Morrissey Central "Discredited." (June 25, 2023)

I do feel bad for him. I’m sure he doesn’t love seeing Rick Astley doing karaoke to the Smiths for a 7 figure payout while the Cure sell out 4 nights at Madison Square Garden.

He explicitly thanked Rick Astley and Blossoms when they did the three cover gigs in 2021.
hes never been one for guesting with people onstage or in the studio,bowie/thelma,he could have been down with the kids and appeared on the gorillaz album.could be that even if something good happens like rick and the blossoms he still comes out of it badly.
This may have zero links with Glastonbury at all.

That said, it must be weird for Morrissey to see a Glasto crowd give to a rapturous reception to a setlist of Smiths cover songs, whilst simultaneously he is considered such a toxic figure that he can't even get anyone to release his most recent solo records. I'm sure he's quietly fuming at home, and wondering 'why isn't all this adulation coming my way'? Doubtless Fiona will have been instructed to write a piece on the hypocrisy of it all, and try to shift the blame to some conspiracy of evil record industry bigwigs, but ultimately he has no one to blame but himself for his current position.
No idea if he's watched the Glastonbury coverage, of course, but if he did then you can't blame him for feeling utterly left out and isolated (and yes, perhaps, discredited). So many of his old friends / collaborators / acquaintances there (Johnny, Chrissie, Sparks, Debbie Harry, even Elton to a tiny degree) and he is persona non grata.

Add the Rick/Blossoms show on top, and if I was Moz I'd feel like killing myself.
I think maybe it's more that no one is giving him credit for his part in the Smiths love fest which occurred at Glastonbury, rather than him wanting to appear there. He was never mentioned (and nor was Andy Rourke). Loads of people on social media trying to erase him from history and 'reclaim' the Smiths songs as if he had nothing to do with them.
He was mentioned all the time, just not in a positive way.
No idea if he's watched the Glastonbury coverage, of course, but if he did then you can't blame him for feeling utterly left out and isolated (and yes, perhaps, discredited). So many of his old friends / collaborators / acquaintances there (Johnny, Chrissie, Sparks, Debbie Harry, even Elton to a tiny degree) and he is persona non grata.

Add the Rick/Blossoms show on top, and if I was Moz I'd feel like killing myself.

Another way of looking at that: they're all long over the hill and just doing showbiz love-ins, whereas he's still doing something new, reaching new audiences, being contentious, refusing to play Live Aid.

I can imagine him seeing it that way, if nothing else. It would fit with the various causes he's been endorsing these last few years.
I think maybe it's more that no one is giving him credit for his part in the Smiths love fest which occurred at Glastonbury, rather than him wanting to appear there. He was never mentioned (and nor was Andy Rourke). Loads of people on social media trying to erase him from history and 'reclaim' the Smiths songs as if he had nothing to do with them.
There's probably no other venue on the planet where someone who expressed support for Nigel Farage, Brexit and For Britain would go down so badly. Wrongly or rightly, the Glastonbury spirit is just totally against everything that modern day Morrissey stands for. It's a sad state of affairs.
No idea if he's watched the Glastonbury coverage, of course, but if he did then you can't blame him for feeling utterly left out and isolated (and yes, perhaps, discredited). So many of his old friends / collaborators / acquaintances there (Johnny, Chrissie, Sparks, Debbie Harry, even Elton to a tiny degree) and he is persona non grata.

Add the Rick/Blossoms show on top, and if I was Moz I'd feel like killing myself.
It was the same in 2019 when Johnny joined the Killers at Glasto. Morrissey should be there to enjoy the glory but the fact that he wasn't even mentioned is his own fault. With his words and his "letters" and controversies, he has endlessly poisoned all goodwill. Over and over again. Even now, what would a fan see, searching Moz stuff after Glasto? A post promoting David Vance on the official website. It's miserable but if this stuff isn't a wake-up call for Moz then nothing ever will be.
It was the same in 2019 when Johnny joined the Killers at Glasto. Morrissey should be there to enjoy the glory but the fact that he wasn't even mentioned is his own fault. With his words and his "letters" and controversies, he has endlessly poisoned all goodwill. Over and over again. Even now, what would a fan see, searching Moz stuff after Glasto? A post promoting David Vance on the official website. It's miserable but if this stuff isn't a wake-up call for Moz then nothing ever will be.
Agree. It just seems to be one of his character flaws that in situations like these he tends to react by burning more bridges, not building them.

But hey - these songs only get more astonishing with the passing of time. He knows that. How much comfort it brings him, in all the chaos of being shut out, I have no idea.
Do you think it might be all some great master plan by the record industry at large to give Morrissey no option other than to get back on the stage with Johnny?
It was the same in 2019 when Johnny joined the Killers at Glasto. Morrissey should be there to enjoy the glory but the fact that he wasn't even mentioned is his own fault. With his words and his "letters" and controversies, he has endlessly poisoned all goodwill. Over and over again. Even now, what would a fan see, searching Moz stuff after Glasto? A post promoting David Vance on the official website. It's miserable but if this stuff isn't a wake-up call for Moz then nothing ever will be.
True, there also seems to be a kind of Mexican standoff between M's obstinacy and the press. But I wonder if it is a wake up call on both sides? It will be interesting to see how this develops - the silence around M's contribution is pretty deafening and may even work in his favour (provided he doesn't go on the attack). I would expecct someone in the press to begin questioning it and reappraising M. He can't be cancelled entirely if his legacy is so loved. Now is the perfect opportunity for some kind of reframing and rapprochement, but it won't happen if M continues to post as he has done.
Do you think it might be all some great master plan by the record industry at large to give Morrissey no option other than to get back on the stage with Johnny?

No because Johnny won’t have it.
I think he is referring to a tweet sent by one time left-wing, now centrist, 'comedian' Mark Steel, who said "Now that Morrissey is discredited, it's a brilliant idea of Rick Astley to do his songs instead".
What should he be credited for? He’ll be making a very small amount of money from performance rights
True, there also seems to be a kind of Mexican standoff between M's obstinacy and the press. But I wonder if it is a wake up call on both sides? It will be interesting to see how this develops - the silence around M's contribution is pretty deafening and may even work in his favour (provided he doesn't go on the attack). I would expecct someone in the press to begin questioning it and reappraising M. He can't be cancelled entirely if his legacy is so loved. Now is the perfect opportunity for some kind of reframing and rapprochement, but it won't happen if M continues to post as he has done.
I have lost all hope of wake-up calls. I don't know what happened behind the scenes but in the wake of Andy's passing (momentous in the Smiths camp surely) - I was at least hoping for an end to the sniping. All I see from Glasto is ... not poking the fire but no olive branches, no change. "You told me to shut up and get on with my own stuff, so that's what I'm doing", you know.

You look at those line-ups of Morrissey's old friends and you think.. how has he pushed away so many people? Johnny and Chrissie, who both meant the world to him, thick as thieves like the old days and he's left with Dodwell types - God, I'd be crying over that as well. Even things with Sparks went sour. But he won't take responsibility for his behaviour, he won't apologise for anything, one person speaks against him and they're next out of the door. God, we don't even have Alain any more. He is self-destructing one day at a time.
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