Morrissey Central "#YourLivesMatter" (July 1, 2020)

That's strange. Because your comment earlier seemed to suggest that you were blithely unaware of it? The population of Europe lived in fear of Barbary pirates for several hundred years. Not talked about these days of course. Doesn't fit with the narrative.
That's strange. Because your comment earlier seemed to suggest that you were blithely unaware of it? The population of Europe lived in fear of Barbary pirates for several hundred years. Not talked about these days of course. Doesn't fit with the narrative.
*shrugs* Proves nothing. You are just indulging in whataboutery. What's your point? That some dark-skinned people behaved monstrously towards white people therefore it's OK for white people to treat black people as second-class citizens on another continent? If Barbary piracy had led to a situation where we white people in Europe were currently living as second-class citizens in some kind of Ottoman caliphate you might have a point. But we aren't so I think it's irrelevant.
*shrugs* Proves nothing. You are just indulging in whataboutery. What's your point? That some dark-skinned people behaved monstrously towards white people therefore it's OK for white people to treat black people as second-class citizens on another continent? If Barbary piracy had led to a situation where we white people in Europe were currently living as second-class citizens in some kind of Ottoman caliphate you might have a point. But we aren't so I think it's irrelevant.

Keep digging mate. We can still see ya.
*shrugs* Proves nothing. You are just indulging in whataboutery. What's your point? That some dark-skinned people behaved monstrously towards white people therefore it's OK for white people to treat black people as second-class citizens on another continent? If Barbary piracy had led to a situation where we white people in Europe were currently living as second-class citizens in some kind of Ottoman caliphate you might have a point. But we aren't so I think it's irrelevant.
Hey Noir, why do you worship black people?

Do you think they need your white worship?
Hey Noir, why do you worship black people?

Do you think they need your white worship?
And your comment is as irrelevant as Gash's was lame. Normally I'd suggest you try harder but I know that predictable mediocrity is your stock-in-trade so I won't bother.
In reel's pathetic little world devoid of love, friendship and human touch, compassion = "worship."
Stop verbally "kneeling" to one particular race. Be proud of your own race and stop embarrassing yourself. Here's what Malcolm X had to say about whites who grovel to blacks.

m x.png
Yes, that is definitely the Malcolm X quote that right wing idiots like you love to incessantly post. No one here is kneeling for anyone, no one is worshipping anyone. There's not a single "woke" person on this entire forum. The fact that you histrionically conflate any sort of empathy or understanding with overblown, performative activism yet again shows just how out of wack your perceptive ability is.
And your comment is as irrelevant as Gash's was lame. Normally I'd suggest you try harder but I know that predictable mediocrity is your stock-in-trade so I won't bother.

You asked for evidence of when white people as a whole have been victimised / terrorised by black people. I gave it to you. Your response was to 'shrug'. I know the truth is uncomfortable. The only continent where black people are second / third / fourth class citizens - is Africa. That is why so many of them want to leave.
You asked for evidence of when white people as a whole have been victimised / terrorised by black people. I gave it to you. Your response was to 'shrug'. I know the truth is uncomfortable. The only continent where black people are second / third / fourth class citizens - is Africa. That is why so many of them want to leave.
I didn't ask for something that happened two hundred plus years ago. I asked about what was happening now. I asked for evidence that white people in the west are suffering purely because of their skin colour. The clue is in the word 'are,' which indicates something happening now, not centuries ago.
And as a matter of historical fact, Barbary pirates also seized non-white people so your argument fails on that point as well.
I really don't see the point in these type of threads & posts. There are ppl on one side of the fence, and ppl on the other. There's no common ground, and no agreement will ever be reached.

It's not even a debate, it's just blatant bickering and point scoring, which actually counts for nothing.

Views for vs views against; evidence for vs evidence against. I just don't see the point of the continual arguing and general nastiness. Same as on the other race-related epic of a thread. All pointless, and very tedious, and much all of it has been said in the many other 'race-issues' related threads.

Use your energy on something more useful. Go mow the lawn, do the ironing, or just get out the house into the real world rather than sitting here festering and working out your next smart, but useless, comment. Place is full of f***ing ass-wipes with nothing else to do with their sad existences.

I'm off to work, so y'all have a great day festering in your stinking lounge wear.
I really don't see the point in these type of threads & posts. There are ppl on one side of the fence, and ppl on the other. There's no common ground, and no agreement will ever be reached.

It's not even a debate, it's just blatant bickering and point scoring, which actually counts for nothing.

Views for vs views against; evidence for vs evidence against. I just don't see the point of the continual arguing and general nastiness. Same as on the other race-related epic of a thread. All pointless, and very tedious, and much all of it has been said in the many other 'race-issues' related threads.

Use your energy on something more useful. Go mow the lawn, do the ironing, or just get out the house into the real world rather than sitting here festering and working out your next smart, but useless, comment. Place is full of f***ing ass-wipes with nothing else to do with their sad existences.

I'm off to work, so y'all have a great day festering in your stinking lounge wear.

we're Morrissey fans. what makes you think we have a life?
plus it's quite fun wiping the floor with Radis's ass.
You asked for evidence of when white people as a whole have been victimised / terrorised by black people. I gave it to you. Your response was to 'shrug'. I know the truth is uncomfortable. The only continent where black people are second / third / fourth class citizens - is Africa. That is why so many of them want to leave.
Radis (Nerak, Verso and their ilk) are completely convinced that they alone are the arbiters of truth of the world and all of its problems, first and foremost, then remember to find solace in their pet project, Solo. :crazy: :grinning:
we're Morrissey fans. what makes you think we have a life?
plus it's quite fun wiping the floor with Radis's ass.
If only you ever had. Your modus operandi up to now seems to be to wriggle around, post irrelevant bullshit, then disappear as soon as things get too difficult for you.
Please link to the posts where you wiped the floor with my ass.
Radis (Nerak, Verso and their ilk) are completely convinced that they alone are the arbiters of truth of the world and all of its problems, first and foremost, then remember to find solace in their pet project, Solo. :crazy: :grinning:
We offer our opinions to counter the right-wing racist bullshit that infests this site. If you feel you can do better, get yourself a login and join in.
We offer our opinions to counter the right-wing racist bullshit that infests this site. If you feel you can do better, get yourself a login and join in.
And you're really doing well, you've certainly cleaned up this site in just a few hundred pages of incessant back and forth.

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