"Morrissey 25: Live" reviews by Alan Jenkins (TLS), Dickie Felton

Re: "Morrissey 25: Live" reviews by Alan Jenkins (TLS), Dickie Felton

Of course you are not a fan of Stalin. Mussolini is more your style! Sing it loud BB - 'Mussolini is me...liked by anyone you'll never be...'

No, I'm not an Eagles 'fan', I just referenced one of their lyrics. I might quote Stalin but, again, I'm not a 'fan' of his work. I'm not a 'fan' of anybody: I'm my own man. I was a fan of various people when I was, y'know, 10 to 13, then I got a life. You might get one too!

I've never seen a menu for the Hotel California but I'm a vegan so wouldn't be eating any badger burgers, cooked or raw. But I do make some rather lovely veggieburgers with broad beans. Would you like the recipe?

with all of my love and affection

ps: I don't regard my cultural choices as any more valid than other people. Morrissey is also just 'other people', at least to me, if not to a cult member like you.

once again, more love. more affection. kisses too!

- - - Updated - - -

I'm not an 'apostate' because I was never a Belieber. Morrissey is just as ridiculous as an AA group, they have a 'higher power', he has a Ouija Board, Ouija Board.

always remember, I love you!

- - - Updated - - -

There are no haters on this forum. The Mentalist 3 have 'gone away'. There is only love and concern and a deep desire to rescue trapped cult members from the inferno that is The Church of Morrissey. And to rescue Morrissey too!

do not despair, there is life beyond The Cult!
with every possible blessing and incantation. and a tacky badge.
Re: "Morrissey 25: Live" reviews by Alan Jenkins (TLS), Dickie Felton

Of course you are not a fan of Stalin. Mussolini is more your style! Sing it loud BB - 'Mussolini is me...liked by anyone you'll never be...'

I've no idea what you're on about. Neither do you. Still, if you think you've achieved something by typing drivel 'anonymously', then that's fine if it helps ventilate your discomfort about my posts.

You are loved by everyone here, including me.
Especially by me.
And, of course, you are loved by the gentle shepherd of teenage souls, Morrissey.

It's dawn almost, I've had a good sleep, safe in the knowledge that any disturbing nightmare could be stopped by flicking the lamp on and gazing upon the lifesize posters of Morrissey that adorn the walls and ceiling here in "Mom's basement".

may the spirit of Morrissey guide your life and be there at the hour of your passing!
I think BB is very nearly the only poster one can take seriously! (with a few notable exceptions ofcourse).

No need to take me seriously as I have a lot of LOLs! about all this. I've really enjoyed much of Morrissey's output over the years. I think there is, possibly, another amazing period if/when he gets rid of the flunkies and salt grindrs and reconnects with the Muse that informed his best work.

Listing Morrissey as a recording artist/performer used to be a sign of taste and discrimination. Now, because of his outbursts and his mediocre radio-friendly unit-shifter faux Green-Day music, it's become a bit of an embarassment to discuss him outside of this "hateful online creche": because people who love cultural innovation are writing him off as just another middle-age Boomer trooper.

Mick Jagger complains that no-one will probably listen to the new record he's planning with Keef and the rest. But people WILL listen if it's a valid expression of his life that connects with other people's lives. Jagger trades on libido and Eros. Morrissey on the opposite, on Thanatos. There's no reason why Morrissey can't endlessly trundle around the world trading on his past glories with The Smiths but I'm not going to put up with any nonsense that it's 'genius' or that he's some kind of Oscar Wilde. He isn't. Neither is Stephen Fry. Just because popular culture is in crisis doesn't mean that the least-bad deserve elevation to historic titans.

