Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I'm wondering why I am incapable of having fun and joining in with things, and behaving like a normal person in social situations. That is all. :straightface:

EDIT: Actually no, it's not. Why in the name of all that is holy do people insist on having windows open when it's freezing cold? Utter insanity.

Because you're different.Who wants to be normal? Someone at work told me I was weird last week.Lovely.

Oh,and I always open the bedroom window when Im in,I prefer it cold
I'm wondering why I am incapable of having fun and joining in with things, and behaving like a normal person in social situations. That is all. :straightface:

EDIT: Actually no, it's not. Why in the name of all that is holy do people insist on having windows open when it's freezing cold? Utter insanity.

Oh ThornieGirl, that's probably why i like you (and Mr Scissors) so much... you're painfully honest and you make me feel more normal. I share your social ineptness and dismay at my/your own situation... it just means that the lovely folk who take the time to see past the awkwardness and anxiety and self-defensive-rudeness, are more likely to become true friends... and we love them all the more for their patience.:p

Don't you think chatting to people online actually helps? cause you get to know them a bit before meeting, so you don't feel quite as much of a tool upon introductions?:squiffy:
Oh ThornieGirl, that's probably why i like you (and Mr Scissors) so much... you're painfully honest and you make me feel more normal. I share your social ineptness and dismay at my/your own situation... it just means that the lovely folk who take the time to see past the awkwardness and anxiety and self-defensive-rudeness, are more likely to become true friends... and we love them all the more for their patience.:p

Don't you think chatting to people online actually helps? cause you get to know them a bit before meeting, so you don't feel quite as much of a tool upon introductions?:squiffy:

Nice post Nightie.I wouldnt call myself rude though,self defensive yes,but rude? never.

Now piss off.
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I love the new banners, but the Morrissey on the far left on this one might give me nightmares.

I just burned my toast twice in a row. The first time I left the toast in while went to the bathroom. I came back and my toast was black. I put in another two pieces of toast and stood there watching it to make sure it didn't burn. Then a guest showed up and my three dogs got out. I got them back in and found more black toast. Luckily the guest had brought a sugar doughnut and I had that for breakfast instead. It was delicious.
because you're a Morrissey fan?


I found myself wondering the same thing on Thursday. And then I listened to this:

Nothing good can ever come from behaving like a normal person. ;)

True. That song is pretty much an accurate description of my hometown and the last 18 years of my life.

Because you're different.Who wants to be normal? Someone at work told me I was weird last week.Lovely.

Oh,and I always open the bedroom window when Im in,I prefer it cold

I suppose. The shyness is the only part of my personality that makes me mind being different. I'm not really a people person anyway, but sometimes I feel like I have no choice but to keep to myself.

And I can't stand the cold. It makes me irritable and achey.

Oh ThornieGirl, that's probably why i like you (and Mr Scissors) so much... you're painfully honest and you make me feel more normal. I share your social ineptness and dismay at my/your own situation... it just means that the lovely folk who take the time to see past the awkwardness and anxiety and self-defensive-rudeness, are more likely to become true friends... and we love them all the more for their patience.:p

Don't you think chatting to people online actually helps? cause you get to know them a bit before meeting, so you don't feel quite as much of a tool upon introductions?:squiffy:

Thanks nightie. :o It is really difficult- I have some wonderful friends, but find it hard to 'put myself out there' if you see what I mean. Parents etc pressuring me to be 'sociable' makes it much worse too as I take a long, long time to really get to know and trust people.

And yes, that's probably true. I'm much more vocal and chatty and natural in writing than when I have to speak to people I don't know very well. I've never met anyone who I've talked to online first though.

On a totally unrelated note, does anyone know how to keep dip-pens clean?
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I am thinking about grilling a steak, medium-rare, with a baked potato and a Genesee Cream Ale.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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