Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Welcome to the barrier. :cool:
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I'm taking my mom for soup at the Temple of Vaginas (Cheesecake Factory) and looking for a pair of jeans. I'll be back at L.
I lost my faith in womanhood too

You seem like a lovely woman with beautiful skin and excellent taste in cotton separates. Why don't you go save an Italian nerd out there who'd make you feel like the lost princess you perhaps feel like? Not all men are jerks. There's a guy out there who'd find your womanhood to be pure heaven, without all the drama.
You seem like a lovely woman with beautiful skin and excellent taste in cotton separates. Why don't you go save an Italian nerd out there who'd make you feel like the lost princess you perhaps feel like? Not all men are jerks. There's a guy out there who'd find your womanhood to be pure heaven, without all the drama.

Italian nerd? please no!
When i said I lost my faith in womanhood I meant that i believed in some solidarity amongst women in certain situations and
Thanks for the compliments :)
Italian nerd? please no!
When i said I lost my faith in womanhood I meant that i believed in some solidarity amongst women in certain situations and
Thanks for the compliments :)

Oh, I thought it was an extension of the earlier comments about being confused about a man. You vaguepost. I suppose I should be the last one to complain about vagueposting. :D
Oh, I thought it was an extension of the earlier comments about being confused about a man. You vaguepost. I suppose I should be the last one to complain about vagueposting. :D

Haha, ok: it actually was an extension. To make it simple: a man hurt me, a woman could help a little and decided no to. And now I won't talk about it anymore. I do vaguepost, yes :)
Strange brew... yesterday at 1:47 pm I posted Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics. At 2:40 pm Annie Lennox posts the Moz comment on her Facebook page. If I posted Annie's songs frequently, I'd think nothing of it. But I don't and haven't. So... cool.
Strange brew... yesterday at 1:47 pm I posted Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics. At 2:40 pm Annie Lennox posts the Moz comment on her Facebook page. If I posted Annie's songs frequently, I'd think nothing of it. But I don't and haven't. So... cool.

Yeah, that's God.
Your imaginary god has time to meddle with Facebook and song postings but can't save millions of his Chosen People from being annihilated by a hideous fascist regime? OK, dumbass.

God works in mysterious ways which is most likely beyond the scope of your argumentum ad captandum-bound mind.
Butterflies are hard core.

מסתורי? יותר כמו אין ראיות כדי לתמוך בטענות המטופשות שלך.

Just out of does typing this in Hebrew help you...or anyone, for that matter?

There is no way to prove the mystery of God to a non-believer. It's pointless, anyway. Any evidence that we believe to be the work of God (because that's our choice - our right) would only fuel the flame and cause more unnecessary argumentative debate.

So...instead of vehemently denying your beliefs (or your opinion), I'd rather be diplomatic and ask...what do you believe happens when we die? Curtains? Do you believe in anything at all? I'm really curious. Is This It? How do you back up your claims? No scientific evidence - no Darwinistic views. Can you tell me, without grabbing a text book, what you really truly believe will happen when you and I take our last breath? I can (without grabbing a Bible.) Not everything I believe in comes from the Church. I have my own theories as well.

I wish for this to be a polite exchange, by the way. I'm not aiming for a fight. Though, it may be tomorrow before I can answer. I do need sleep. :)
Just out of does typing this in Hebrew help you...or anyone, for that matter?

Whatever I write cannot be seen by one who wears blinders. Might as well say it in Hebrew or Chinese. Either way, there is no understanding.

There is no way to prove the mystery of God to a non-believer. It's pointless, anyway. Any evidence that we believe to be the work of God (because that's our choice - our right) would only fuel the flame and cause more unnecessary argumentative debate.

A god cannot be proven to exist thus the concept is a mystery to the non-believer. To you, believing is seeing. To me, seeing is believing. I need empirical evidence. You don't. You have faith. I don't.

So...instead of vehemently denying your beliefs (or your opinion), I'd rather be diplomatic and ask...what do you believe happens when we die? Curtains? Do you believe in anything at all? I'm really curious. Is This It? How do you back up your claims? No scientific evidence - no Darwinistic views. Can you tell me, without grabbing a text book, what you really truly believe will happen when you and I take our last breath? I can (without grabbing a Bible.) Not everything I believe in comes from the Church. I have my own theories as well.

I wish for this to be a polite exchange, by the way. I'm not aiming for a fight. Though, it may be tomorrow before I can answer. I do need sleep. :)

When I die, my wish is to be cremated. My son, if he outlives me, can decide what to do with my ashes. Spread them over the Atlantic ocean or save them in an urn or whatever he chooses. I don't care. I am dead. And that is it. Nothing else happens to me. My memory will live on through him and anyone else who knew me. And perhaps my blog will continue to be accessible online. There will be photos to prove I actually existed. And video footage. But that's about it. I am now physically gone. There will never be another word uttered, an emotion felt, a thought formulated by this person once called Jehne. And maybe my son can have these words etched on my urn, or imagine me saying them if he scatters me into the wind, Goodbye. It was a beautiful life. :)

Tell me what will happen to you?
Hello - I got the message loud and clear. ;) :)

It's very sad that we ended this way. Me thinking bad things of you and you thinking bad things of me...

But I still love you. And I'll think of you kindly.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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