All interaction with Morrissey is now staged like it was a papal visit to some one-horse town in Oklahoma or Ayrshire. All he sees is the first 10 rows: I bet he doesn't wear contact lenses so he can't see the calmer reaches beyond The List casualties as they WTF at some of the nonsense. I'll take Morrissey seriously as an artist when he acts like a serious artist. It's not all hopeless in my view, as "Arthounds" was an intriguing one-off snippet. The band is fine, it's the hide-bound 70s/80s/90s arrangements and production to sound ok on corporate rock whore radio that annoys/destroys. . He can sing over other composers whist keeping Boorer and Tobias as the touring band if they can't come up with anything fresh.

Morrissey has made a career out of remaining trapped in teenage dislocation. His 'dance of the seven veils' about his (a)sexuality is beyond tiresome in an age of gay marriage and genderqueer activism. No one cares if he comes out/shags/is celibate. There is no 'mystery' to any of this, just a marketing scam, like the 'tea-drinking Brit' USP he gives out. If he pays taxes in Switzerland or The Caymans, then no-one is going to be surprised by the cognitive dissonance of his UKIP almost-endorsement and other Torygraph ex-pat raving.

He backed down with the NME: they didn't apologise. That interview tape could be on YouTube to justify that 'persecution complex', but it isn't.... So sensible folk will conclude that he was just trolling over immigration and that the NME were quite right to call him out on his clumsy bullshit. Oh, how they must have LOL'd and broke open the champagne when Morrissey trashed his credibility by declaring the Chinese civilisational project "a subspecies" of humanity.....

I happen to agree with him about Speciesism, but I am a Vegan. I am also a father to two teenage children just beginning to consider political issues. To troll the grief of Norway to inexpertly and fatuously create a 'water-cooler' moment around Breivik was nothing more than desperate attention-seeking. Those children in Oslo were also animals and they were slaughtered. Death for no reason, and no doubt some of them were dairy-vegetarian like Morrissey, or vegan like me and Johnny Marr.

Morrissey declares Assad a 'shit'. But most people in Syria eat meat. Do we thus declare them of no more concern than the menu on McDonalds or KFC? Morrissey's silence over the Badger cull is being noted and filed. Given he has a film to promote, he could have made a sane and sensible contribution to the debate alongside Brian May and other 'celebrities'. But he is silent, absent, seemingly sulking.

Morrissey is not just a troll, he is also a talented lyricist, vocalist and stage performer. But he is perilously close to being widely dismissed as a pantomime clown. Banning the proprietor of this site in Copenhagen was the final straw for many people I know who'd ignored his descent into parody before that. He was firm and fair after Thatcher's demise, so is clearly capable of some restraint and self-control.

If he crashes and burns into ridicule again, then I will simply sigh at another chapter in self-destruction. whilst enjoying a few last shows as an excuse to travel this island to explore it's history during the day: I won't be waiting in line with cult casualties on The List.

There is no conspiracy against him. He is a shrewd businessman holding out for a deal, poker-face style. It worked before and YATQ Redux is probably what he imagines and expects. Maybe, but the world has changed and fewer and fewer people are locked into CDs as an entertainment form. They're in the clubs, or on Spotify exchanging playlists that might have the odd Moz track if it's any good.

It's 2013. It will never be 1983, 1993 or 2003 ever again.

Morrissey can either deal with that or remain a heritage touring act that people only come to see to hear 'those Smiths songs' from their memory bank. Either way, it's been a fun time watching him over the decades. And there has been some extraordinary music and lyrics along the way. And with that, I'm done for now. Other than to deal with any insolent back-chat from the anonymous cult trolls who will be unable to resist a GIF, an insult or a denunciation to aoid processing what I have actually written.

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Lurking over the past month and feeling that people here have A LOT of emotional baggage with regards to Morrissey. It's strange because some one like Paul McCartney can remain untouched despite having a tepid single like "New" or whatever the hell it's called but Morrissey, who I think has been so much more productive and interesting over the last twenty some odd years is so picked on. What's the deal?
BrummieBoy, keep on writing ! You have a unique voice on here that will not be stifled. It seems some on here . flush with the victory of driving (as you put ) The Mentalist 3 into exile, have taken up the task of flogging anyone questioning Moz in an inattentive way .
BrummieBoy, keep on writing ! You have a unique voice on here that will not be stifled. It seems some on here . flush with the victory of driving (as you put ) The Mentalist 3 into exile, have taken up the task of flogging anyone questioning Moz in an inattentive way .

