New album cover

Oh it isn't fact, I think someone on here mentioned that Matt ('s partner:rolleyes:) had a baby earlier this year or maybe it was Mikey Farrell. I could be wrong. :o

Oh, ok!
I'm sure there'll be plenty of interviewers who will ask Moz this question when the album comes out. :)
And who knows, maybe the baby will be mentioned in the cd's credits as well. :cool:
I hate it. The cryptic picture of Moz holding the baby with the jeweled butterfly on his forehead (it looks like a male baby, I could be wrong.) and the caterpillar thing on Moz's right arm could have a lot of meanings, re-birth, etc. but the font is HORRIBLE. I HATE IT. It makes Malajusted look like ...Vauxhall & I. I detest it. If they had placed Moz in the middle of the cover, and maybe used HIS font, it would work, but I'm actually going to be embarrassed to buy this. (but of course I'm buying it anyway.) I simply detest that 70's font. I don't know what he's trying to do, but I don't like it. A side note. It reminds me of "Ambitious Outsiders". Just sayin' :(
I like it. Only a full hearing of the album will reveal the logic behind this cover choice. It's just one more little puzzle from the master of symbolism and obscure references to all of the rest of pop culture. Do not fret, you know he won't disappoint.
I like it. Only a full hearing of the album will reveal the logic behind this cover choice. It's just one more little puzzle from the master of symbolism and obscure references to all of the rest of pop culture. Do not fret, you know he won't disappoint.

Good points. He really IS the *master of symbolism and obscure references* but I'm afraid people are going to be more interested in the cover and its various meanings than the actual album. (I'm just imaginging Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross, cheekily looking at the cover, and saying, "Hm, and what actually DOES this mean, Morrissey?" (Moz will reply with a raised eyebrow and smile.) :D
Oh, and back when the photo leaked somebody worked out when the photos were taken. (Kewpie, link please?) That baby is too old to be Matt Walker's newbie, if I remember right.

Strange to think that little kid is probably walking by now.
-Yes, Master?
-I'm bored with selling albums. Let's design a sleeve that will test my audience's stamina.
-(drooling) Like, one they'd find really revolting, like?!
-Well, whatever causes extreme reactions, really. But I was thinking of maybe combining a heterosexual picture of well, me of course -what else-, with a very, hmmmm, gay font.
-Oooooooooh! Clever! That should really confuse them!
-That should get their attention. Make sure it's over the top though.
-(sniggers) Ha ha ha! My Moz!Picture all those straight men walking to the counter with a really embarrassing sleeve in their hands!
-Hmmm, yes: and don't forget to leave your mark everywhere on it, that drives them bonkers.
-Ha Mozza! Your genius is so unpredictable! your wish is my command! Wicked!! I'm so happy I'm your boyfriend! Ha ha ha! The silly fools! "


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And you thought you were bored.​
Good points. He really IS the *master of symbolism and obscure references* but I'm afraid people are going to be more interested in the cover and its various meanings than the actual album. (I'm just imaginging Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross, cheekily looking at the cover, and saying, "Hm, and what actually DOES this mean, Morrissey?" (Moz will reply with a raised eyebrow and smile.) :D
Janice Long already asked that question & he said, "you're too young to know"... before she interrupted him. I thought the rest of that was going to be something like "where babies come from." :D

I've been looking forward to hearing the various ways he dodges the answer to that question ever since the picture was leaked. :p
Could this be Morrissey's illegitimate child no one knows about?
Corrissey didn't say it's a hoax nor fake.

*runs away* :p

geez thanks!!

I was HOPING maybe it was, because that way the REAL one will be so much better.
oh well, just glad im not the only one who is disappointed with it.
Janice Long already asked that question & he said, "you're too young to know"... before she interrupted him. I thought the rest of that was going to be something like "where babies come from." :D

Ha, now I deeply regret having missed that interview.
(Not that "missed" is the exact word :p)
I like it. It's very Art Nouveau.

If the rest of the art work matched the font it would be. Like this it's just GreatfullDead/Steve Miller Band crap.
I'm usually a fan of his covers and art work.
Posing with a tommy gun? Great!
Arms outstretched like a gay Jesus? Beautiful!
Showing his bare ass with a twist on an album title written on it? Hilarious!
But this? Hell no.
Moz holding a baby is fine. The pose is fine. The Butterfly/cocoon is interesting. That logo... I'm simply not a fan of it. But that doesn't matter at all. It's just that overall, this looks cheap. Quickly made. Amateur.
I won't however be "embarrassed to buy this" as someone mentioned. I'll happily buy it and rush home excited to listen. But this will be the first time the album cover won't be proudly displayed on my shelf.
SoLowers - dear Lord! Every move Moz makes they jump all over him with instant negativity. The baby is "pugly"! The font is all wrong! And it should've been to the lower left of the pic! Blah blah blah. Amomgst people who have already confessed that they're really only about the "frinking".

Oh right, frinkers opinions should not be taken seriously. One track mind and all that. :rolleyes:

Oh it isn't fact, I think someone on here mentioned that Matt ('s partner:rolleyes:) had a baby earlier this year or maybe it was Mikey Farrell. I could be wrong. :o

Actually someone who has children said that baby is about 8-10 months old, she/he is slightly older than Matt Walker's.

Matt is married and his youngest is 9 mos old. Any idea when this pic was taken?
wow, Morrissey fans can be so harsh! and detail oriented!

I thought we were suppose to be hopelessly devoted to his every move....

this is interesting

*goes on observing*
art baby's arm can i please see it gerontophilia good font hated it he saw it! i have a nasty rash i have seen it i like the font i really want to see it. in yummy dipping sauce interesting though its gorgeous jake little butterfly meh no fair steamed dumplings stop editing it we seen it too
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