Message about Colleen and her weight

  • Thread starter Rioy Grrls Rule!
  • Start date
> Yeah, but he grew out of that nonsense, along with his alleged celibacy,
> when he realised how ridiculous it was / is.

Morrissey was a major mummy's boy and bedroom warrior when he was young, I personally think his mum put him onto all that feminist literature. I've always suspected a very Oedipal about their relationship
Re: You just wanna get into Colleen's pants, chubby chaser

You really do need to do some reading on the subject, if you think women are anywhere near securing equal rights politically, socially and economically. You need to be aware of how ignorant and offensive that statement is. It is a very Eurocentric view for one - in a global context women only get 10 per cent of the world's income and own 1 per cent of the world's property. I have been to certain Third World countries and the position of women is horrific. It is frightening that in today's world the Taliban existed up until just three years ago. Honour killings, female genital mutilation, burkhas, killing girl babies etc..... these are on the increase in developing/undeveloped countries and hardly issues the 'women's lib movement' can afford to ignore. The atrocities that have been perpetrated against women (and indeed, homosexual men) in the name of religion have determined the history of human development and show no sign of abating.

Even in our comparatively 'progressive' society (US and UK.......hmmmmmm) our leaders (Bush and Blair) would take away our rights to control over our own bodies given half the chance. We can't take our current abortion laws for granted (and we *STILL* don't have abortion on demand, even in this country), they are increasingly under threat. Just across the water in Ireland it is illegal. Our most fundamental human right (the right to choose what happens to our own bodies)could be under threat. If we don't have control over our own bodies, we have nothing, we're just cattle.

I could go on and on....the number of rapes that get reported vs the number that take place. Once you've reported the rape the chances the bastard will get convicted in court are so slim and the likelihood you will be blamed for what happened so huge, most women don't bother even reporting it - I can speak from experience on this one. Women can't walk around on their own at night - if they do, whatever happens to them is considered their fault, and they can't even consider taking it to court. We have to put up with harassment and intimidation just walking down the streets - of course, the actual likelihood of getting raped/assaulted is not the issue - it's the threat. If some bloke is following you/harrassing you, you don't know if he has the potential to turn nasty, you just can't take the chance. This seriously diminishes our capacity to go where we want/when we want in comparison to the liberties men enjoy.

The way we are portrayed in the media, the public excoriation female celebrities and public figures suffer for their appearance....the fact that there is STILL a Page Three, but no Page Four with a well-endowed male specimen on it, after all these years.....what do you think it says about the status of women in our supposedly 'evolved' society?

The sexual harassment in the workplace and sexual discrimination I have faced at interviews (plus the ongoing Glass Ceiling that exists in virtually all male-dominated professions) you would not believe. I could advise you to read up on the subject, but I could cover most of the issues relevant to the ongoing 'women's liberation' struggle just from my own personal experience, as I believe many women could. And I am a woman born in 1979, who is experiencing sexual inequality AT THIS POINT IN TIME, not during the Second Wave. I'll be a post-feminist in post-patriarchy, as the saying goes!

I am not talking from the perspective of a politically correct academic or dilettante - these are issues that have shaped and sabotaged my life, and doing whatever I can to fight these forces is the only way I can make sense of my life.

To keep it vaguely Moz-related, I dunno if he still considers himself to be a feminist, but I can assure you if he was a woman he would!

> I think it was an affectation that amused him in his formative years.

> He probably convinced himself at the time that it was of major importance,
> as young people do with all manner of hobby horses & pressing
> political concerns of the day.

> If asked, I'm sure he'd still say he was for equal rights for women , but
> I don't believe these days that makes a man a 'feminist' .

> It seems to be more about manning (forgive the pun) the barricades
> alongside women on every little issue that militant feminists find unfair
> / degrading to women. I'm sure there are still thousands.

> The truth is, most men couldn't care less anymore.

> Even the types that, in the past, would have gone on marches waving
> placards have now moved on to this weeks worthy cause.

> Having virtually secured equal rights socially, politically &
> economically, as far as men are concerned, women no longer have anything
> to complain about & frankly, we wish they'd shut the f*** up now.

> I personally think men should never have got involved in the first place
> & I don't believe that their involvement made a scrap of difference.

> The tide was turning anyway. After all, most politicians had wives, who,
> having been inspired by the likes of Emily Pankhurst, i'm sure made their
> husbands aware of the demand for change.

> I believe that their so-called 'equality' has proved to be a mixed
> blessing.

> For every 'successful' woman in the workplace, there are hundreds who have
> found juggling a career and raising a family to be exhausting &
> unrewarding.

> Even more women are now confused & unsure about their role in society
> & are made to feel like failures if they aren't high flying executives
> of some pointless company or other.

> The term 'housewife' is now almost an insult.

> For the majority of women, 'equality' proved to be a crushing
> disappointment.
> The rise in suicides among women & the number of women on tranquilizes
> of some kind is testament to this.

