Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

If you'd like to talk about it, I'm here for you...

I'm just observing another person's relationship disintegrating and I can't do anything to help them except listen on the phone, click my tongue disapprovingly at intervals and try to think up some advice that doesn't sound entirely perfunctory and asinine. It's almost funny, considering my absolute lack of real relationship 'life experience' - like the blind leading the deaf. Great time for some miserable music I think!
Viva, I almost added this to my post:

...but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, lol!
I'm just observing another person's relationship disintegrating and I can't do anything to help them except listen on the phone, click my tongue disapprovingly at intervals and try to think up some advice that doesn't sound entirely perfunctory and asinine. It's almost funny, considering my absolute lack of real relationship 'life experience' - like the blind leading the deaf. Great time for some miserable music I think!

I find most of the time it's much easier for the inexperienced to separate emotions from the facts...when you don't have and/or have never had something that clouded your judgment, it's easier to cut to the core of the situation. There isn't much you can do when people come seeking relationship advice because 99% of the time, they never intend on following through with the advice. You are powerless in the end and all you can hope for is that they'll come to the proper conclusion on their own and proceed with the appropriate action. You don't have anything to worry are doing all a friend can do in a situation like this...the fact that you lent a sympathetic ear was exactly what your friend needs, I'm sure.
I'm up at this hour because I had a salad for dinner. Happens EVERY time, I wake up starving in the middle of the night. Peanut butter sammich fixed that! :yum: Night night.
I don't know what's going on between us to be honest. It has always felt relaxed but this morning it feels awkward for some reason.

Really? Like what? Did you have some sort of heavy discussion last night you don't remember?
I need to move very far away.
I am almost done with the first day of the semester. My teacher threw a pen across the room and has talked about weed twice already. I like this teacher.
"Please excuse me from gym. I've got this terrible cold coming on"
I left my job this afternoon
Bit of a snap decision, which now meens i have to make another decision, that untill now--i had a few weeks to work on.

ah well :squiffy:

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