Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

This lady in the gold pants is one of my favorite actresses.

Sara Corrales as Matilde Rojas.
I did a little acting, in a self esteem course that used acting as the main way to self esteem. It was called Acting Up, taught by Penny Keane. She hired real acting coaches and we did a few snippets of plays at a theatre. I played the daughter of The Glass Menagerie in one snippet, and the mother in another. We had makeup artists. I never got to see video of it though. It was fun.
That does sound like fun. i was in plays in elementary school but in high school all they did were musicals and I was afraid to sing on stage but I wish I would have. The last time I did anything like that I was doing lights and sound for a local theater. I got to see Richard III about 75 times.
I've read The Glass Menagerie but I've never seen it performed.
I remember Penny kicked a mean woman out of the course, who talked to her exactly like an ex boyfriend used to talk to me. I was so proud of her. A coach quit because she thought Penny had been too harsh, but Penny stuck to her decision, and hired a new coach. Michael Fenwick.
I wish I still had the printouts she made for us. They got moldy in a basement suite I lived in. Had to throw them away.
none of you are interested in what the other has to say, you just use their speech as a segue to talk about yourselves. yet im supposedly the narcissistic one.
What's wrong with that, even if it's true?
im drinking egg nog! i want/need to start a fast tomorrow but my friend has said that she's going to make me lebanese food and i cant very well tell her "no thanks, im fasting". i thought i was going to be off the hook now that im not allowed in any restaurant, but apparently not so.
Now we're talking about her which is exactly what she wanted. I was in the middle of a post about how no one gets "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer" right but I accidentally highlighted and deleted it.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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