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  1. Darth Vegan

    Mickey Rourke's Comeback Thread

    The Wrestler was one of the two best movies to come out last year, and among the best films Ive seen in YEARS.
  2. Darth Vegan

    What Do You Keep In Your Wallet?

    mine is a Duran Duran wallet :)
  3. Darth Vegan

    Morrissey Word Game

    to say the least, truly disappointed....truly, truly, truly..ohhhhhh my word is um... empty
  4. Darth Vegan

    Who Watches the Watchmen?

    well thats the whole thing, it deconstructs the entire superhero genre. Not typical "buff dudes in spandex fighting for truth, justice, and the American way" garbage.
  5. Darth Vegan

    What Do You Keep In Your Wallet?

    saying I looooove you, is not the words I want to hear from yooooooooou its not that I waaant you not to say it but if you only kneeew..hooooow eeeeeasy, it would be to show me how you feeeeeeeel... *cough* I mean uh..who the hell is Extreme? Never heard of em? :blushing:
  6. Darth Vegan

    What Do You Keep In Your Wallet?

    oye terence, I feel I should tell you that I definitely tried swatting that bug in your signature off my screen last night, haha. I sure felt like an idiot a few seconds later.
  7. Darth Vegan

    What Do You Keep In Your Wallet?

    If you knew how unorganized or messy I was, you'd know that this is the only logical place for me to keep it, otherwise I will never see it ever again haha
  8. Darth Vegan

    toast appreciation thread

    earth balance, and then a generous helping of nutritional yeast, a sprinkling of ground flaxseed, and topped off with some Bragg's liquid aminos. half of you are probably saying "what the hell is all that stuff" but I assure you, it is quite tasty and one of my favorite snacks.
  9. Darth Vegan

    What Do You Keep In Your Wallet?

    ID, library card, blood donor card, social security card, no pics, no money.
  10. Darth Vegan

    Best Looking Female On Solo(w)???

    man, I havent listened to Rudimentary Peni or Crass in sooo long. I need to dig my stuff out sometime.
  11. Darth Vegan

    Who Watches the Watchmen?

    I would say reading it before seeing it is almost mandatory. By all accounts I've heard, people who have not read it are leaving theaters confused and/or not enjoying the movie.
  12. Darth Vegan

    so I started a breakfast cereal blog

    that doesn't look very "cracklin" to me. looks more like cat food!
  13. Darth Vegan

    To meat eat or not ot meat eat?

    first off, Hitler wasn't a true vegetarian. He was in short spurts, he did a lot of fad diets. And even if he was, does that mean anyone who eschews meat is going to go on a genocidal spree and start cleansing for the master race? Most retarded logic ever. Second: a wise man once said: GO...
  14. Darth Vegan

    Anti-social chimp pre-plans rock attacks.

    just read this on yahoo. Good. Can you blame him? Held captive all his life and made a mockery by insensitive human assholes. I'd like to throw a few rocks at them too.
  15. Darth Vegan

    Who Watches the Watchmen?

    ...his crystal palace? Breathtaking. I actually like the change at the end. I think it makes perfect sense in the context of the film, and.... *SPOILER ALERT* honestly, had they gone with the giant squid, I think it would have A. baffled most moviegoers who...
  16. Darth Vegan

    so I started a breakfast cereal blog

    this is exactly the type of discussion I hoped to inspire! Don't fret, several of the cereals mentioned herein are on the agenda! keep checking, I hope to update daily or close to daily! Comments welcomed!
  17. Darth Vegan

    so I started a breakfast cereal blog

    thanks for the feedback. Keep it comin!
  18. Darth Vegan

    so I started a breakfast cereal blog

    whoops, sorry about the bad link. And yeah, no wonder his cereal isnt as popular as Frankenberry or Count Chocula.
  19. Darth Vegan

    so I started a breakfast cereal blog

    THE BREAKFAST CLUB at subscribe/follow/link/bookmark/whatever/enjoy!
  20. Darth Vegan

    Nugz - happy birthday to you!

    I've come to wish you....nah, too easy. hope it was a good one!
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