"The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out now

Re: Severed Alliance book by Johnny Rogan - Anniversary Edition out now

Now out (came out last week).
[Plus I finally got round to watching that Channel 4 programme about Music & Royalty that was broadcast a couple of weeks ago. It was largely rubbish (the usual crap from talking heads who weren't around at the time of the Sex Pistols etc) but I was surprised that David Quantick said something positive about Morrissey ("He wrote a great song called The Queen Is Dead." or something like that...) ]

I saw that and couldn't believe my ears either. When did Quantick ever like The Smiths or Morrissey?
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

The preface made me want to barf. He writes with such an inflated sense of self-importance. Me me me me me me me.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Maconie also reviews Rogan's tome in the current issue of 'New Statesman'. No on-line link yet. I don't have a scanner or camera-telephone (Hey look, I'm just like Johnny R! I have OCD too.) Here's a wee bit though, from the NS site ~

"Also in Books, Stuart Maconie reviews Johnny Rogan’s Morrissey and Marr: the Severed Alliance – 20th Anniversary Edition. Rogan’s 1992 biography of the Smiths “astonished most with its Herculean endeavour”, despite having one especially prominent critic – Morrissey. Twenty years later, Maconie still finds the book “the definitive if daunting account of the most romantically mythic band of those times”. Given Morrissey’s mythologising approach to his upbringing, Rogan takes an almost paleontological approach to the Smiths’ prehistory, tackling the group’s family histories in detail. And while Morrissey’s brushes with scandal today border on the absurd, “Rogan reminds us of how genuinely subversive the Smiths were at the time, both musically and ideologically”. Most telling, perhaps, is how the Smiths’ “tortured, arcane financial arrangements underpin the whole narrative”. Far from a story of artistic detachment, “there is much that reads like accountancy here,” Maconie writes, with “many a page given to bank statements, receipts and the labyrinthine ways that the money was (unevenly) split between the members”.

Maconie compares Morrissey c.2012 to Ann Widdecombe, says Rogan is stronger on detection than appreciation, and concludes with ~

"Later this year (sic), we are promised Morrissey's own version of his life, the long-awaited autobiography. It will be fascinating to have a second opinion from a writer even more obsessed with Steven Patrick Morrissey than Johnny Rogan." Cute.

There is also an interview with Johnny Rogan conducted by Maconie's old mucker Andrew Collins published in the current, and last ever, edition of 'The Word' magazine.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Is there any mention of him attempting to sue Julie Burchill back in the 90s for plagiarism and copyright infringement? The "uplifting" preceded Julie's infamous meeting with Morrissey at her house which ended with the realisation that "you should never meet your heroes..." Sunday Times 1994ish?

I remember when this book came out in those pre-internet days and it was anticipated as much as a new Morrissey record back in 1992, I certainly purchased it in hardback the day it came out. Much like Morrissey's reissues I won't be bothering with it this time around
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

People keep talking about his OCD style as though it was a good thing! My problem is that Rogan is such a BORE ("Much that reads like accountancy here") and boring people have a King Midas effect - everything they touch becomes boring too.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

The preface made me want to barf. He writes with such an inflated sense of self-importance. Me me me me me me me.

Well, what do you expect? It's a PREFACE about the history of/reaction to the book. The author is absent from the chapters that follow, maybe far too much detached - not enough me, me - so the opposite of what you're complaining about!
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Not so. The political/economic upheavals, civil war, De Valera's Gaelicization policy, the redevelopment of Dublin and movement of families to houses in Crumlin all had an effect on the Morrissey family culminating in emigration to Manchester.

Well, yes, we're talking about mass emigration here. It had a profound effect on families throughout Ireland. Plus, it's ludicrous to suggest, as the previous poster did, that it's 'high school textbook' (spot the out of place Americanism!) in origin. No such books exist that combine a social history of Crumlin/Dublin, complete with first hand testimonies and reminiscences of growing up there, alongside economic/political discussion of material some actually taken from the private sessions of the Dail. Hardly standard school textbook stuff is it? If it wasn't for this complex history there'd be no Morrissey/Manchester connection and, ultimately, no Smiths.

Every quote in the book is fully credited and dated in the new edition.

Untrue. You've just browsed the preface. He doesn't mention himself in ANY of the 29 chapters in the book as far as I can see....

Well, what do you expect? It's a PREFACE about the history of/reaction to the book. The author is absent from the chapters that follow, maybe far too much detached - not enough me, me - so the opposite of what you're complaining about!

Won't the real Johnny Rogan please stand up?
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Un-frickin-believable. The guy is till trying to convince himself Morrissey saying his book is shit is some sort of accolade!!
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Well, what do you expect? It's a PREFACE about the history of/reaction to the book. The author is absent from the chapters that follow, maybe far too much detached - not enough me, me - so the opposite of what you're complaining about!

Not enough "me me"?!! What a joke! It's me me me me me me me throughout. In all the interviews and reported comments Rogan is always trying to put HIMSELF in the limelight.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

I've been reading the 20th Anniversary Edition. I wasn't aware it was coming out and never read the original Edition so I came to it open minded. Although I saw The Smiths many times (yes, I am that old) ranging from a few times at the Hacienda through to The Palace Theatre in Manchester. As much as I loved the band I wasn't obsessed with them, I was just gutted when they split.

When the original was released I didn't bother with it but only because by then I'd become sick of people (most never having seen them) idolising the band etc.

