Why Doesn't Morrissey Come Out of the Closet?



In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out & proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a little 'sad'.
I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join the modern world!
He's never been in the closet, he's said right from the beginning, time and time again that he's bisexual. That isn't the same as gay, which is why he doen't SAY he's gay. I don't know why everyone acts like it's some big mystery, some secret that he won't admit to. He's always been straightforward about it. I guess people don't like that because a person who's openly bi isn't nearly as 'scandalous' as a homosexual who tries to keep it a secret - which incidently a person has every right to do, it's no one's business but their own. Yes, even celebritiies are entitled to just as much privacy as anyone else is!
> He's never been in the closet, he's said right from the beginning, time
> and time again that he's bisexual. That isn't the same as gay, which is
> why he doen't SAY he's gay. I don't know why everyone acts like it's some
> big mystery, some secret that he won't admit to. He's always been
> straightforward about it. I guess people don't like that because a person
> who's openly bi isn't nearly as 'scandalous' as a homosexual who tries to
> keep it a secret - which incidently a person has every right to do, it's
> no one's business but their own. Yes, even celebritiies are entitled to
> just as much privacy as anyone else is!

Hes more often said hes a-sexual, than bi-sexual, ie, sex with either male or female is not for him, rather than sex with either gender is for him.
> In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep
> his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out &
> proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a
> little 'sad'.
> I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to
> appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join
> the modern world!

Looking at your postings it seems that you are really into artists becoming more mainstrean which, according to you, would give them some validity. But Morrissey isn't mainstream material which is why I happen to like him. Morrissey making some big announcement that he's gay, like Rosey O'Donnel, may please louts like you but perhaps he doesn't seek that kind of press because it's NO ONES business...not even his fan's...that's not what's important, it's his music that matters.
> He's never been in the closet, he's said right from the beginning, time
> and time again that he's bisexual. That isn't the same as gay, which is
> why he doen't SAY he's gay. I don't know why everyone acts like it's some
> big mystery, some secret that he won't admit to. He's always been
> straightforward about it. I guess people don't like that because a person
> who's openly bi isn't nearly as 'scandalous' as a homosexual who tries to
> keep it a secret - which incidently a person has every right to do, it's
> no one's business but their own. Yes, even celebritiies are entitled to
> just as much privacy as anyone else is!

Morrissey has never, to my knowledge, even used the word 'bisexual' in an interview. He clouds the issue with vague comments like ' I've moved beyond umbrella sexuality'.
Again, I find it nauseating that the onetime indie rebel is less open than the manufactured George Michael.
> Hes more often said hes a-sexual, than bi-sexual, ie, sex with either male
> or female is not for him, rather than sex with either gender is for him.

Exactly. He clouds the issue. Nobody is 'asexual' unless they are impotent. Morrissey lives in the past .
Re: He doesn't have a stitch to wear?

> And join
> the modern world!

You could just join the modern world and respect the man's privacy!
> Looking at your postings it seems that you are really into artists
> becoming more mainstrean which, according to you, would give them some
> validity. But Morrissey isn't mainstream material which is why I happen to
> like him. Morrissey making some big announcement that he's gay, like Rosey
> O'Donnel, may please louts like you but perhaps he doesn't seek that kind
> of press because it's NO ONES business...not even his fan's...that's not
> what's important, it's his music that matters.

Oh perlease! You accuse me of wanting to turn Morrissey 'mainstream'. Since when did covering up your sexuality in order to sell more records constitute being cutting edge or avant garde? As for me being a "lout" - this may be true, but I'm a sweet & tender lout.
> Exactly. He clouds the issue. Nobody is 'asexual' unless they are
> impotent. Morrissey lives in the past .

a-sexual as in happilly celibate. neither choosing to have intimate relationships with males or females.
> Hes more often said hes a-sexual, than bi-sexual, ie, sex with either male
> or female is not for him, rather than sex with either gender is for him.

You are right in that I don't recall him using the word 'bisexual' to describe himself publicly, and he would probably object to being labelled anything, but what I meant that was that he's said many times over the years that he is attracted to both men and women, and has had experiences with both. As for your assertion that "sex with either male or female is not for him", the whole celibate thing has been blown way out of proportion, he only mentioned that very early on and stated several times that he regretted ever bringing it up in the first place. People are still going on about it like he said it yesterday, when in fact he has been saying for years and years that he is not celibate and does understand and in fact HAVE sexual feelings, desires, and encounters. He has been in the public eye for the last twenty years, is it really surprising that he has changed and grown over the years? Everyone else does, why should he forever be pigeon-holed as the person he was when all this started?
seems alot of people are desperate for him to be gayer than a gay thing in gaysville. Does it matter that much?
> seems alot of people are desperate for him to be gayer than a gay thing in
> gaysville. Does it matter that much?

