier than brunette, or any other color. And her music is, frankly, more danceable. I still wanna cut her head off when I hear that horrible, "Yah yah, ya ya ya." I had a temp job a few months ago working for a scam artist, and the other employees had the local secretaries' station playing, and that song was on once a f***ing hour. "Yah, yah, yayaya..."
You know what? It's because Gaga is blonde. Everyone automatically thinks blonde is prettier than brunette, or any other color. And her music is, frankly, more danceable. I still wanna cut her head off when I hear that horrible, "Yah yah, ya ya ya." I had a temp job a few months ago working for a scam artist, and the other employees had the local secretaries' station playing, and that song was on once a f***ing hour. "Yah, yah, yayaya..."

Kristeen's music isn't exactly "accessible" and frankly she kinda scares the shit out of me, but her presentation is more genuine I think than Lady Gaga's. TMZ caught her in an airport or something wearing boots with human hair on them, the boots were leather and had a clovenhoof. Really? Trying a little hard there goatgirl, get over yourself. :rolleyes: I've read Kristeen makes her own clothing, pours herself into her creations. I bet there's a line a mile long of goofball designers vying to get Gaga to wear their stuff, provided her publicist views that that's the look she should portray that day. Phoney baloney. I could be wrong. As far as her music, yawnfest to my ears. I'll keep listening but so far, whatev. I thought it was funny in Some Like It Hot which I referenced in the Linder thread, there's a scene where Jack Lemmon is packing his suitcase to get out of town because the gangsters are in tow looking for them and he makes a sound like a machine gun, similar to the technoflair put on Telephone. Then the other guy picks up a telephone and calls Sugar to break her heart. The whole scene just kinda synched up with my hesitation of this video. Sadly I own a virgin phone. :rolleyes:
Kristeen's music isn't exactly "accessible" and frankly she kinda scares the shit out of me, but her presentation is more genuine I think than Lady Gaga's. TMZ caught her in an airport or something wearing boots with human hair on them, the boots were leather and had a clovenhoof. Really? Trying a little hard there goatgirl, get over yourself. :rolleyes: I've read Kristeen makes her own clothing, pours herself into her creations. I bet there's a line a mile long of goofball designers vying to get Gaga to wear their stuff, provided her publicist views that that's the look she should portray that day. Phoney baloney. I could be wrong. As far as her music, yawnfest to my ears. I'll keep listening but so far, whatev. I thought it was funny in Some Like It Hot which I referenced in the Linder thread, there's a scene where Jack Lemmon is packing his suitcase to get out of town because the gangsters are in tow looking for them and he makes a sound like a machine gun, similar to the technoflair put on Telephone. Then the other guy picks up a telephone and calls Sugar to break her heart. The whole scene just kinda synched up with my hesitation of this video. Sadly I own a virgin phone. :rolleyes:

In reverse order: Virgin has phone service in the US? Or Jack Lemmon has never rung you?

I actually get the impression that Gaga designs her own costumes. I doubt she makes them herself--anymore.

I saw a fashion/art exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art (in Chicago! Where we actually have culture, believe it or not!) a number of years ago, with pants to fit satyrs and dresses for sirens, and cloven-hoofed boots and platform heels. And now I've seen people actually wearing them. (Not in Chicago, we are still too practical for that.)

I still respect Kristeen more. If she hasn't caught on, it's because she's not co-opting pop trends as well. But I believe she is purer. I saw her play at a tiny club in Indianapolis, a couple of days after Christmas, literally on her way home from StL to Brooklyn, and she was deadly serious, in jeans and loafers and a t-shirt. She's actually more affecting at eye level, in street clothes.
In reverse order: Virgin has phone service in the US? Or Jack Lemmon has never rung you?

I actually get the impression that Gaga designs her own costumes. I doubt she makes them herself--anymore.

I saw a fashion/art exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art (in Chicago! Where we actually have culture, believe it or not!) a number of years ago, with pants to fit satyrs and dresses for sirens, and cloven-hoofed boots and platform heels. And now I've seen people actually wearing them. (Not in Chicago, we are still too practical for that.)

I still respect Kristeen more. If she hasn't caught on, it's because she's not co-opting pop trends as well. But I believe she is purer. I saw her play at a tiny club in Indianapolis, a couple of days after Christmas, literally on her way home from StL to Brooklyn, and she was deadly serious, in jeans and loafers and a t-shirt. She's actually more affecting at eye level, in street clothes.

I respect Kristeen more as well. To clarify it was gaga in the clovenhoof hair boots.
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