Paul Joseph Watson tweets "I'm one step closer to interviewing Morrissey"

I love Infowars and espcially that jew Owen Shroyer.
Is Owen Shroyer the guy who runs 'InfoWars'?

The American guy Alex Jones is who most people of heard of because he presents a lot of the shows. It says on the 'InfoWars' Wikipedia page that the owner is Alex Jones:

I'm really not sure about Alex Jones because he seems like he is what truthers call controlled opposition.

Paul Joseph Watson is from Sheffield, England. I think that he is a fan of The Smiths and Johnny Marr and Morrissey.

I haven't ever heard Morrissey talk about the New World Order, chemtrails, secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasonry. I don't think Morrissey has any interest in David Icke, conspiracy theories, the truth movement or that sort of thing. I believe that David Icke is also controlled opposition.

I have been crying about this. I have been finding all this quite tough. I know that Morrissey is a good person and he is very intelligent. I want him to feel that the fans still love him in Britain and Europe.
Very true, we moved out after our son was born, probably around 2003, 'cause people were getting stabbed and shot on a weekly basis within half a mile of our house.

In a few minutes, Halloway will chime in with similar experiences.:rolleyes:
Coincidence? Or Sock Puppetry?
Something about Gary Numan of all people. Suddenly the arrival of grooming gangs has
brought peace and quiet to the streets of London.:crazy:
I've read stories from the 1970s of gangs would roam the streets looking for people they didn't like the look of to beat up and stab. ISTR Gary Numan having a couple of tales about that, his being picked on on a fairly regularly basis because of his appearance.

Gary Numan WTF? So there is no need to worry about Grooming gangs, just as fing Gary Numan?:crazy:
Paul Joseph Watson is about as close to interviewing Morrissey as my long-deceased grandmother. And I happen to know that for a fact.
Nah. I think that analogy was pretty spot on there, champ. ...but you keep that tongue of yours wagging between poor l’il Stevie’s balls and anus. Go for broke! You’ve got about as much cognitive backing as a bled goat and the wit of a wet stone.

You’re the LAST a person that should be judging someone else’s commentary on anything, let alone it’s humour content.

Go on now. Hop upstairs. Quick, quick like a bunny. Mom’s got your spam and cheese ready. ...and she needs her laptop back.
You forgot to call them "L'il shooter." You're slipping.
he said hes one step closer,for all we know there could be ten steps before you actually get to interview M.
Is Owen Shroyer the guy who runs 'InfoWars'?

The American guy Alex Jones is who most people of heard of because he presents a lot of the shows. It says on the 'InfoWars' Wikipedia page that the owner is Alex Jones:

I'm really not sure about Alex Jones because he seems like he is what truthers call controlled opposition.

Paul Joseph Watson is from Sheffield, England. I think that he is a fan of The Smiths and Johnny Marr and Morrissey.

I haven't ever heard Morrissey talk about the New World Order, chemtrails, secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasonry. I don't think Morrissey has any interest in David Icke, conspiracy theories, the truth movement or that sort of thing. I believe that David Icke is also controlled opposition.

I have been crying about this. I have been finding all this quite tough. I know that Morrissey is a good person and he is very intelligent. I want him to feel that the fans still love him in Britain and Europe.
Shroyer is sometimes his sidekicks when there's been some major news or event but Shroyer has his own show. Infowars is far more than just Jones.
Shroyer is sometimes his sidekicks when there's been some major news or event but Shroyer has his own show. Infowars is far more than just Jones.
There always seems to disappear a letter or two in my posts or as in this case one was added.
Infowars are made up of a lot of people and they sell really great products if you wanna stay healthy and in shape.
I´d love to watch such an interview... :thumb:

incl. Morrissey footage

Morrissey/Marr mentioned
I just ordered that new Moz compilation but I wish it had that Ramones cover, ‘The KKK Took Morrissey Away.’
We say thank you to Paul Joseph Stalin for his only contribution in life and wish him a speedy recovery.
No idea who Watson is so I looked him up. Sounds vile. Perhaps Morrissey has reached a point where he's so frustrated and feels so 'persecuted' that he just doesn't care anymore and wants to wind people up.

Vile? In what sense? In that he talks a lot of common sense?
Like 100% of what comes out of Watson’s mouth, I would not give this any credence.

However, for the purpose of conversation/debate. If Morrissey did enter into an interview with him, one would hope that it would done be with the intention of showing that there is a gulf between his opinions and those of Wastson. And this intent would fail, as Watson would edit the whole encounter to suit his own objectives. In short, it would be the nail in the coffin for Morrissey.

What is most depressing about this is that there is a voice in the back of my head that’s telling me, based on Morrissey’s most recent outbursts, he may well be planning this. It’s that bad right now.

The main difference would be Watson's pro Trump stance.

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