No attitude towards old Smiths fan.

I like watching older fans at Moz shows, especially when they jump around. It's funny to watch old people jump around.

Well I`m a decade younger than Morrissey so he must be ancient!!!:eek:An even older person jumping about.:p

Take it from me i feel no different at nearly 38 than I did at 18.wiser yes,but otherwise exactly the same.I like to convince myself i look the same as well:( but delusion is unfortunately one of the perils of ageing.:D
Well I`m a decade younger than Morrissey so he must be ancient!!!:eek:An even older person jumping about.

Take it from me i feel no different at nearly 38 than I did at 18.wiser yes,but otherwise exactly the same.I like to convince myself i look the same as well:( but delusion is unfortunately one of the perils of ageing.:D

I like you :D and I 'feel you'
Sometimes wisdom doesn't come with age-I have days it seems my age just came alone~haha
I envisage myself attending a propped up ancient Moz crooning in Las Vegas and me with my zimmer bigging him up.:p
LOL! This post between you guys MADE me log in :p YOU are an instigator! I did laugh when I saw your post (that's one way to see if we're paying attention =o) and then I thought...oh please god- no... in that order! girl, trouble loves you loves trouble ;)

hahaha.. that was last night... Tonight, he's coming back. And he will be worse than your worst nightmare. Bwahahaha...
Pregs, can I tell you I didn't sleep so hot on Monkey Monday (was it Mon?) My daughter has a sock monkey but she's not evil. Yet!! :eek:

No, actually I am handcrafting birthday party invitations. Not photoshopping nightmarish cymbal-monkeys. Sorry.
Actually I think those monkeys would make a cute invite. Esp if you have too many and want to weed out some (weaker) kids. :D
LOL! This post between you guys MADE me log in :p YOU are an instigator! I did laugh when I saw your post (that's one way to see if we're paying attention =o) and then I thought...oh please god- no... in that order! girl, trouble loves you loves trouble ;)

Actually I think those monkeys would make a cute invite. Esp if you have too many and want to weed out some (weaker) kids. :D


Psst, if I ever go to a party with one of you guys and overstay my welcome, show me that pic and I'll be sure to leave.
Well, Cass, I will pay you very well if you want to come babysit my cymbal monkeys. I'm making invites for a 4 & 7 year olds' birthday party. My kids' birthdays are nine days apart- which is so convenient, if you can arrange that when your time comes I highly recommend it. Granted, I had to deliver the little one two months' premature to make the dates, but it was worth it in the long run. (Kidding! It wasn't my fault he was preemie...)

OMG! Corrissey- first off, you obviously didn't get anything in today's mail. Second, what are you doing the 15th? Up for a trek to the 'burbs? You can come to my cymbal monkey party and hang out with me!
Aw thanx for the evil-cymbal-playing-monkey invite, but I'll be going from Barcelona to Paris that day! Ce'st la vie :rolleyes: I would have so been there too...with some toys I bought for your kids b-days from :D lol
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Aw thanx for the evil-cymbal-playing-monkey invite, but I'll be going from Barcelona to Paris that day! Ce'st la vie :rolleyes: I would have so been there too...with some toys I bought for your kids b-days from :D lol

There is nothing you can show me that's more disturbing than my children.

I'm vegetarian. My kids went to this cool preschool that's on a working farm, where crops are raised and animals are raised (not for food!) and it's all sweet and lovely. So last spring, at the end of the school year, my little one- 3 at the time- we were in the car in the evening, and he asked his daddy in this dreamy tone of voice,

"Daddy? I have an idea. Let's sneak into my farm school. We can steal a lamby. Then, on the way home, I will cuddle him and take care of him. Then, when we get home, we can ROAST HIM AND EAT HIM!"

We sat in horror in the front seat, our jaws somewhere near our knees. Then he asked, in a very reasonable voice that suggested he'd put quite a lot of thought into the matter, "Daddy? Do we have to take his skin off before we roast him?"

Cymbal monkeys have nothing on this monster. And he looks like an angel on a fresco. "The Youngest was the Most Loved," right down to the retrousse nose and forget-me-not eyes. Cotton candy blond hair and dimples too.
Great story--HILARIOUS! Out of the mouths of babes. They do say the dardest things. I can't stop giggling. WWMD (what would Moz do?!) I can imagine your & your DH horror with stiffled laughter. Good thing the boy 's so darned cute :p and now I know why you're pregnant for the last time :D lol
Great story--HILARIOUS! Out of the mouths of babes. They do say the dardest things. I can't stop giggling. WWMD (what would Moz do?!) I can imagine your & your DH horror with stiffled laughter. Good thing the boy 's so darned cute :p and now I know why you're pregnant for the last time :D lol

You got that right! People seem to think it means I'm actually pregnant... you get it though!
Nah, something tells me you won't leave a party that easily :D hahaha

Pffff...I am the party. :D

Well, Cass, I will pay you very well if you want to come babysit my cymbal monkeys. I'm making invites for a 4 & 7 year olds' birthday party. My kids' birthdays are nine days apart- which is so convenient, if you can arrange that when your time comes I highly recommend it.

No way! I'd never get out of there alive! :eek:

There is nothing you can show me that's more disturbing than my children.

Best post. Evah.
I don't know who that is, but someone has to listen to her, it's only polite. :p

Have you heard that Morrissey at The Hollywood Bowl recording? I'll get it wrong but he says something like, "It's been fifteen years since they allowed me to play the Hollywood Bowl. For all of you that have sustained your interest, or those of you that have renewed or interest, or if you were born in the last 15 years, like most of you were, thank you very much"

Morrissey doesn't care if you bought your ticket with a pension check or saved up your milk money. Any fans that want to be elitist are not worth worrying about.

Thank God, I hope America never has to endure Rhianna... because if it does it will mean she has become popular :( .

Haha I haven't heard the Hollywood Bowl recording but that sounds funny. Typical Moz. A lot of teenagers are getting into the Smiths even now though. I have a Morrissey bag which I take to college and if someone asks about it they always get at least a 5-minute lecture on his greatness and 2 album recommendations :p .
Well i don't thing there should be any 'attitude' from the young little upstarts.

And your still young enough to be put over my knee, you know.:p
Well i don't thing there should be any 'attitude' from the young little upstarts.

And your still young enough to be put over my knee, you know.:p

If you tried to put me over your knee, Explory... I think your leg might snap in half :p :eek: :(
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