Jimmy Kimmel extends olive branch to Morrissey

Jimmy Kimmel Extends Olive Branch to Morrissey - Billboard


"On Wednesday's show, he again addressed the tiff in his opening monologue.

"This has nothing to do with people who eat meat versus people who don't," he said. "I’m completely respectful of people who do not eat meat, but the statement he made is ridiculous. I'd like to invite him to join the show to discuss. I'm an open, even-handed person, and I consider all points of view."

Kimmel repeated that last line several times, then quipped: "If I keep saying it, maybe it will be true. I've invited him to talk this out, and perhaps we will both be better men for it, but probably not."

An anonymous person also writes:

Russell Brand trying to get Morrissey as a guest on his TV show

Tweet by @rustyrockets at 11:40 AM - Feb 27, 2013

“@mozazteca25: @rustyrockets Should have tried getting him on your show since he cancelled on Kimmel.” We are trying to get Moz. It's hard!
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while I do believe that Kimmel is being sincere :straightface:
I would prefer to see Morrissey do something with(anything really)
with Kimmel's ex:

then go back on his terrible talk show :rolleyes:
Thanks for posting...very interesting.

Well I had never heard of this show until now, a judging from all the Yahoo! responses to the articles over the last few days, many people had never heard of Morrissey until now. Unfortunately M didn't come out smelling like a rose.....hopefully some people will be curious and he'll gain some extra exposure, although it will be nowhere near what DD gained:sick:

Jimmy Kimmel has always shown disgust for animals on his show so I think he really likes Duck Hunters and their wanton slaughter of wildlife glorified.
Well I'm not fussed about what he really said to be honest, I won't lose sleep over it, I just know Moz is miles more capable of delivering witty, relevant verbal attacks than this. He's been an obtuse bugger for 30 odd years though and you have to take the rough with the smooth when it comes to Morrissey, I just let his comments wash over me now, it's like watching a friend make an arse out of himself in public, when you just want to quietly take him aside and tell him to get a grip.

Well said,Mozza220559. This is what I try to tell people. His eccentric comments are all part of his weird ass charm. :)
Why is it manly? It isn't, inherently. Just like there's nothing inherently manly about changing a tire or installing a hot water heater. But men do it, and women don't. By and large.

At any rate, let's see Morrissey speak up and face his problems. He's thrown his little bitch fit and made his headlines; now let's see if the old priss can get his hands dirty in an actual debate. After all he's no much smarter than dumb old pedestrian American Kimmel, right? So it should be no problem.

And no, women aren't children. Children have an excuse for being timid and living in fantasy worlds in their heads.

Oh I am, ask anyone.

You seem inordinately offended for someone named Chip. Are you a woman, or just a huge

Well, now see, a phobia is a fear. I'm not afraid of them, I just find them obnoxious, on the whole. Get it...hole?

Anyway, sorry to burst your bubble, but not everyone with a dislike for gays is secretly afraid of them, or wishes them ill. I just don't like men that act like women. It's gross and fake.

A man who hasn't yet been emasculated by the political correctness police and neutered by feminazi goon squads... how refreshing. Your posts are pure win, bro. Similar too to how those who criticize Islam are labeled "Islamiphobic". Such a pathetic way to dismiss argument because they know they have nothing to stand on.
You really must be joking. Someone stated that Morrissesy is not acting like "a man" by confronting his problems and instead acting like a woman by "throwing a tantrum and hiding from them" and you don't see where the sexism is in that statement? Or are you just being obtuse because you think it makes you look clever?

To me, that sounds like sexism against men.

"Morrissey is not acting like a man", that is oppression against men, it is defining how men are allowed to behave in society. Why should men behave within rules of constraints which women don't? That isn't fair or right

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