Morrissey's Dick Gregory death statement - SER Photography / Facebook

On SER's Facebook

"Dick Gregory, America's last hope, dies, aged 84.
He knew how all aspects of the human condition connect to politics.
He was a man of thought and a man of action, when most of us cannot manage to be just one of either. He worked breathlessly - work, words, deeds. He demanded for all what was snatched by the few. He disturbed the White House, and he was too quick for the American print media. They will be pleased that he now ceases to be amongst us ... as we are left with earth-threatening Trump, who will race into war in search of peace."

20 August 2017

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Maybe if half of his repertoire wasn't about being in love with some man who doesn't love him because they are straight or hiding their feelings (same thing, right?) no one would pay much attention.

Why are they paying attention? Why do they or you care?
Is it hurting them, you or someone else that M or anyone is or may want to have a relationship with another person? Or is it just killing you that all you will ever have is just your speculations to go on and not the facts (given by M) to prove your assumptions to be true? For all I can see is that M himself has already thrown onto the table for all the world to see all that needs to be known about himself since 'Hand In Glove' and every song that followed after. And on top of that, he has declared himself as Humasexual. And it wouldn't be too far off the mark to use(if one must label) the label 'Humasexual' to define M's writing. What more do people want? What more could there be? It's quite boring really.

I think this is what they call cultural appropriation. A privileged white man with no problems in his life suddenly sees an opportunity to feature alongside a black man in a picture.

Selfie appropriation generation.
Will's rant. Inbetweeners.
But the question remains why black men go white when it comes to names like some onkel toms. Betrayal of the highest order according to Shaniqua.

In the UK a surprising number of black families are now taking on the old British aristocratic tradition of the double barrelled name. Where once we had Bowes-Lyon we now have Oxlade-Chamberlain, Wright-Philips, Loftus-Cheek, or my particular favourite, Johnson-Thompson, which I find impossible to say without sounding like I was dropped on my head as a child.

The people who iron the names on the back of Premier League football shirts have to have a jeweller's eyepiece and the steady hands of a brain surgeon these days. It won't be long before the names run all the way down to the ends of the sleeves.
An elderly person deserves respect, even more when he has recently passed away. He is being mourned for a lot of people right now.

Never heard of the chap, and would still not have had it not been for the fact Morrissey suddenly claims him as an unlikely icon.
I think this is what they call cultural appropriation. A privileged white man with no problems in his life suddenly sees an opportunity to feature alongside a black man in a picture.

Selfie appropriation generation.

This is exactly why I point blank refuse to be pictured with black people. I wouldn't want to be accused of racism.
Why are they paying attention? Why do they or you care?
Is it hurting them, you or someone else that M or anyone is or may want to have a relationship with another person? Or is it just killing you that all you will ever have is just your speculations to go on and not the facts (given by M) to prove your assumptions to be true? For all I can see is that M himself has already thrown onto the table for all the world to see all that needs to be known about himself since 'Hand In Glove' and every song that followed after. And on top of that, he has declared himself as Humasexual. And it wouldn't be too far off the mark to use(if one must label) the label 'Humasexual' to define M's writing. What more do people want? What more could there be? It's quite boring really..

The story is old, I know...
I don't think we're going to get "the facts" and they don't really matter.

See that red line under humasexual? (Why are you capitalizing it?) That red line means it's not a word that has any known meaning. And he's always photographed with men, Some of his more obsessive/bored fans follow or invent entire relationships for him with these men. He doesn't leave the house without a photo of it showing up on this site, and yet, strangely, when he publishes his autobiography, he claims a relationship with a woman who must be some kind of ghost, or top secret spy or something because she has never been mentioned before.
I recently watched that Liberace movie with Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. It's great, a camp classic, but it could just as easily be the Morrissey story. Liberace also wrote a book where he claimed to have a serious girlfriend but said he was just too busy to settle down. lol

Why the didn't give Rob Lowe an Oscar for this I don't know.
The story is old, I know...
I don't think we're going to get "the facts" and they don't really matter.

See that red line under humasexual? (Why are you capitalizing it?) That red line means it's not a word that has any known meaning. And he's always photographed with men, Some of his more obsessive/bored fans follow or invent entire relationships for him with these men. He doesn't leave the house without a photo of it showing up on this site, and yet, strangely, when he publishes his autobiography, he claims a relationship with a woman who must be some kind of ghost, or top secret spy or something because she has never been mentioned before.
I recently watched that Liberace movie with Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. It's great, a camp classic, but it could just as easily be the Morrissey story. Liberace also wrote a book where he claimed to have a serious girlfriend but said he was just too busy to settle down. lol

Why the didn't give Rob Lowe an Oscar for this I don't know.

