Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

who at? :mad: I'd hit whoever you wanted me to Biki ;):blushing:
if I was not so far away :o other than that, you OK? :thumb:
sweetie thank you i wish you could! My BF was in court today, and he has to go to jail in 90 days because of some crazy bitch (I mean, that woman is the definition of crazybitch.. not even her own brother wants to see her) made a false explainment in court... I thinks I hate her even more than i did before.. and now he's finally becoming a daddy...

My bf doesnt deserve thiiiiiiiis... and he has too much to think about now, a mother who isn't given the treatment she's needed for alcohol abuse even though she's very ill and has a scar in her stomach, BECAUSE she's psychotic... What the f*** does the doctors think... + becoming a daddy, and i will have to require his help to ;(

Im pissssed, can't he have any fortune in his life :( :tears:
sweetie thank you i wish you could! My BF was in court today, and he has to go to jail in 90 days because of some crazy bitch (I mean, that woman is the definition of crazybitch.. not even her own brother wants to see her) made a false explainment in court... I thinks I hate her even more than i did before.. and now he's finally becoming a daddy...

My bf doesnt deserve thiiiiiiiis... and he has too much to think about now, a mother who isn't given the treatment she's needed for alcohol abuse even though she's very ill and has a scar in her stomach, BECAUSE she's psychotic... What the f*** does the doctors think... + becoming a daddy, and i will have to require his help to ;(

Im pissssed, can't he have any fortune in his life :( :tears:

Woa, I had no idea, I truly am sorry to read that and that sort of stuff really hits close to home for me. I hope you get the help you need while he is away and that he gets out early. Good of you to stand with him at this horrible time for all of you...
I'm annoyed and tired. My iPod got completely wiped this week so I have spent the last 2 hours (and still going, I've only just got to the letter M) tracking down all the songs from my illegal download days, transferring them properly into iTunes, and putting them back on my iPod. :mad: Also, why is iTunes completely illiterate when it comes to song names? :crazy:
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In case anyone was wondering, poxy=worthless. Don't say I didn't teach you anything today. :D

RIP Mozart

I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of times I am featured on youtube:

I am most uncomfortable with this being the second result when one youtube searches "Morrissey Dance":

And the other various videos of me that have found their way onto facebook don't help either:

I don't really want anyone to watch any/all of these. This is my way of coming to terms with the fact that the political career I aspire for is likely shot.
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I am most uncomfortable with this being the second result when one youtube searches "Morrissey Dance":

Hilarious! Meh, politics is for actors. Keep it real.

So my friends have this fancy Keurig instant coffee maker and I was hesitnat to love the hot chocolate option because hot chocolate made with water usually equals gas station hot chocolate, but if you add enough marshmallows, it tastes pretty good.
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Man I wish I didn't have wisdom teeth, one has decided to start gumming again after 4-5 months ooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww.
I just want to say, for the record, "Take me to the haven of your bed."

How hard it is to decide for divorce, especially when you have kids and what hurts is just the fact that you can't stand the other person anymore, physically.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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