Browsing the shelves in a bookshop the other weekend I noticed the new edition, flicked through it and decided to get it. This was with no expectations and without realising there had apparently been so much bad blood following the initial edition. I have to say that I'm enjoying it - it's a decent read at a decent pace. I thought I knew a reasonable history to the band but hearing about an unexpected gift for athletics and Mozzer's dad being a good footballer are little insights that I hadn't expected and help paint a pciture of the man as a boy. There is historical background and reference but most biographical books will have this and in my opinion for this type of book it only needs to be sweeping in nature. It simply helps put things in context.

I am still relatively early on in the book as I read a few pages each day mainly but I have to say, taking the book for what it is, I'm enjoying it. I didn't come to it expecting a psychological profile of the characters - more just a good account of how the band came about, what it went through and how (why) they split. So far I'm getting that.

I have to say that coming to this board I was surprised by the negativity being shown. That's not to criticise those who have a reasonable or qualified opinion but it seems that many haven't read the book and are passing on the negativity almost second hand as in expressing a view because thats the general consensus of opinion. If someone is interested in the book I'd say give it a try (get it from a library so there's no investment risked on it).

Not trying to get anyone's back up here or indeed promote the book - I was just surprised at the way the book is perceived.


Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

I suspect the reason that so many people have expressed negative views about the book is because so many people don't like it! I also bought the book (not cheap) and have genuinely tried to read it, but it is one yawn after another. Rogan's main problem - apart from being self-obsessed - is that he can't tell the difference between what's interesting and what isn't.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Thanks for that insight. I can see you feel very strong about the book from your use of exclamation marks to punctuate your comment but I am disappointed that you didn't support the comment with examples. You claim Rogan is self obsessed - where is that illustrated (apart from in the preface). You say it was one yawn after another and that is a matter of tasts so I wouldn't ask for an that to be illustrated but the issue of being self obsessed is something I have seen crop up repeatedly so could you highlight where this happened?


Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Un-frickin-believable. The guy is till trying to convince himself Morrissey saying his book is shit is some sort of accolade!!

Not true. You're another one of these anti-Rogan trolls skimming the preface and hoping it will give you an idea of what follows in the book. If you bothered to read even the whole preface -- let alone a chapter or the book itself -- then you'd know that the case he's making isn't "Morrissey shitting on his book as an accolade" as you claim, but more of the fact that Morrissey himself can't seem to make up his mind whether he supports the book or is indeed against it, replete with proof-proven annecdotes supporting Rogan's argument
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Not true. You're another one of these anti-Rogan trolls skimming the preface and hoping it will give you an idea of what follows in the book. If you bothered to read even the whole preface -- let alone a chapter or the book itself -- then you'd know that the case he's making isn't "Morrissey shitting on his book as an accolade" as you claim, but more of the fact that Morrissey himself can't seem to make up his mind whether he supports the book or is indeed against it, replete with proof-proven annecdotes supporting Rogan's argument

What are, "proof-proven annecdotes"?
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Thanks for that insight. I can see you feel very strong about the book from your use of exclamation marks to punctuate your comment but I am disappointed that you didn't support the comment with examples. You claim Rogan is self obsessed - where is that illustrated (apart from in the preface). You say it was one yawn after another and that is a matter of tasts so I wouldn't ask for an that to be illustrated but the issue of being self obsessed is something I have seen crop up repeatedly so could you highlight where this happened?



You're right. The main part of the book - the whole Smiths story - is told as reportage. There's no authorial new journalism style insertions or wasted personal stuff. Nor is there an attempt to ingratiate himself. Oh, and he doesn't once refer to Morrissey as Moz or Mozzer!
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

What are, "proof-proven annecdotes"?


He talks about the claims Morrissey has made in regards to certain bits of information Rogan divulged being untrue and then provides proof via interview transcripts and things Morrissey has said in interviews basically proving that Morrissey has never read the book, just heard bits and pieces of it and drawn his own conclusions. He also goes into what exactly he said to the NME in the run-up to the first publication that set Morrissey off and led him to make the "death in a pile-up" remark. Then he talks about how Morrissey cited the book during the court case in an attempt to convince the jury that he and Marr were the band, essentially saying the text was the gospel on the Smiths

just read the book. You'll see
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

or at the very least, read the entire preface. Then chastise Rogan if you wish. At least everything after that will be about Morrissey and the Smiths
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Back in the day I purchased both the paperback and hardback editions and thought they were good read
Rogan obviously had access to the Robert Mackie letters before Mackie published them and also seemed to have access to diaries(?) of Morrissey from his teens
Bit over bearing in parts but was first book to really get into real story of band
Not going to buy revised edition - will just read preface in local book store
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no

Is there any point paying the extra fiver for the new version or is there not that much different? Just reading it for the first time and wondering whether it's worth the extra money.
Re: Article: "The Severed Alliance" by Johnny Rogan - 20th Anniversary Edition out no


He talks about the claims Morrissey has made in regards to certain bits of information Rogan divulged being untrue and then provides proof via interview transcripts and things Morrissey has said in interviews basically proving that Morrissey has never read the book, just heard bits and pieces of it and drawn his own conclusions. He also goes into what exactly he said to the NME in the run-up to the first publication that set Morrissey off and led him to make the "death in a pile-up" remark. Then he talks about how Morrissey cited the book during the court case in an attempt to convince the jury that he and Marr were the band, essentially saying the text was the gospel on the Smiths

just read the book. You'll see

Morrissey pointed to the book's title in court to show that the band was essentially Morrissey and Marr, not 'essentially saying the text was gospel'. No comment on the book itself, which he hadn't read - which is the best advice i've heard about it.
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