At the height of the "Is George Michael gay?" tabloid debate in the UK (before his arrest in the US) I wondered why George was the only man worth £100 million you never saw with a Victoria's Secret model hanging off his arm. Turns out the rumours were indeed true. He did prefer the company of other men.

I doubt the same is true of Morrissey, however. His love of boxing and West Ham United clearly indicates a rugged, almost Rock Hudson-like, masculinity.
I can't help but feel heart-warmed at this. Moz celebrating and with his arm around a black icon. Great stuff. Doubtless the Guardian and the countless Moz haters on this website will offer it up as more evidence for his Farage loving, borderline racist world view.
Moz obviously loved the man for not eating meat and there his admiration for him stopped. Moz must be the most inconsistent person ever when it comes to his statements that praises someone from the black community one day and then praises some white supremacist killer the next.

I guess Moz gets bored easily and changes his opinion a lot cause of it. I also wonder if he plays the overdramatic queen at airports just cause he has his boyfriend with him and that makes him a bit embarrassed and not so confident.

Is he embarrassed about his boyfriend?

We havn't seen or heard much about Diesel lately. He wasn't spotted in Rome but could have been behind the camera taking the pics for all we know. He does stand out though ! Quite an odd looking humachappy.


Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
I think this is what they call cultural appropriation. A privileged white man with no problems in his life suddenly sees an opportunity to feature alongside a black man in a picture.

Selfie appropriation generation.

Yeas, Morrissey, we get it. Some of your best friends are black.
The story is old, I know...
I don't think we're going to get "the facts" and they don't really matter.

See that red line under humasexual? (Why are you capitalizing it?) That red line means it's not a word that has any known meaning. And he's always photographed with men, Some of his more obsessive/bored fans follow or invent entire relationships for him with these men. He doesn't leave the house without a photo of it showing up on this site, and yet, strangely, when he publishes his autobiography, he claims a relationship with a woman who must be some kind of ghost, or top secret spy or something because she has never been mentioned before.
I recently watched that Liberace movie with Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. It's great, a camp classic, but it could just as easily be the Morrissey story. Liberace also wrote a book where he claimed to have a serious girlfriend but said he was just too busy to settle down. lol

Why the didn't give Rob Lowe an Oscar for this I don't know.

Great clip followed with his view on libtards and his role as a pop star.
Reminds me a lot of my elderly neighbour shortly before he started :pileofpoop:shitting himself:pileofpoop:, falling down the stairs, complaining about how terrible a Prime Ministrr Anthony Eden is, inviting me to go union busting again "like we did in the forties" and was carted off to a home in a private ambulance.
Great clip followed with his view on libtards and his role as a pop star.

I sort of agree that not everyone who is a pop star is here to change the world and that entertaining people is a really worthwhile purpose, but I wonder if there isn't a hint of irony in that scene?
The story is old, I know...
I don't think we're going to get "the facts" and they don't really matter.

See that red line under humasexual? (Why are you capitalizing it?) That red line means it's not a word that has any known meaning. And he's always photographed with men, Some of his more obsessive/bored fans follow or invent entire relationships for him with these men. He doesn't leave the house without a photo of it showing up on this site, and yet, strangely, when he publishes his autobiography, he claims a relationship with a woman who must be some kind of ghost, or top secret spy or something because she has never been mentioned before.
I recently watched that Liberace movie with Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. It's great, a camp classic, but it could just as easily be the Morrissey story. Liberace also wrote a book where he claimed to have a serious girlfriend but said he was just too busy to settle down. lol

Why the didn't give Rob Lowe an Oscar for this I don't know.

LOL, Rob's FACE when he finishes speaking, and takes that gulp! Was it rocket fuel? Was it acting? Was it a fully thespian take, on what it feels like going down, if you actually try to drink some rocket fuel? I completely forgot I never got around to seeing this. I don't know if even those three different combined grimaces in one single scene are enough to make me do it now though. Not even with all the sequins. Not even sequins and the promise of my own hipflask full of rocketfuel will probably ever bribe me now.
Americas last hope? LOL
"they killed Prince in a plane owned by Warren Buffett?' Obviously insane right up the Mozzers alley.
He knows Trump is gay because he never bashed gays. LOLLLL He has knowledge of everything. What a crackpot.
The last hope before you park yourself in the insane asylum.
If you think crazy Dick Gregory is an icon, then i can see how it logically follows that Sam is doing great work since taking over.
Cancelled dates and albums are way up, even inventing a new in music marketing: the practice of cancelling dates before they are even cancelled. lol
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