The tale of Sweety Barret


Flash Gordon

Irish Moz fans, would help me to find info on this movie? It's a quite good one, and I know almost nothing about your irish cinema wich seems to be interesting. Thank you.
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

shut up you imbecile. Why don't you fuc.king kill yourself or better yet, go your mom you fatty fat fat!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

Why this one is saying this to me? I just made a question.

> shut up you imbecile. Why don't you fuc.king kill yourself or
> better yet, go your mom you fatty fat fat!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

because you are a flatulant mess and need to have a baboon stuff a fu.cking bannana in your mouth and a kick to the ghoulies you pisshead!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

What's your problem? I just asked about a great movie, but if you can't give good info about, just don't say anything. They told me Morrissey-solo was a place for people who like music, art, so that's why I asked. Please, don't bother me more.

> because you are a flatulant mess and need to have a baboon stuff
> a fu.cking bannana in your mouth and a kick to the ghoulies you
> pisshead!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

Sam Jones is an idiot and if you think Max Von Sydow was good as Ming then you are a lamebrained monley. Flash Gordon wasn't 'veen good kitsch. If you want a good campy film, watch Batman Forever you nuggetface!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

I wasn't talking about Flash Gordon, but The tale of Sweety Barret, and you simply missed the point. it's an irish movie, and there is nothing to do with your last post. You conclusively didn't see the movie I mentioned.

> Sam Jones is an idiot and if you think Max Von Sydow was good as
> Ming then you are a lamebrained monley. Flash Gordon wasn't
> 'veen good kitsch. If you want a good campy film, watch Batman
> Forever you nuggetface!
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

You moromic moroony moron! Sweety Barret wasn't even IN FLASH GORDON! Besides jerkfu.cker, Sweety Barret is some Irish crap film you idiot-Q! Read carefully before you respond you fingfangfoom!!!

"You are a big idiot sandwich!"
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

Sweety Barret was a large man with a child-like innocence and mental and it was played by Brendam Gleeson. This great movie is well acted all the way around. Liam Cunningham wouldn't play on an irish crap, would he? I'm starting to think that you are a kind of mental. At least you should accept you know nothing about cinema.

> You moromic moroony moron! Sweety Barret wasn't even IN FLASH
> GORDON! Besides jerkfu.cker, Sweety Barret is some Irish crap
> film you idiot-Q! Read carefully before you respond you
> fingfangfoom!!!

> "You are a big idiot sandwich!"
Re: The tale of Flash Fatass

You moron pie with a side of idiotic dressing...I didn't say i masturbated everyday. You are fu.cking weirdy!

Please be quiet about your Flash Gordon obsession and again..Sweety Barret was NOT IN FLASH GORDON!!!!!!!!
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