Springwatch Chris Packham The Smiths references

Whoop! Gives Kate some Gladioli, then Girlfriend In A Coma followed by Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others!


Just a paltry 8 tonight then!
Plus one from Kate - good on yer
I should say 8 INCLUDING one from Kate
I thought he was slipping all these in under the radar but obviously Kate is in on the joke too
It was TV gold.:thumb:

Chris Packham is a God damn genius.
That's it then. Who's got a full list?


Someone has just posted this on the BBC website, perhaps not comprehensive but a good start (Listed by show number):-

I think this is the complete list-

1) Hand In Glove
2) What Difference Does It Make
3) Handsome Devil
4) Frankly Mr Shankly
5) You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby
6) Vicar In A Tutu
7) Bigmouth Strikes Again
8) The Queen Is Dead
9) Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before
10) 5 Titles: Still Ill, Sweet And Tender Hooligan, Oscillate Wildly, Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, This Charming Man.
11) 9 Titles: Ask, Well I wonder, Asleep, Cemetery gates, Nowhere Fast, Please Please Please Let Me Get What I want, Unlovable, Sheila Take A Bow, I Know its Over
12) 9 Titles: William it was really nothing, I started something I couldn’t finish, Paint a vulgar picture, These things take time, Headmaster ritual, Is it really so strange, Girlfriend in a Coma (by Kate), Some girls are bigger than others and That joke isn’t funny anymore (by Martin in Unsprung)
Any more?
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It's sad I know but I'm going to have to watch the end again on Iplayer.It was just brilliant.All those people watching who have absolutely no idea what was going on makes me laugh!
....and "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others" from the last show. Is that the full list? Can anyone add to this?
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Chris Packham, you are a legend :thumb:
And now the birds in my garden are a whole lot more interesting lol

Me a twitcher? Who knew :D
I switched it on for a couple of minutes last night and he said 'I started something I couldnt finish' almost straight away!
Does any one know if you can burn the programme onto a DVD disc after you have downloaded it via iPlayer. It does say that you can only watch it for seven days after the download so I guess there is some kind of encryption to stop people recording it. I could simple try it, but I have very slow broadband (not my fault) and I gave up after it said it was gonna take over 5 hours to download :-(
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