Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I'm getting an $800 Christmas bonus. I've always wanted to vacation with Morrissey, I'm thinking of going to Hawaii alone and sitting by the pool to read the book after Christmas. :sweet:
By Hawaii I mean a gutter in the city somewhere. :D No but seriously, wouldn't that be nice to be transported to his world while in a beautiful place?

US Citizen? Sign an easy petition to stop bear baiting. They remove their teeth and claws, tie them to a tether and train dogs to attack them. All they can do is cower and lash out blindly at their attacker. Here's a link to the petition, bears are incredibly sensitive and noble animals.


I bet the bear in that photo is wondering why those people aren't helping. :straightface:
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The only thing that deserve all their teeth kicked out is all those people watching it. I don't think bears are friendly, but they shouldn't face any kind of torture.

That's a gentle circus or zoo bear whose reward for years of service of being observed and laughed at is to be terrorized by dogs biting him. It's despicable.
I will avoid the General Discussion and all the reviews of the autobiography until my copy arrives... and it's gonna take weeks! I might not even be alive until then... :squiffy:
This is WHY the go pro camera was invented. This is INSANE!! Wait for it too, so worth the 4 minutes.

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Too late Brenda dear, I saw your "you're welcome!" before you edited it, and I smiled.

To quote Massive record label, I stand in front of you, and feel the force of the pro-tectiooon. ;)

Thanks again.

"Whatever makes you happy, whatever you're so f***ing special. I wish I was special.....but I'm a creeeeep" :) haha :guitar:

That's been on repeat.
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I can`t wait for my copy of the book to get here! I`m soooo excited!!
^^^ :( :(

If you lived here I would invite you to a rocking party and you would forget everything, trust me. ;) :p

Things will be alright.
The last few weeks all regular fountain soda drinks taste like diet. I think they think they've mastered the taste of fake sugar and have started slipping us aspartamine mickeys in an attempt to make us less fat. They start out with the fountain sodas then work their way into infiltrating the cans and bottles. It tastes different.


(^^^She's the essesnce of fake and manipulation and just posted shug. shugar.)
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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