it's war out there


he he he.

anyone wanting a laugh, go the the marketplace and watch the action unfold ..... it's like "Lord of the Flies" out there.
And they talk about how bad this board is, jeez!
Re: No, I think is that ugly lesbian chic, and her hideous hair.
Re: explain boz?

Alternative rockabilly legend. Looks erily similar to Eddy Munster, yet delights in making Grandpa Munster type faces. Seems a bit shy, but also seems to enjoy darting around stage, and making frightfully ghoulish gestures while playing guitar.

A family man.

Appears to be missing some teeth.
grabbing the bucket of popcorn and running into the livingroom as fast as possible

now, *THIS* is more like it. A potential scandal of epic proportions! Being launched on some butt munch I never liked anyway!

Bring it on, baby!
Re: grabbing the bucket of popcorn and running into the livingroom as fast as possible

> now, *THIS* is more like it. A potential scandal of epic
> proportions! Being launched on some butt munch I never liked
> anyway!

> Bring it on, baby!

Oh suzanne, your lack of knowledge of your true standing within the moz community is overwhelming, when will you ever learn?
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