Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

This French kid is goin' places!

Bout time we had someone smart around here!!
Ah, too bad there's no translation audio. There aren't many English translations of your compatriot Michel Onfray, either. He's kind of a "pop philosophy" writer from what I gather, but he's also supposed to be an insightful commentator on Nietzsche and Epicurus. He came onto my radar with an excellent essay about Jean Meslier, the curé who wrote his thousand-page atheist tract in secret over many years and left it behind as his posthumous testament. What a marvelous specimen Meslier was. Onfray also believes in the Mythological Jesus hypothesis, something I'm interested in / slowly coming around to.

You're exceptionally well-read for seventeen. Is the French education system very good, or are you just a voracious reader?

Thank you! I feel flattered, really. I have not read nearly as much as I would've liked to in my life so far, but I'm glad I still have lots of time ahead of me. The truth is, I've spent an absurd amount of it playing video games...

I happened to discuss with my philosophy teacher today, and by pure curiosity, I dared ask him about Onfray's article on Meslier. His answer: "Onfray knows nothing about theology !" Quite severe, I feel... are you sure, Sir? :lbf:
But very audacious of me, too. I know that he doesn't like most atheist perspectives, being quite spiritual from what I can recall. He loves Kierkegaard, and now I am so excited to read both your article and Fear and Trembling...oh, how I love debates !
Thank you! I feel flattered, really. I have not read nearly as much as I would've liked to in my life so far, but I'm glad I still have lots of time ahead of me. The truth is, I've spent an absurd amount of it playing video games...

I happened to discuss with my philosophy teacher today, and by pure curiosity, I dared ask him about Onfray's article on Meslier. His answer: "Onfray knows nothing about theology !" Quite severe, I feel... are you sure, Sir? :lbf:
But very audacious of me, too. I know that he doesn't like most atheist perspectives, being quite spiritual from what I can recall. He loves Kierkegaard, and now I am so excited to read both your article and Fear and Trembling...oh, how I love debates !

Kierkegaard is very good, but of course I prefer Fr. Meslier. I hope you enjoy the Onfray essay. Let me know how you find the quality of his French prose; I was impressed with it even in translation.

"This curé, in a fragile relationship with God, presents the fables of his institution as an ethnologist would about a tribe to which he does not belong: 'The Christians say that,' 'The Catholics think that,' 'The disciples of Christ affirm that,' never does he mingle his own voice with the concert of bigots."
@Gregor Samsa this is good! you know he thinks michael is innocent but is careful not to say it on the off chance that he could be wrong. i admire how thoughtful and thorough he is in his analysis, rather than just believing something about michael because he WANTS to (as i feel like a lot of people do who know absolutely nothing about the case: "i dont like michael therefore he's a pedo!")

(Edit to say that this was in response to a subsequently deleted post)

I can't respect pronouncing judgement on a case of which you know very little facts. Ultimately none of us really know, but the least you can do is be honest about what you do know, like Dr grande is doing in his video.
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@Gregor Samsa this is good! you know he thinks michael is innocent but is careful not to say it on the off chance that he could be wrong. i admire how thoughtful and thorough he is in his analysis, rather than just believing something about michael because he WANTS to (as i feel like a lot of people do who know absolutely nothing about the case: "i dont like michael therefore he's a pedo!")

Thanks! Sounds great. Looking forward to watching it. And yes, I think the vast majority of those yapping about the case and about Michael haven’t read more than the many sensationalist headlines printed by media (a media horny for clicks and readers).
God i love neil so much. He's soooooo clever and charming and funny and has the most beautiful mannerisms and way of speaking. What an absolutely perfect person 😍 ❤️ :love:

I listened to this. I didn't know they recorded parts of Autoficition in Stockholm, during the pandemic, in Benny Andersson's studio! I love that. Love that they were in Sweden during Covid, love that they have some admiration for ABBA. ❤️
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I listened to this. I didn't know they recorded parts of Autoficition in Stockholm, during the pandemic, in Benny Andersson's studio! I love that. Love that they were in Sweden during Covid, love that they have some admiration for ABBA. ❤️
Thanks for watching!!! Isn't neil such a revelation?! Who knew he was soooooooo funny?! Doesn't he just have the most beautiful speaking voice and mannerisms?! Even the way he holds the microphone seems special!!

It was so nice seeing him at ease and relaxed and the attention all on him ❤️

And of course they like ABBA! they're music fans, ain't they!
Probably just one of his crummy "vintage treasures " (the whole "fiasco " started because I told him he needed to clean up his junk in the yard and he flipped out, insisted it was vintage treasure, called me a c***, told me he was cool like al Pacino, and left the lawnmower running to make noise to annoy me. f***ing freak, if only he would hang himself)
Did you really refer to a hoarder's collection as "junk"? To his face?
What, was I supposed to have played along and encouraged his thinking that it's fantastical treasure so that he's inspired to collect even more worthless shit? Exactly who does that help??
Sometimes hoarding gives a person control over that one aspect of their lives when they have no control over anything else. An emotional reaction from another person can reinforce that sense of control by hoarding. Also when hoarding is a symptom of mental illness, then a confrontational approach can trigger other behaviours.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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