2010 Winter Olympics - Vancouver

I listed a rider soon after saying that, remember? :straightface:
I watch skating and hockey, I like things where people skate, you got a problem with that? :o

Sorry, I didn't remember the rider.
Be easy on me, I'm old.

I don't have a problem with skating...I skated competitively for about ten years. :crazy:
DEVO is going to be on, 7:20PM Pacific.

I am completely boycotting the Olympics. By the way, my reason behind it is the seal slaughter that Canada's government allows, defends, and encourages.

My problem isn't because of the seal slaughter especially. More because of everything the Olympics stands for, and the fact these ones are on stolen idigenous land.

Personally, I found the hyper-nationalism from the Canadians rather disgusting in their Vancouver games. They went into the games going on about "owning the podium", and spent assloads of money in their quest to do so. So obsessed were the Canadians about "owning the podium" that they barred non-Canadian lugers, bobsledders, and skeleton sledders from getting practice in on the sliding track before the Games. This, combined with the poor design of the track, led to the death of a luger from Georgia. It did not, however, stop Team USA from winning the gold in the bobsleigh, a sport Americans care nothing about.

So, yeah, the Canadians got a bit out of hand with their nationalism.

Just for the record, though, Team USA won the overall medal counts in both the Summer Games at Beijing and the Winter Games at Vancouver. China won more golds in Beijing with the home country edge, and Canada won more golds in Vancouver with their home country edge. But Team USA was supreme across both the Summer and Winter Games while, unlike China and Canada, not having made it a serious national priority.

The combined totals for Team USA between the Summer and Winter Games were:

45 Golds
53 Silvers
49 Bronzes

No one was better. God bless America. Obama tried hard to tell us we should become a second-rate country, but the American people are just too good.

I will concede, though, that Canada owns the USA in curling.
Theo, you do realize that showboating the American medal count is not a whole lot different than Canada's hyper-nationalism you were bitching about, right?
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