It matters as a reflection of his relevence. Morrissey is seen as outdated by the under 30s and his failure to be open about himself adds to this.
oh for f***'s sake

> Since when did covering up your sexuality in order to sell more records
> constitute being cutting edge or avant garde?

Do you actually think that if he 'covers up his sexuality' that it would be to sell more records rather than because he'd like to keep his private life and intimate details private? For a start, in my opinion he has been quite open about his sexuality, and if he doesn't choose to be as forthcoming with personal details as you would like, so what, he has every right to keep his personal life to himself just as you do. Just because he doesn't make a categorical statement defining his sexuality doesn't mean he is 'hiding' anything, it's none of our damn business! And he is, as we all know, an extremely private person, so it's hardly surprising that he keeps certain things to himself. And frankly, even if he was gay and the only reason he didn't tell the world was because he was afraid it would have a negative effect on his career, that would be fair enough really, it's his career, and I just think it's a sad reflection of the world we live in that an artist has to worry that being gay would make them less popular. If you want to get worked up about something, why not that?
Well that's strange, I'm 26 and I don't think that.... oh I know, maybe you CAN'T GENERALISE LIKE THAT!!!

> It matters as a reflection of his relevence. Morrissey is seen as outdated
> by the under 30s and his failure to be open about himself adds to this.
perhaps he should say hes into beastiality to become more hip,
Or maybe necrophilia - thats a dead good idea!
Re: oh for f***'s sake

> Do you actually think that if he 'covers up his sexuality' that it would
> be to sell more records rather than because he'd like to keep his private
> life and intimate details private? For a start, in my opinion he has been
> quite open about his sexuality, and if he doesn't choose to be as
> forthcoming with personal details as you would like, so what, he has every
> right to keep his personal life to himself just as you do. Just because he
> doesn't make a categorical statement defining his sexuality doesn't mean
> he is 'hiding' anything, it's none of our damn business! And he is, as we
> all know, an extremely private person, so it's hardly surprising that he
> keeps certain things to himself. And frankly, even if he was gay and the
> only reason he didn't tell the world was because he was afraid it would
> have a negative effect on his career, that would be fair enough really,
> it's his career, and I just think it's a sad reflection of the world we
> live in that an artist has to worry that being gay would make them less
> popular. If you want to get worked up about something, why not that?

You are missing the point. This is not the 1950s. There is no reason for someone to be s obsessively private about their homosexuality. Young people regard that as pathetic. Morrissey made his name as a radical artist - aka "The Queen is Dead" and "Margaret on the Guillotine". Yet George Michael & Elton John - who were MAINSTREAM in the 80s are now far more radical than Morrissey.
Re: oh for f***'s sake

George Michael and Elton John are mainstream pop stars. For 'mainstream' read inoffensive fun for mums, dads and all the family. Radical ? If you think being gay is radical, maybe you are the one living in the 1950s. If you are so interested in Moz's sexuality, take note of the fact that he said he couldn't read Kenneth Williams diaries as they were 'too painful'. No-one has ever came forward and said that Moz is anything other than celibate, which can only mean he is telling the truth, unless you can prove otherwise.

> You are missing the point. This is not the 1950s. There is no reason for
> someone to be s obsessively private about their homosexuality. Young
> people regard that as pathetic. Morrissey made his name as a radical
> artist - aka "The Queen is Dead" and "Margaret on the
> Guillotine". Yet George Michael & Elton John - who were
> MAINSTREAM in the 80s are now far more radical than Morrissey.
Re: oh for f***'s sake

> You are missing the point. This is not the 1950s. There is no reason for
> someone to be s obsessively private about their homosexuality. Young
> people regard that as pathetic. Morrissey made his name as a radical
> artist - aka "The Queen is Dead" and "Margaret on the
> Guillotine". Yet George Michael & Elton John - who were
> MAINSTREAM in the 80s are now far more radical than Morrissey.

a) He is obsessively private about EVERYTHING to do with his life, not just his sexuality. In fact in light of how highly he values privacy, I think he has been very open about sexual issues.

b) As far as anyone can tell from reading his interviews over the years, and without getting a personal answer from Morrissey, he is bisexual, not gay. He says he's attracted to both men and women. That is about as clear as you can get without actually using the word 'bi'.

c) If he doesn't want to discuss his sexuality, that's not being 'obsessively private', it's pretty normal as far as I'm concerned. IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.
Morrissey is gay, but he doesnt want his mum to know. He will come out when she dies, but he feels shameful about it and doesnt want her to know
> Morrissey is gay, but he doesnt want his mum to know. He will come out
> when she dies, but he feels shameful about it and doesnt want her to know

Ah, the weekly "gay" argument. Never fails to raise a smile...:)
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