"Spent The Day In Bed" - new single debuts on BBC Radio 2 / The Chris Evans Show (Sep. 19)



lovely ! :D :thumb:

at first listen, the funky keys/sounds made me think of Stereolab,
and I wondered if the sound was 'too young' of a sound? a strange thought to have... because, no ! the chorus and breakdown gives it balance in that regard. it works, it's lovely !

playful... selfish.. YES ! ... life is short... think for yourself... be good to yourself. :)

Though some will disagree, in regards to his words.. I feel M 'dumbs' things down on purpose, rather than reaching to be clever
or more 'poetic' ... because he can, and you know it. He probably gets a giggle from keeping it simple, and off the cuff.

As Orson Swells mentioned Sparks, it also made me think of this as far as a prominent keyboard's groove used in a song...

and CAN'T WAIT FOR 'LIHS' !!! :thumb:


After waiting up for some time to hear this, I promptly went back to listening to old Killing Joke. Happy Tuesday to all.:rolleyes:

But that joke isn't funny anymore.
They killed themselves.

Moz is alive and kicking.
Brilliant song, lyricwise, that voice superb, music a bit underwhelming but a good radio-friendly single.
It'll grow on you, give it some time.
Is that too much to ask?
Here comes the campaign.

It sounds fresh, I enjoyed it immensely and have the appearance of a Cheshire Cat. I'm beaming. Which I never do. It's the right kind of track for airplay.

What exactly were you expecting?


Oh, SOSB, you are so right!
I love you!
An absolute stunner. That number one spot is in the pipeline and all but assured. Ignore the naysayers, Moz. This stands among your best work.

Hahaha, just kidding. Blimey, that was SHIT! XD
For the statistics... I do like the single! It's very catchy and It's stuck in my head already , yeah I know the lyrics are not complex but please why are people being that rigid? It's fun! It's catchy it's a great single , stop comparing Morrissey to the previous Morrissey and the Morrissey before this or that . If you "like it good if not you're free not to buy or even listen to it , farewell!
I particularly like the music, those keyboards are refreshing , don't like gustavo singing again in Spanish :sick: And the sound effects reminded me to " I'm not a man"...
Well done Mozza
Jesus F Christ, defending this terrible song is taking Mozbotting a bit too far. The song has no melody, has a deflated production..... its just.......1 out of 10. Nothing going for it.
As a huge fan for decades, this song is really bad. Music is below average and the lyrics are dreadful and boring. We know you don't like the news, Moz! If you like this, you are either a very new fan to the world of Morrissey, you are tone deaf, or you are desperately hanging onto the threads of what once was. I really was hoping to like it. Truly disappointed.

Why does it sound you were really hoping to hate it?
You are not dissapointed, you are glad! :cool:
Why does it sound you were really hoping to hate it?
You are not dissapointed, you are glad! :cool:
That's not what I was hoping at all! Nice try though, maybe you should try and get a refund on your psych degree? But if this is what Joe Chiccarelli was referring to when he mentioned that this was Moz on his best form yet or whatever, than I am afraid that he went to the Jonestown school of music because he definitely drank the Kool-Aid.


lovely ! :D :thumb:

at first listen, the funky keys/sounds made me think of Stereolab,
and I wondered if the sound was 'too young' of a sound? a strange thought to have... because, no ! the chorus and breakdown gives it balance in that regard. it works, it's lovely !

playful... selfish.. YES ! ... life is short... think for yourself... be good to yourself. :)

Though some will disagree, in regards to his words.. I feel M 'dumbs' things down on purpose, rather than reaching to be clever

or more 'poetic' ... because he can, and you know it. He probably gets a giggle from keeping it simple, and off the cuff.

As Orson Swells mentioned Sparks, it also made me think of this as far as a prominent keyboard's groove used in a song...

and CAN'T WAIT FOR 'LIHS' !!! :thumb:

I've been having a suspicion for a while that he is having a larf.

I don't mind dumb pop music - I'm a huge Madonna fan - but this is one of the best lyricists in the history of pop. (Let's be honest, if Madonna sang "I'm spending the day in bed, no bus, no boss, no rain, no train" we'd all be slagging her off.)

I just think it's a shame that the man who wrote the songs and words that saved our lives has become so lazy and silly. Still hoping for the album to be more inspiring, although, having seen the track listing, I fear the worst.
Totally agree!!! "No charm, no style, no charisma" .Crap lyrics , hardly a catchy melody.His worst single so far!
A b- side more likely .A dustbin filler during Smiths times.
Today I'll spend the day listening to the Byrds

In bed, I suppose?
You must be the completely devoted jingle/jangle music-fan.
Nothing wrong with The Byrd's though.
Like them too! :guitar:
After 30 years of clinging to this man, I get this ?
Chorus has the same cadence and key change as most of wpinoyb. Sounds like my 80's Casio keyboard quality production stinks.Meh 3/10
Peeps, this is so scary bad, it make me hop in bed. But, if you think this is bad, wait until you get the next song.

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