Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

You must know the story of the hummingbird?

"One day in the jungle a fire broke out

All the animals ran out of the jungle fearing for their lives

Suddenly the Jaguar saw a little humming bird (q’inti)

The Jaguar asked him what he was doing and the Q’inti said

“I am flying to the lake to get water to help put out the fire”

The jaguar laughed at him and said, “You’re crazy, you can’t put out this fire!”

The Q’inti replied, “At least I am doing my part.”

You're a hummingbird in more ways than one.:)

I tried to go swimming in the Med a couple of weeks ago. As soon as I went into the water I saw bits of plastic. First little pieces. I tried to ignore them.Then larger ones. Then large plastic objects (a net...something that looked like part of a plughole...etc) so I just started sea-plogging. Except I wasn't jogging, just walking with water up to my doggy ears. Then I emerged with my hands full. There were a lot of restaurants there too, so the people having lunch outside had a direct view on what must have been a lovely sight.
:eek: George! What on earth is that thing coming out of the sea?!?

I encourage everyone to do the same.

If you don't mind the long walk to find a bin. There was a lot of plastic but very few bins that day...
Thanks for the kind words, and here on Mo-Solo, what a surprise. I usually carry 10 cloth bags with me when I leave the house, and when I return, all bags are full to the brim with plastic garbage that i have picked up on my way to the post office, for example, or the ice-cream parlor.
When it comes to the tourist paradise, the Med, and visitors unwilling or unable (because of the glaring sun?) to open their eyes to reality, there is a song by Hannes Wader from 2015, in which he describes a morning dip in the Med Sea when suddenly there is something cold brushing against his knees.
(the answer is shown at 2:15)
I think the people who lived the 90s want to relive the 90s, and the people who missed the 90s definitely want to relive the 90s
I lived in the 90's but was sort of oblivious to my surroundings so wasn't really aware of living in the 90's and I definitely want to relive it.
Bit odd sitting in Alderley Edge park watching the jubilee thing but at the the same time thinking about The Queen Is Dead.
Noooo it's SO good!! 90's fashion is the best!!!
Yes, but not the wannabe reliving rave fashion, fashion. Oversized smiley motifs and cargo pants paired with ugly platform trainers and really really really ugly sunglasses too small and too angular for people’s faces, plus a lot more stuff - were allllllll wrong the first time around too, and then some

There were a lot of different things and a lot of different scenes going on in the 90s. No one misses ravers, or their ugly clothes. Puke!
Speaking of

I never got the Winona obsession even at the time and although i own some Marc Jacobs pieces i love - none of the diffusion line crap though - i would still take shoplifting Winona or Marc trying to give Jocelyn Wildenstein a run for her money any f***ing day of my life over a Pride Whopper. FACT

Pride Whopper is probably the the entry point to the re-emergence of the 21st century incarnation of our modern day Dark Ages, and people are too dumb to even understand
As in like, telling people that it’s “ok” now to have same-sex sex
(like it hasn’t been happening since the beginning of time) and that everyone needs (and we in many cases and places thankfully already have) same-sex rights, is just another ongoing distraction created to take attention OFF the more substantive issues that are genuinely pressing and affecting the direction our world takes and what the Cabal decides will be the outcome for humanity as we know it.

Pride Whopper is the icing on the f***ing cake - that cake that was especially created to keep imbeciles, imbeciles
As in like, telling people that it’s “ok” now to have same-sex sex
(like it hasn’t been happening since the beginning of time) and that everyone needs (and we in many cases and places thankfully already have) same-sex rights, is just another ongoing distraction created to take attention OFF the more substantive issues that are genuinely pressing and affecting the direction our world takes and what the Cabal decides will be the outcome for humanity as we know it.

Pride Whopper is the icing on the f***ing cake - that cake that was especially created to keep imbeciles, imbeciles
And acquiescent
And quiet
And all believing
I never got the Winona obsession even at the time and although i own some Marc Jacobs pieces i love - none of the diffusion line crap though - i would still take shoplifting Winona or Marc trying to give Jocelyn Wildenstein a run for her money any f***ing day of my life over a Pride Whopper. FACT

Pride Whopper is probably the the entry point to the re-emergence of the 21st century incarnation of our modern day Dark Ages, and people are too dumb to even understand
I love her. Heathers forever. Plus Beetlejuice. She is an icon for a certain type of person from that place and time and she reminds me of friends I knew so she will always be fire.

You may be right about Pride Whopper. It could be like that puzzle box in Hellraiser or the CERN super collider opening doors best left shut.
That picture where she's wearing what must be a wig that looks chopped like a bad Barbie haircut is everything. She and Martin Gore could have a style throw down.
I love her. Heathers forever. Plus Beetlejuice. She is an icon for a certain type of person from that place and time and she reminds me of friends I knew so she will always be fire.

You may be right about Pride Whopper. It could be like that puzzle box in Hellraiser or the CERN super collider opening doors best left shut.
I agree with EVERY single word of this so hard you don’t even know, but she ate the concrete so hard with me when she went the shoplifting designer dresses route. Like girl, puh-leeze already

Leave a hobby for people who had $0 in their bank accounts
spidey's body language analysis videos of the amber heard trial are brilliant (in that they work to confirm what, if you're an empath like me, you would have already felt instinctively when watching these people). i recommend ya'll check out his videos. He's GOOD.

Thanks for the kind words, and here on Mo-Solo, what a surprise. I usually carry 10 cloth bags with me when I leave the house, and when I return, all bags are full to the brim with plastic garbage that i have picked up on my way to the post office, for example, or the ice-cream parlor.
When it comes to the tourist paradise, the Med, and visitors unwilling or unable (because of the glaring sun?) to open their eyes to reality, there is a song by Hannes Wader from 2015, in which he describes a morning dip in the Med Sea when suddenly there is something cold brushing against his knees.
(the answer is shown at 2:15)

Yep. It's hard not to think about that.Most people seem more preoccupied with what bikini to wear though.

About plastic: when I was a pup (18th century) I had one shovel and one bucket to play on the beach. But now kids come with 20 plastic toys (must be cheaper in bulk) so that it's near impossible not to lose one in the sand or in the sea. I fetched a plastic gun for a little boy and I (kindly) asked him to be more careful because you know it pollutes the sea, right? And he said sure but I was only playing and I said don't worry and thought "it's down to me to spoil your fun because your parents are irresponsible twits."

I'm trying to get M interested in joining us in saving Nature but so far he shows no inclination.

I'm not asking him to help with the migrants, I know better.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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