Where'd he go? :squiffy:
BrummieBoy, keep on writing ! You have a unique voice on here that will not be stifled. It seems some on here . flush with the victory of driving (as you put ) The Mentalist 3 into exile, have taken up the task of flogging anyone questioning Moz in an inattentive way .

LOL, gotta love sarcasm!
BrummieBoy, keep on writing ! You have a unique voice on here that will not be stifled. It seems some on here . flush with the victory of driving (as you put ) The Mentalist 3 into exile, have taken up the task of flogging anyone questioning Moz in an inattentive way .

I shall second this Guernie, keep it up BrummieBoy its good to think for yourself and express your opinion instead of being a ' Doctor Who Moz-Zombie ' worshiping in a congregation of cancellation and excuses.

Viva BrummieBoy !" You make life complete I can die happy if you keep posting, thank you for breathing and thank you for typing " (I'm not very good at this American cheesy shit )

Stiff upper lip BrummieBoy there's a good chap keep it up well done.

LOL, gotta love sarcasm!

Fickie Delton ! How old are you ? I think you need to grow up and grow a pair ! This 'Morrissey 25 live' thing is a fatal car crash !!!!!
I know its over, Morrissey knows its over, BrummieBoy knows its over.
Its a dead parrot, treasure the memories.
(But didn't we have a nice time ! Oh wasn't it such a fine time ????)

I shall second this Guernie, keep it up BrummieBoy its good to think for yourself and express your opinion instead of being a ' Doctor Who Moz-Zombie ' worshiping in a congregation of cancellation and excuses.

Viva BrummieBoy !" You make life complete I can die happy if you keep posting, thank you for breathing and thank you for typing " (I'm not very good at this American cheesy shit )

Stiff upper lip BrummieBoy there's a good chap keep it up well done.


It's not so much thinking FOR himself, but thinking, exclusively, ABOUT himself. BB's ridiculous, self-admiring prose style is tedious beyond belief and adds nothing (other than to the vendetta for which So_Low is infamous).
Re: "Morrissey 25: Live" reviews by Alan Jenkins (TLS), Dickie Felton

I've no idea what you're on about. Neither do you. Still, if you think you've achieved something by typing drivel 'anonymously', then that's fine if it helps ventilate your discomfort about my posts.

You are loved by everyone here, including me.
Especially by me.
And, of course, you are loved by the gentle shepherd of teenage souls, Morrissey.

It's dawn almost, I've had a good sleep, safe in the knowledge that any disturbing nightmare could be stopped by flicking the lamp on and gazing upon the lifesize posters of Morrissey that adorn the walls and ceiling here in "Mom's basement".

may the spirit of Morrissey guide your life and be there at the hour of your passing!

Morrissey is by far, the most interesting, composed, attractive man I have ever, ever, ever seen. Why would you want to try to destroy that, words are weapons, choose wisely.
Fickie Delton ! How old are you ? I think you need to grow up and grow a pair ! This 'Morrissey 25 live' thing is a fatal car crash !!!!!
I know its over, Morrissey knows its over, BrummieBoy knows its over.
Its a dead parrot, treasure the memories.
(But didn't we have a nice time ! Oh wasn't it such a fine time ????)

