Jimmy Kimmel extends olive branch to Morrissey

Jimmy Kimmel Extends Olive Branch to Morrissey - Billboard


"On Wednesday's show, he again addressed the tiff in his opening monologue.

"This has nothing to do with people who eat meat versus people who don't," he said. "I’m completely respectful of people who do not eat meat, but the statement he made is ridiculous. I'd like to invite him to join the show to discuss. I'm an open, even-handed person, and I consider all points of view."

Kimmel repeated that last line several times, then quipped: "If I keep saying it, maybe it will be true. I've invited him to talk this out, and perhaps we will both be better men for it, but probably not."

An anonymous person also writes:

Russell Brand trying to get Morrissey as a guest on his TV show

Tweet by @rustyrockets at 11:40 AM - Feb 27, 2013

“@mozazteca25: @rustyrockets Should have tried getting him on your show since he cancelled on Kimmel.” We are trying to get Moz. It's hard!
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I wish Morrissey would of let Conan interview him, at least Conan and Morrissey are Irish, would of worked good.

Oirish? English and American, surely?

Morrissey and television interviews rarely go well. If I was Morrissey's management I'd steer him well clear.
I wish Morrissey would of let Conan interview him, at least Conan and Morrissey are Irish, would of worked good.

According to Wikipedia, O'Brien's family migrated before the American Civil War. Surely by now he is American? Isn't there some sort of statute of limitations?
It's really sad that Morrissey has become a parody of himself. Been a fan for 30 years -- but I'm done. I'm selling my entire (HUGE) collection of Moz vinyl. Including "Education in Reverse." It's just too sad to watch (and listen) to him any longer.

"Including "Education in Reverse""? Shit, you must be REALLY pissed off!
It's really sad that Morrissey has become a parody of himself. Been a fan for 30 years -- but I'm done. I'm selling my entire (HUGE) collection of Moz vinyl. Including "Education in Reverse." It's just too sad to watch (and listen) to him any longer.

Take a few deep breaths before you dump your stuff to eBay. I'm in the same boat as you...been here for 28+ years. I love Moz, eccentricities and all, and I take a LOT of flak from friends and family for it. Sometimes you gotta step off the boat and hang on the dock awhile. This, too, shall pass and the music will still be waiting. Weather the storm. It's OK. It's gonna be OK. :)
Yeah I agree, how much of the show will be dedicated to serious mature debate about said topics? It's obviously all done to create hype and to ulimately entertain. Kimmel couldn't give a gnats testicle about extending an olive branch to Moz.

I must admit Morrissey's casual comments were below-par and a bit catty for a man of his intellecual calibre, but If I was Morrissey I wouldn't even bother responding to any of this bilge.

How do you know it's insincere? Kimmel has been supporting Morrissey in the States since the Greatest Hits tour. It's Morrissey who started the drama, not Kimmel. Just because Kimmel hosts a talk show and is a comedian does not mean everything he does is a ploy for laughs.

In 2004 Jonathan Ross did a long interview with Morrissey on his talk show, and this subject dominated a decent portion of it. There were giggles and jokes, but it was a legitimate discussion and both sides voiced their contrasting views. Why could that not be done in America?

The bottom line is that a talk show host who caters to a young, hip audience and who has invited Morrissey to his show several times was blown off because he had other guests on that Morrissey didn't like. Naturally he gave Morrissey a light ribbing for acting like an oversensitive little girl, but he was nowhere near as caustic as he could have been. Then, when the dust settled, he said he respects Morrissey's view but disagrees, and gave Morrissey an opportunity to come on the show and have a legitimate discussion about a subject he clearly feels strongly about.

Seems on the level to me. I think what's unfair is saying that somehow in all of this, Morrissey is the victim. Morrissey started the drama. Now he has an opportunity to take his reasoning for doing so beyond a level of headline-making shenanigans and actually talk it out.

Morrissey says "not all males are men." OK. Let's see him put his money where his mouth is and talk this out like a man, instead of throwing tantrums and burying his head in the sand and storming away like a woman.
In 2004 Jonathan Ross did a long interview with Morrissey on his talk show, and this subject dominated a decent portion of it. There were giggles and jokes, but it was a legitimate discussion and both sides voiced their contrasting views.

That was one of the most toe-curlyingly awful interviews in the history of humankind. I was embarrassed being a Morrissey fan that night. In fact, I might watch it later so I turn the central heating off for a few hours.
I never heard of duck dynasty til this happened. They may have gotten some more ratings but they will soon die out like every other mind numbing reality show. Morrissey has been around a long time and will continue to be loved, adored, admired, worshipped as the god he is.
Jimmy Kimmel is simply pathetic and not very mature, attacking back like a child with a tantrum after not having what he wanted. You can tell wich kind of person he is after attacking Morrissey back with his stupid comments. A not very inteligent person indeed! He doesn't really care about having Morrissey in his programme by the sound of it. He is using this to make more publicity of his very low rate show. Mr Kimmel should be taken to the contryside and be hunted, then cooked and given to the Duck Dynasty for lunch.
It's really sad that Morrissey has become a parody of himself. Been a fan for 30 years -- but I'm done. I'm selling my entire (HUGE) collection of Moz vinyl. Including "Education in Reverse." It's just too sad to watch (and listen) to him any longer.

Hey I will buy it all from you. I still love and support Morrissey in spite of his insane behavior and comments. I've ejoyed his music and weirdness since 1985.
It's really sad that Morrissey has become a parody of himself. Been a fan for 30 years -- but I'm done. I'm selling my entire (HUGE) collection of Moz vinyl. Including "Education in Reverse." It's just too sad to watch (and listen) to him any longer.

yeah, doubtless you'll still drag yourself here though, to enthrall us all with your sixth form rhetoric.
if youre so disillusioned donate the "huge" collection to charity.
That was one of the most toe-curlyingly awful interviews in the history of humankind. I was embarrassed being a Morrissey fan that night. In fact, I might watch it later so I turn the central heating off for a few hours.

I will buy them from you!
That was one of the most toe-curlyingly awful interviews in the history of humankind. I was embarrassed being a Morrissey fan that night. In fact, I might watch it later so I turn the central heating off for a few hours.

It can't have been that bad as Jonathan and Morrissey became friends after that show.
I think most of it was tongue in cheek and general Morrissey being Morrissey. I doubt we would have him any other way.
Morrissey is awesome and should do whatever the hell he wants. In the end he will always win. Truth.
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:D Okay, okay...
Moz...don't believe it! It's not an olive branch, dear, it's an electric cow prod....don't take the bait!

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