Would you go to a Morrissey concert in Iran?

you're comparing their government to ours??? :confused:
It's a matter of degrees. We enjoy more freedom in public discourse and lifestyle options than Iran, too. But the economic and foreign policies of our government frequently conflict with the general will and setiment of the american people. For example increased tax benefits and subsidies for major corporations, selling arms to dictatorships, etc. Since it's been mentioned in this thread, let's talk about Iran. In the 1950's Iran was a secular, pro-western constitutional democracy, headed by Prime Minister Mossadegh. Shortly after Mossadegh nationalized the iranian oil industry. (Silly third world countries, trying to actually profit from the sale of they're resources. After a short PR campaign and disastrous blockade by the english. The CIA financed and organized a coup in which the monarchy was restored. After thousands protested the iranian government created SAVAK (Think SS) a secret police force that tortured, killed, or "disappeared" thousands. Inadvertantly leading to the regime of ayatollah khomeini because the secular, democratic resistance had all been executed. Or take indonesia, my pet cause, same story almost, CIA-organized coup, dictatorship, which were supplied with guns, helicopters, napalm, etc, to wage war against east timor (An international war crime.) not to mention they're own people. (Est. 2 million dead.) I see henry kissinger and osama bin laden as equally deplorable and contrary to the principles of democracy. So I can't see Morrissey's playing in Iran any more morally questionable than his playing here, unless his gig involves DIRECT participation is some atrocity moz would have no part of. And to the inevitable, retarded responses I will have to endure "Love it or leave it", etc. I love this country and proud to be an american, it's our politicians (and not all of them at that) that I'm ashamed of.
Thank you for a post that uses facts and isn't overly ranting. It seems we created this mess. We're always friendly with torturing governments until they quit playing by the economic rules and then they are terrible people who must be stopped, and our "leaders" will pretend they're doing it to save the people of the country from the person they helped put into power.
Thank you for a post that uses facts and isn't overly ranting. It seems we created this mess. We're always friendly with torturing governments until they quit playing by the economic rules and then they are terrible people who must be stopped, and our "leaders" will pretend they're doing it to save the people of the country from the person they helped put into power.

Totally :cool:


Nogodsnomasters85, that was a great post....eventhough you're on the Liberal side and I'm not so much , you are telling the truth.
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As a gay boy, no.

I'd never visit a country that condems people like myself, because we love someone we can't help to love.

Sorry Morrissey, I'll follow you to the end of the world, but not Iran.
Homosexuals were lobotimized in this country into the 1950's if my memory serves me right. Again, I totally agree, the deliberate torture or killing of innocents merely for the way they are born is an atrocity wherever, whenever it happens. But again, our government is waging an occupation (War is two-sided and fought between armies.) that is a war crime according to the nuremberg code. Habeas corpus has been rescinded, god knows how many people are being held and tortured by this government WITHOUT EVER BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME. President shit for brains is cuddling up with putin who is looking increasingly like stalin-lite, outlawing political parties and trying to rewrite russian law so as to extend his term indefinitely, france, britain, all our governments have something horrid to answer for. I think we're having a pointless debate about which evil is the worst.are sweatshops worse than torture? Is discrimination against sexual preference worse than oppression of political ideas? This sort of calculus is fundamentally logically flawed. I say again, this is a false dichotomy.
Homosexuals were lobotimized in this country into the 1950's if my memory serves me right. Again, I totally agree, the deliberate torture or killing of innocents merely for the way they are born is an atrocity wherever, whenever it happens. But again, our government is waging an occupation (War is two-sided and fought between armies.) that is a war crime according to the nuremberg code. Habeas corpus has been rescinded, god knows how many people are being held and tortured by this government WITHOUT EVER BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME. President shit for brains is cuddling up with putin who is looking increasingly like stalin-lite, outlawing political parties and trying to rewrite russian law so as to extend his term indefinitely, france, britain, all our governments have something horrid to answer for. I think we're having a pointless debate about which evil is the worst.are sweatshops worse than torture? Is discrimination against sexual preference worse than oppression of political ideas? This sort of calculus is fundamentally logically flawed. I say again, this is a false dichotomy.