Morrissey25 is as far removed from a fatal car crash as you can get. The vast majority of people who went to see it( I assume you didn't) thoroughly enjoyed it, what it has done is whet the appetite for a new tour which I'm sure will be coming soon. It's not over, morrissey knows its not over, we know its not over, the only thing that's over is the haters on this forum. You and bb and jb, the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. God bless, rest in peace.
Have you actually seen the film? I assume not, if you had you would see that morrissey is far from "rapidly unravelling". He is in fine voice and fine form. I note that you have been absent from the forum recently, is that due to the great reviews of the film by the fans that have seen it and the general good feelings and high spirits that have been prevalent on this site since. It's been far removed from your usual downbeat depressing posts. The only thing that is rapidly unravelling is the haters on this forum

High spirits? Perhaps he should have contemplated retirement years ago. You'd all be ecstatic. For the record, the guy cannot get arrested at the moment. No new material, no new album, and a cinema release which is selling tickets by the dozen is hardly a renaissance. Who would promote him? you'd need to be a masochist to even contemplate it. Have Colors got their $300,000 back yet? Poor bastards. Two hopes.

A great new album would be very welcome, but I think a significant number of his US fan base, such as it is, would rather see him continue on his current trajectory, that of becoming his own tribute act, rather than release challenging new material.

He gets attacked for his health because he keeps cancelling shows, he gets attacked for his performances because he's too indifferent to sort out his band, and he gets attacked for his statements because these days they are the mutterings not of an erudite man of letters, but of a sociopath. It has become very apparent recently that this Morrissey character is just that. A character. A construct. Someone who basked in the reflected glow of a range of true literary greats down the decades but has now let the mask slip. He is revealed to be not only a foolish egotist, but a remarkably poorly informed one at that.

It's the statements which have really done the damage. Those five rather below average songs would remain just a disappointing loss of form without the statements. I note his continuing silence on the subject of the royal baby. Most welcome. Perhaps he is learning.

I've been posting quite regularly, just not in the this increasingly tedious section. There have been good reviews and bad, but I suppose like all 'true' [as reported] Morrissey fans all negativity is ignored. Jim Jones would have loved some of you lot. Have some Kool Aid.
It's not over, morrissey knows its not over,.

"The future is suddenly absent, and my apologies are now so frequent as to be somewhat ridiculous, and it is I who apologize [sic] because no one else would bother. It is agonizing [sic] to be responsible for imparting such news - especially when it springs upon me unexpectedly and inexplicably. But the collapse of South America rings the curtain down with a colossal thud, and the major problems remain as insoluble now as they were in 2009. The obvious conclusion stares back at me from the mirror, and the wheels are finally off the covered wagon."

- Morrissey, 19th July 2013

Leaving aside his usual self-pity he does seem, at best, slightly less certain than you.
High spirits? Perhaps he should have contemplated retirement years ago. You'd all be ecstatic. For the record, the guy cannot get arrested at the moment. No new material, no new album, and a cinema release which is selling tickets by the dozen is hardly a renaissance. Who would promote him? you'd need to be a masochist to even contemplate it. Have Colors got their $300,000 back yet? Poor bastards. Two hopes.

A great new album would be very welcome, but I think a significant number of his US fan base, such as it is, would rather see him continue on his current trajectory, that of becoming his own tribute act, rather than release challenging new material.

He gets attacked for his health because he keeps cancelling shows, he gets attacked for his performances because he's too indifferent to sort out his band, and he gets attacked for his statements because these days they are the mutterings not of an erudite man of letters, but of a sociopath. It has become very apparent recently that this Morrissey character is just that. A character. A construct. Someone who basked in the reflected glow of a range of true literary greats down the decades but has now let the mask slip. He is revealed to be not only a foolish egotist, but a remarkably poorly informed one at that.

It's the statements which have really done the damage. Those five rather below average songs would remain just a disappointing loss of form without the statements. I note his continuing silence on the subject of the royal baby. Most welcome. Perhaps he is learning.

I've been posting quite regularly, just not in the this increasingly tedious section. There have been good reviews and bad, but I suppose like all 'true' [as reported] Morrissey fans all negativity is ignored. Jim Jones would have loved some of you lot. Have some Kool Aid.

