will y.o.r. serve to strengthen vauxhalls reputation as morrisseys best ever work?

Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums


Give Maladjusted a listen. It gets slammed by most fans on this board it seems, but it has great songs.

Trouble Loves Me
Alma Matters
He Cried
Satan Rejected My Soul
Wide To Receive

It also produced some of the best b-sides of Moz's career

I agree, especially on the b-side front. But it didn't work as an album for me, as Ringleaders didn't either. Trouble Loves Me is still one of my Mozz goosebump songs though. I've always adored the acoustic intro to Papa Jack as well, but then it just descends into nothingness.
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums


Give Maladjusted a listen. It gets slammed by most fans on this board it seems, but it has great songs.

Trouble Loves Me
Alma Matters
He Cried
Satan Rejected My Soul
Wide To Receive

It also produced some of the best b-sides of Moz's career

I will do
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums

I think its ok, bona drag is my favourite, and viva hate.:lbf:

Emma don't you already have a "I think YOR is kinda lame" thread going atm?

Spreading it a little thin no?
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums

No. 1

There, I've said it loud and clear, so that you will hear...
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums

its up there with some of the mentioned earlier works. i do like it much better than the recent albums.
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums

I really like it. I'd rate it under You Are the Quarry and above Southpaw Grammar and Maladjusted, which I love both pretty much equally. I very much agree with Erik with what he said about Maladjusted. Before I started visiting this forum, I was under the impression that it was a well praised album. I think that it still is, but some of the fans around here and just unnecessarily harsh on it. :(
Re: How high would you people, rate yor, compared to previous almums

It's in my top 3. The other 00s Morrissey albums - YOTQ and ROTT - would be in my bottom 3.

I think Years Of Refusal is his best singing overall. Also, and none of the reviews really said this, it's his funniest album in years. There's a black humour to the likes of Skull, Grow Up, One Day, I'm OK, even Carol which has me in stitches. People forget how funny Morrissey used to be and for me, Refusal is the return of the darkly comic Morrissey who we've not heard in a long while.

Really? That's an interesting point. I would probably have put You Are The Quarry as one of his funniest albums. :blushing::p
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