Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs' and 'The One Show'

Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

Roy Plomley had a lovely voice.

I miss the ravishing Sue..

Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

I have it very good authority that he will be doing Desert Island Discs, in the style of Stanley Unwin. "I'll be BC Rotatey Diskers, like the Pidley Pipeload" as Morrissey put it! :D

Oooh deep joy :D
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

I don't care what she emits!

She does. The ".... me til I fart" thing was pre internet, but every sinlge BBC employee knew about it within 24 hours. Her TV career was ruined.
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

The one show is decent untill they get Phill Tuffnell in to "lark about" Chiles and the bird are good, there are ten times worse shows that this that he could be appearing on.

and he is; wossy.
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

She does. The ".... me til I fart" thing was pre internet, but every sinlge BBC employee knew about it within 24 hours. Her TV career was ruined.

Oh. I hadn't heard that story, Brel. Who did she make the request to?

I was watching a documentary last week on the old news show "Nationwide" which she used to front. Not that that story was mentioned or anything:D
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

:lbf:The One Show???? Ha HA HA HA. Just don't allow get Moz onto the subject of gollies (sic)!!! Or Thatcher for that matter!

As for Desert Island Discs this is a program that is regarded as one of the jewels in the crown on the BBC. It has been running for years. I alaways thought Morrissey shoudl appear on this since ooh 1990. Incidentally David Cameron chose This Charming Man on his selection once though... wonder what book he'll choose? the Complete Works of Oscar Wilde is permitted, In Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept or maybe the Beano Annual 1965- as this was the last time he was genuinely happy
(You're not allowed to take the Bible or Shakespeare I believe)

I have to say having read some of the recent interviews published so far that these are some of the more interesting amusing and enlightening interviews since You are The Quarry.

"So people have the choice of being fat or depressed. I think I'd prefer to be depressed" :lbf:
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

She does. The ".... me til I fart" thing was pre internet, but every sinlge BBC employee knew about it within 24 hours. Her TV career was ruined.

I never knew that that was Sue Lawley. QUALITY
you learn something new every day
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

The One Show will be absolutely excruciating to watch if it is true.

I have never "got" the One Show. What is it supposed to be? It's a bit of news, a bit of current affairs, a bit of Watchdog, a bit of chat but no entertainment whatsoever.

And those two presenters sit so close to each other they are almost intertwined and still maintain they are not "involved".

Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

Oh. I hadn't heard that story, Brel. Who did she make the request to?

I was watching a documentary last week on the old news show "Nationwide" which she used to front. Not that that story was mentioned or anything:D

Far be it from me to say! But a few attempts with google should see you right!

Years later on the Day-To-Day, Chris Morris on ending a news feature said "Fact me til I fart" and the whole of the British Media and a good proportion of the viewing public knew exactly what he was referring to.
Morrissey does "Primetime"

Just heard that Morrissey will be doing one of my favourite shows - "The One Show", shame it wasn't a couple of weeks ago, he could have been on at the same time as Margaret Thatchers daughter, Carol.

Would love to see Moz on more prime time shows, how about Dancing On Ice or Come Dine With Me?
Re: Morrissey does "Primetime"

...maybes he'll 'do' 'Loose Women' :eek:
Aly, have you heard precisely when he's appearing on 'The One Show' ?
Re: Morrissey does "Primetime"

Just heard that Morrissey will be doing one of my favourite shows - "The One Show", shame it wasn't a couple of weeks ago, he could have been on at the same time as Margaret Thatchers daughter, Carol.

Would love to see Moz on more prime time shows, how about Dancing On Ice or Come Dine With Me?

This thread is probably gunna get moved to another link about "The One" show, but it would be great to see him on Come Dine With Me, cooking a meal for Danny Baker, Bradley Walsh, Claudia Winkleman and Anthea Turner:lbf: or doing the Rumba with Flavia on Stricktly Come Dancing:lbf:
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

Mozzer's appearance on The One Show is clearly a return to his role as...



I imagine he will be sampling lemonade, stuff like that ;)
MTCM: "I like pencils, I like wood"
Vic: "He likes various consumer goods"

(*Our American cousins and non-Vic Reeves believers won't get it)
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Re: Morrissey does "Primetime"

This thread is probably gunna get moved to another link about "The One" show, but it would be great to see him on Come Dine With Me, cooking a meal for Danny Baker, Bradley Walsh, Claudia Winkleman and Anthea Turner:lbf: or doing the Rumba with Flavia on Stricktly Come Dancing:lbf:

Morrissey + Come Dine With Me = HEAVEN!
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

Does the one show be on late at night, what time

the one show is on bbc 1 mon-fri 7-7.30
Re: Morrissey to do 'Desert Island Discs', etc.

wonder will he be singing or just speaking,

There's no singing on The One Show!
He'll sit on the sofa and he'll get asked what he thinks about some of the topics they have on the show, tonight they've had young British Muslims and Georgian houses on, last week there was something about ants, it's a random show.
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