Morrissey Central "CAPITOL WRECKERS" (October 15, 2023)


Hi! I run Capitol Records and if I want to wreck Morrissey’s career
no one can stop me. Bye, now!

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If I was Morrissey, Id ask one of the musicians who worked on the album, probably over 10 people, to leak it. Someone MUST have it. I know its illegal but who gives a flying duck.
Theres a number of ways to do it, you can never trace it back.
Not sure why you think anybody who would benefit from the albums formal release would want to leak it. Not going to happen.
I would definitely benefit:D
You too. We can listen to it. Thats the benefit
To be fair, he could just sing the album live and let people hear all the songs without compromising his ability to make money from the studio project.
I’m going from memory here, but there’s a complexity which seems significant: aren’t RCA, Sanctuary, Harvest and Capitol all owned by Universal Music anyway? Obviously, without reading the contracts it’s impossible to say exactly how that bears.

But it might suggest promised re-releases are less meaningful contractually than any ‘announcement’ could suggest.

Yes, we only have Central’s side of the story to speculate on. Which is why I posted earlier that it would be great to hear from Capitol and their reasons to not release it, after releasing RWA.
Quoting yourself "My best album" on the latest rant is almost sarcasm.
Every album after the millennium was his best album.
If I was Morrissey, Id ask one of the musicians who worked on the album, probably over 10 people, to leak it. Someone MUST have it. I know its illegal but who gives a flying duck.
Theres a number of ways to do it, you can never trace it back.

Maybe so few have it, that it could be traced back?
Only found one website that picked up the story.

Why are so many people doing this? Instead of just asking a question, they make a statement and then put ‘right?’ or ‘yeah?’ at the end of it.
It’s weird, right?
He should do a 2 hour interview with Lex Fridman and clear everything up once and for all.
Added to OP.

Morrissey accuses Capitol Records CEO of attempting to "wreck" his career

Morrissey says Capitol Records "wrecked" his career
Why are so many people doing this? Instead of just asking a question, they make a statement and then put ‘right?’ or ‘yeah?’ at the end of it.
It’s weird, right?
View attachment 96275

yeah? is weird. Right? is not so weird. America is weird.

It’s probably one of the reasons M moved to LA/ spends a lot of time there.

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