Ironically, but perhaps predictably, JB and his tiny coterie of like-minded infants continue to post their pompous nonsense without the self-awareness to realise the vast majority of the points they reiterate could equally be levelled at themselves. The idea that these utter nobodies who have achieved nothing of any lasting value should start lecturing any artist on any aspect of their life or career is beyond arrogant and beyond stupid: they are simply irrelevant. And apparently they also fail to realise that it's precisely their own posts that have made this section of the forum so "tedious". Bless.
A great new album would be very welcome, but I think a significant number of his US fan base, such as it is, would rather see him continue on his current trajectory, that of becoming his own tribute act, rather than release challenging new material.

What an absurd statement. If you're a fan then of course you would want to hear new music. You're just imagining more people to look down on.

Also, your description of his "trajectory" is informed solely by your opinions on the band and the setlist. There are plenty of people who will see him playing and come away enjoying a show that covers his back catalogue and new unreleased stuff. I doubt they'd call what they saw a "tribute act". I suppose they're just brainless slavish cult members in your mind.

It has become very apparent recently that this Morrissey character is just that. A character. A construct. Someone who basked in the reflected glow of a range of true literary greats down the decades but has now let the mask slip. He is revealed to be not only a foolish egotist, but a remarkably poorly informed one at that.

Has it?

Did he never put his foot in his mouth before? Endorse bombing animal testing labs? Suggest black and white people could never get along?

If you think that he was just getting away with it for years and his true identity has now been revealed, then why would you want a new album? If he's lost it then just let him fade away. Let the cult members think what they want.
High spirits? Perhaps he should have contemplated retirement years ago. You'd all be ecstatic. For the record, the guy cannot get arrested at the moment. No new material, no new album, and a cinema release which is selling tickets by the dozen is hardly a renaissance. Who would promote him? you'd need to be a masochist to even contemplate it. Have Colors got their $300,000 back yet? Poor bastards. Two hopes.

A great new album would be very welcome, but I think a significant number of his US fan base, such as it is, would rather see him continue on his current trajectory, that of becoming his own tribute act, rather than release challenging new material.

He gets attacked for his health because he keeps cancelling shows, he gets attacked for his performances because he's too indifferent to sort out his band, and he gets attacked for his statements because these days they are the mutterings not of an erudite man of letters, but of a sociopath. It has become very apparent recently that this Morrissey character is just that. A character. A construct. Someone who basked in the reflected glow of a range of true literary greats down the decades but has now let the mask slip. He is revealed to be not only a foolish egotist, but a remarkably poorly informed one at that.

It's the statements which have really done the damage. Those five rather below average songs would remain just a disappointing loss of form without the statements. I note his continuing silence on the subject of the royal baby. Most welcome. Perhaps he is learning.

I've been posting quite regularly, just not in the this increasingly tedious section. There have been good reviews and bad, but I suppose like all 'true' [as reported] Morrissey fans all negativity is ignored. Jim Jones would have loved some of you lot. Have some Kool Aid.

Ok. So Morrissey sucks nowadays. There's no hope. I have a suggestion for you: move on. Get a life. Find something else. You'll always have the songs.
Ironically, but perhaps predictably, JB and his tiny coterie of like-minded infants continue to post their pompous nonsense without the self-awareness to realise the vast majority of the points they reiterate could equally be levelled at themselves. The idea that these utter nobodies who have achieved nothing of any lasting value should start lecturing any artist on any aspect of their life or career is beyond arrogant and beyond stupid: they are simply irrelevant. And apparently they also fail to realise that it's precisely their own posts that have made this section of the forum so "tedious". Bless.

As usual you (and indeed all on your side of the argument) have no counter argument at all. You merely attack the person you disagree with. My theory that modern Morrissey fans aren't very bright has yet to be disproved, and in fact garners more evidence in its support every day.

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