"Spent The Day In Bed" - new single debuts on BBC Radio 2 / The Chris Evans Show (Sep. 19)

It's been about ten years since morrissey wrote great lyrics. Those days are long gone, so people need to stop harping on about the past.

Yes but then all of the Curtis Butler's of the world (sheep) will just go on and on about how this song is the most monumental thing he's done since Strangeways, or something.
Isn't great that we are still around to hear new music from Morrissey and his band? I woke up this morning, checked my phone and noticed there was a new Morrissey song released. I could not think of a better way to wake up to a new day than to hear a new Morrissey tune.
It's amazing, beautiful, funny, thoughtful, and clever. I have been listening to it on Spotify all day and have had a smile on my face all day.

His voice isn't suited for this type of instrumentation. This is vintage VH1 shit . Find some real songwriters and drop the political material. Still, always love you Moz!
if M were 'everybody' ;)
Thank God he's one of a kind. Any more than that would be too many! :lbf:
I do appreciate his difficulty, don't get me wrong. But if he didn't get me with this one, there's 11 more on the album. Although I worry about what a couple of the songs may bring.
(Here's to hoping Israel is a rollicking Siouxsie cover. You know he simply ADORES her.)


all negative criticisms are just pathetic, get a grip, move on.


I am thrilled with the new song. It's much stronger as a lead single than "World Peace is None of Your Business" was. We can't wait to hear and celebrate the new album soon here in El Paso.


all negative criticisms are just pathetic, get a grip, move on.


That sentiment was first used about Bowie and its true for him, not sure Morrissey warrants the same kind of sentiment. Especially over a single like this. He will call it art, its not really not in the true sense. Its MOR . Its not the end of the world that Morrisseys career has gone this way , its just a shame someone who wrote Reel Around The Fountain , Stop Me If You Think You Heard This One Before, Suedehead, Such A Little Thing , Now My Heart Is Full , Mute Witness, Maladjusted and so on would end up with a career like the one he has now, the last three, maybe even five LPs have been average . The shows haven't been great and the interviews pathetic . Love him , respect him but its all a bit tragic in a sense
I am thrilled with the new song. It's much stronger as a lead single than "World Peace is None of Your Business" was. We can't wait to hear and celebrate the new album soon here in El Paso.
I thought Whirled Peas had a rich, beautiful vocal melody even if the lyrics were lacking and sounded like something a 19 year old who just discovered politics would write. If you were to play just the vocal melodies side by side on a piano, you'd see a clear winner.
I am thrilled with the new song. It's much stronger as a lead single than "World Peace is None of Your Business" was. We can't wait to hear and celebrate the new album soon here in El Paso.

I'm still sorta amazed that world peace was the lead single and I'm a fan of the song

Anyone wanna take a guess at who's the co author
Wow. That's f***ing garbage - as expected. The song invokes the feeling of being stuck in an elevator at a retirement residence.
he should have spent the day in bed avoiding jesse etc- and trying to contact alain whyte , cant see this weak effort getting on any radio station playlists - it wouldn't have even made a b side in the 90s - very disappointed- am sick of hearing about his grudge with the royals too- change the record man
That sentiment was first used about Bowie and its true for him, not sure Morrissey warrants the same kind of sentiment. Especially over a single like this. He will call it art, its not really not in the true sense. Its MOR . Its not the end of the world that Morrisseys career has gone this way , its just a shame someone who wrote Reel Around The Fountain , Stop Me If You Think You Heard This One Before, Suedehead, Such A Little Thing , Now My Heart Is Full , Mute Witness, Maladjusted and so on would end up with a career like the one he has now, the last three, maybe even five LPs have been average . The shows haven't been great and the interviews pathetic . Love him , respect him but its all a bit tragic in a sense

your opinion, fair enough.

'He will call it art, its not really not in the true sense.' ?

or in your 'true sense' or by your definition of what is art and not art.

When I'm listening to this new song I'm not in my head comparing it to his older work or anyone else. It's just pure joy being in the moment enjoying someones unique and creative output and grooving on it.

Play it loud, forget the world, forget yourself.

I'm really digging this track. I've had it on repeated listens and it gets better every time. It's also quite catchy. Is it a far cry from "Hold On to Your Friends" and "Seasick, Yet Still Docked"? Yes. But its still a perfectly fine leading single from the forthcoming album. The only part of the song that I'm not keen on is the "time, do as I wish" bit. Overall, excited to hear the rest of the album and please come to Portland, Oregon!
We all want that magic to be back so we listen to a mediocre vacuous song and the instant rush of "this is going to be just like the old days, I can feel it!" We tell ourselves its catchy. Has a Smith's jangle to it. Or maybe a Vauxhall feel. But really its none of those things. Its just something thrown out there and "says nothing to me about my life" BUT you still won't admit it because you've invested TOO much in this man to say otherwise now. This is the problem. The band is not bringing out the best in Moz. But Mando replied to me on Instagram! And Gustavo direct messages me, Jesse liked my photo!!!! So we tell ourselves all is well. When we really know they all should GO! Moz needs new muses. Maybe we'll get some magic in the future when this happens. Once more with feeling. And no I don't have any higher hopes for the rest of the album either after this morning either.

- C
Here's a new review from the Times - 4 stars out of 5. This is the first bit of the review - the rest is behind the paywall.

"Well this is a surprise. Morrissey has spent a decade doing everything he could to denigrate his once impeccable legacy: using much of his autobiography to settle petty scores with a high-court judge; writing an unreadably pretentious novel; and burning his bridges at one record company after another. After that, nobody could reasonably expect him to come back with a half-decent song. Yet here he is with Spent the Day in Bed, which is funny, maudlin, slightly ridiculous and imbued with the kind of rebellious outsider spirit that made us fall for him in the first place. It has a pretty good tune too.
Beginning with a delicate, almost baroque electronic piano and a handful of squeaky retro-futuristic synthesizer bleeps, Morrissey makes the case for…"
'if Madonna sang "I'm spending the day in bed, no bus, no boss, no rain, no train" we'd all be slagging her off.'

actually I think we would expect it of her, I mean the simplicity. Does she write her own words? didn't know that.


I think he's probably sick of expectations people have of him, and will do anything to disappoint them just to retain some sense of self growth (to him)and an identity to call his own and no one else's.

believe me I too sometimes long for the poetry of say.. 'Hand that Rocks The Cradle' or even the song 'Maladjusted'. But we are not the ones writing the words, we could take it or leave it, he will go on doing it with or without us, because he is an artist.

Also, I remember hearing or reading an interview where he said it's really about the voice. Meaning I think words these days come second as priority for him.

The voice is great. The big challenge of pop songs always has been delivering a strong message using simple words. Simplifying keeping the essence and the beauty is an evolution for any writer. Let's see the rest of the album KS.

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