> Do you really think Morrissey worries his head about any of this anymore?
Re: but who said anything about her weight in the first place?

Hateful, jealous gay males. They just cannot stand it when a WOMAN is into Mozzer. It's become worse, and all they can respond to it is that I am somehow, *obese*. I have said AGAIN and AGAIN that I am a woman who is 5'10. (tall) and jesus this is none of anyone's f***ing business, least of all in this pit, and I weigh (did it this morning, f***ers) 136lbs.
> Morrissey was a major mummy's boy and bedroom warrior when he was young, I
> personally think his mum put him onto all that feminist literature. I've
> always suspected a very Oedipal about their relationship Yes, he was, and maybe still IS, I don't know or even care anymore. LOL I like that phrase, *bedroom warrior*. Oedipal is RIGHT.
> Israel has weapons of mass destruction, that's never bothered them.
> Wonder why? Surely the pose as much threat in that region as any of the
> Arab nations.
No, because America supports Israel ( lots of Jewish people in America ). We give millions of dollars to Israel ALL THE TIME. They have NO reason to start a war with us. If the President past/present would just pull his thumb out of his ass and THINK, this horrible mess wouldn't be happening if Israel was not so selfish and just GIVE the Palestinians a homeland. Unpopular view, but it's mine and I don't care anymore what you all think of me. Hope I answered your questions. CM
Re: You just wanna get into Colleen's pants, chubby chaser

> You really do need to do some reading on the subject, if you think women
> are anywhere near securing equal rights politically, socially and
> economically. You need to be aware of how ignorant and offensive that
> statement is. It is a very Eurocentric view for one - in a global context
> women only get 10 per cent of the world's income and own 1 per cent of the
> world's property. I have been to certain Third World countries and the
> position of women is horrific. It is frightening that in today's world the
> Taliban existed up until just three years ago. Honour killings, female
> genital mutilation, burkhas, killing girl babies etc..... these are on the
> increase in developing/undeveloped countries and hardly issues the
> 'women's lib movement' can afford to ignore. The atrocities that have been
> perpetrated against women (and indeed, homosexual men) in the name of
> religion have determined the history of human development and show no sign
> of abating.

> Even in our comparatively 'progressive' society (US and UK.......hmmmmmm)
> our leaders (Bush and Blair) would take away our rights to control over
> our own bodies given half the chance. We can't take our current abortion
> laws for granted (and we *STILL* don't have abortion on demand, even in
> this country), they are increasingly under threat. Just across the water
> in Ireland it is illegal. Our most fundamental human right (the right to
> choose what happens to our own bodies)could be under threat. If we don't
> have control over our own bodies, we have nothing, we're just cattle.

> I could go on and on....the number of rapes that get reported vs the
> number that take place. Once you've reported the rape the chances the
> bastard will get convicted in court are so slim and the likelihood you
> will be blamed for what happened so huge, most women don't bother even
> reporting it - I can speak from experience on this one. Women can't walk
> around on their own at night - if they do, whatever happens to them is
> considered their fault, and they can't even consider taking it to court.
> We have to put up with harassment and intimidation just walking down the
> streets - of course, the actual likelihood of getting raped/assaulted is
> not the issue - it's the threat. If some bloke is following you/harrassing
> you, you don't know if he has the potential to turn nasty, you just can't
> take the chance. This seriously diminishes our capacity to go where we
> want/when we want in comparison to the liberties men enjoy.

> The way we are portrayed in the media, the public excoriation female
> celebrities and public figures suffer for their appearance....the fact
> that there is STILL a Page Three, but no Page Four with a well-endowed
> male specimen on it, after all these years.....what do you think it says
> about the status of women in our supposedly 'evolved' society?

> The sexual harassment in the workplace and sexual discrimination I have
> faced at interviews (plus the ongoing Glass Ceiling that exists in
> virtually all male-dominated professions) you would not believe. I could
> advise you to read up on the subject, but I could cover most of the issues
> relevant to the ongoing 'women's liberation' struggle just from my own
> personal experience, as I believe many women could. And I am a woman born
> in 1979, who is experiencing sexual inequality AT THIS POINT IN TIME, not
> during the Second Wave. I'll be a post-feminist in post-patriarchy, as the
> saying goes!

> I am not talking from the perspective of a politically correct academic or
> dilettante - these are issues that have shaped and sabotaged my life, and
> doing whatever I can to fight these forces is the only way I can make
> sense of my life.

> To keep it vaguely Moz-related, I dunno if he still considers himself to
> be a feminist, but I can assure you if he was a woman he would!

Er, whatever.
Re: You just wanna get into Colleen's pants, chubby chaser

> To keep it vaguely Moz-related, I dunno if he still considers himself to
> be a feminist, but I can assure you if he was a woman he would!

And if I were a horse, I'd consider myself to be an equine! Ha ha ha ha, uhhhhhh....


But he's not, and I'm not!

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