Scary Washing Machine!

Hilarious auction on Trademe, Kiwi equivalent of eBay :cool: :

Scary washing machine. No really, its terrifying!

Oh, God, :lbf: this puts me in mind of the washing machine I used in Edinburgh... I didn't think that thing was EVER going to let go of our clothes. It took forever, I feared my clothes would be nothing but shreds by the time it let loose of them. I was about to unplug it and pry the door open when it finally shut off.
He can keep the darned contraption. :crazy:
If your in a fix and need a cheap washing machine and are either completely deaf or hate your neighbours this baby is for you.

$1 reserve, pick up only, Waterview Auckland.
Selling to pay for my counseling.

On heavy duty spin cycle it sort of sounds a bit like the tortured howls of 1000 undead writhing in the sulphury pits of hell mixed with a train with carriages full of scrap iron sliding down the road with no wheels, on fire, into a bell factory.
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