I think you're right ( I mean left) on some of the things you say but comparing IRAN brutality to Bush or even Putin is a bit much.

I'd rather live here In America than in IRAN fascism anyday.
Any country or culture that forces their Women to wear this....


Seriously...even in this country, women wear this crap in 100 degree weather while their husbands wear shorts and t-shirts...and are obviously looking at other women the whole time...

guess it's okay for the men to have dirty minds...but Allah forbid someone see the arms and legs of their wives...
Any country or culture that forces their Women to wear this....


Seriously...even in this country, women wear this crap in 100 degree weather while their husbands wear shorts and t-shirts...and are obviously looking at other women the whole time...

guess it's okay for the men to have dirty minds...but Allah forbid someone see the arms and legs of their wives...

This has already been explained. When you sacrifice the secular democratic opposition in the name of real-politik what you end up with is religious nutjobs. Nogods already explained that all democratic, secular opposition was destroyed (killed) in Iran which left the only force strong enough to take on the Shah, the 'Mullahs'. Just like when Israel supported Hamas to destroy Fatah, just look at the British empire we did this for hundreds of years....this is what happens.

When democracy is undermined by enemies-enemy theory, what you get is a recipe for theocracy and murder.
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This has already been explained. When you sacrifice the secular democratic opposition in the name of real-politik what you end up with is religious nutjobs. Nogods already explained that all democratic, secular opposition was destroyed (killed) in Iran which left the only force strong enough to take on the Shah, the 'Mullahs'. Just like when Israel supported Hamas to destroy Fatah, just look at the British empire we did this for hundreds of years....this is what happens.

As I stated earlier many Muslim Women in america are subjected to the same crappy treatment by their t-shirt and shorts wearing husbands...Allah Forbid they object and speak up to their husbands
As I stated earlier many Muslim Women in america are subjected to the same crappy treatment by their t-shirt and shorts wearing husbands...Allah Forbid they object and speak up to their husbands

Yes and the same existed in Christianity for 1900 years, what is your point. It has only be through the rise of liberalism (bad word i know, but one seemingly few seem to actually understand) that it doesn't continue today. Maybe if successive British/French then American governments hadn't decided that democracy was an expendable principle abroad we wouldn't have these problems.
Yes and the same existed in Christianity for 1900 years, what is your point. It has only be through the rise of liberalism (bad word i know, but one seemingly few seem to actually understand) that it doesn't continue today. Maybe if successive British/French then American governments hadn't decided that democracy was an expendable principle abroad we wouldn't have these problems.

Downy, LIBERALISM in the past was a good thing.....it brought us civil rights, women's rights....etc

But Unfortunetly, Liberalism lost it's way and now it's all about Political Correctness and censorship, not different from Conservatism. :cool:
I have already been to Iran. It's a lovely country and the people are great.
So yeah, I'd love to go.
Downy, LIBERALISM in the past was a good thing.....it brought us civil rights, women's rights....etc

But Unfortunetly, Liberalism lost it's way and now it's all about Political Correctness and censorship, not different from Conservatism. :cool:

Yes D, whatever you say :p
Yes and the same existed in Christianity for 1900 years, what is your point. It has only be through the rise of liberalism (bad word i know, but one seemingly few seem to actually understand) that it doesn't continue today. Maybe if successive British/French then American governments hadn't decided that democracy was an expendable principle abroad we wouldn't have these problems.

My POINT is that people in Europe and America woke up and stopped living in THE DARK AGES

Take off the f***ing veils...Speak up for yourselves...and for God sakes...LIVE
Yeah and how did that come about?

By people standing up for themselves and saying enough is enough...

I live in America...and it sickens me to see Women dresssing like that in 100 degree heat because of some stupid ordiances that aren't even directly from the Qu'ran...Their husbands should be required to wear parkas so they can feel what it's like to endure that hell on earth...
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