Morrissey and his links to paedophiles? - thecolemanexperience

Damaging this site's reputation you say? This is just confirming it...
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

You people have no ability to censor and think critically for yourselves. The blog is lame: the opinions of one attention starved person winding us all up for the thrill of it. Perhaps they don't even truly believe what they are saying. Who here even remotely thinks Moz is a pedophile? Not me. Why is this blog post so threatening? Do you really think it is going to convince others that he is? I don't. Only ignorant simpletons who are already prejudiced against the man will even give any consideration to it.

Ignore it. Or set the blogger straight.

Same should equally apply to David = he should have the ability to think critically and not post rubbish on the main page.

If David's plan is that this will create an anti-Morrissey story in the mainstream media (I bet he's busily contacting his pals at Yahoo Music right now...), I think he's badly misjudged it. Only he and this site (and maybe the original blogger) will come off badly.
Let us face facts... David t was not getting any attention. Now we are talking about him...again.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

You people have no ability to censor and think critically for yourselves. The blog is lame: the opinions of one attention starved person winding us all up for the thrill of it. Perhaps they don't even truly believe what they are saying. Who here even remotely thinks Moz is a pedophile? Not me. Why is this blog post so threatening? Do you really think it is going to convince others that he is? I don't. Only ignorant simpletons who are already prejudiced against the man will even give any consideration to it.

Ignore it. Or set the blogger straight.

My guess is that this thread, and the hysteria and controversy that has ensued for davidt posting it on the main page, is going to make the 'news', furthering the discussion and outcry. Not a bad thing. I am glad to be reminded that there are delusional, paranoid, homophobic idiots online spreading hate and lies. Thanks davidt for bringing it to our attention.

Fine. But why must it be on the mainpage where real news is usually reported? Why don't we "set the blogger straight" in the forum instead of making solo look like a f***ing free-for-all freak show? Should we start reporting photoshops of Morrissey in the bathtub with fangirls as sightings on the mainpage?
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

I've been coming to this site daily since 1997. Through all the strangeness over the years, I've always been on DavidT's side of things. That started to finally change when I saw how he handled the recent lawsuit... running to be on camera and acting as if there could possibly be any truth to it... as if any sane person would think that Morrissey would really want him hurt. This post was the last straw. Goodbye.

Off topic, but DavidT wasn't present when these events allegedly happened. After Morrissey bans him from concerts, and wears a "f*** Morrissey Solo" t-shirt, why should he jump to Morrissey's defense and say the whole thing is nonsense?
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Fine. But why must it be on the mainpage where real news is usually reported? Why don't we "set the blogger straight" in the forum instead of making solo look like a f***ing free-for-all freak show? Should we start reporting photoshops of Morrissey in the bathtub with fangirls as sightings on the mainpage?

This is real news now, thanks to you stupid f***s feeding it.
Firstly, it is true that Cliff Richard is entirely innocent of any wrongdoing until a jury says otherwise. It is also true that rumours have circulated about him for decades, as they did Savile, and I don't know anyone who was particularly surprised that the odd lot turned up on his doorstep yesterday, save that it took so long.

Many of us were surprised that Morrissey chose him as support, primarily because of Cliff's happy-clappy granny music, even before his supposed other, darker issues.

Personally, I wouldn't have put this on the front page. It is a bit too tinfoil hat for my tastes. That said anyone reading the article with half a brain knows that, and can draw their own conclusions.

Is it news? Well, it's the first time I've seen Morrissey linked in such a direct way to that type of criminal action, so yeah, it's news to me, and if it is the first time you've heard if it it is news to you too.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

An anonymous person just submitted the link (perhaps the author), so in that sense it is new. I see that posting the link to the main page has struck a nerve. I can see the argument that the posting of the link means I approve of it or give it any sort of validity, but it's not the case. I am glad to see that there are some reasoned objections to the content on the site and if people do come across the site in the future, hopefully the objections will be attached to it.

Exactly. As far as I could see, the link is old. Dates to the tour cancelation. So why post it main page and now?

David, this shows your true colors and it ain't pretty.
Lets talk about you. What time you due back in the asylum?

In all the time you've been on this site you've never posted anything of worth.
You literally have nothing original or thought-provoking to say.
You're an old man with f*** all to contribute.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

This is real news now, thanks to you stupid f***s feeding it.

Nope. That's David's job not to feed it to us.
This "story" has now been posted onto the Morrissey-Solo Facebook page, so 3,085 people will now receive this on their newsfeeds, and out of those a few are likely to even share it.
According to the people on this site, if someone sprays "paedophile" on the front of your house, you don't clean it off, you go round to the house of the person who painted it and "try to reason with them". Meanwhile, you leave the offending word on your house because it's newsworthy to everyone in the neighbourhood, even if it isn't true (ie. the fact that some nutter somewhere thinks something crazy is NEWS).
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Fine. But why must it be on the mainpage where real news is usually reported? Why don't we "set the blogger straight" in the forum instead of making solo look like a f***ing free-for-all freak show? Should we start reporting photoshops of Morrissey in the bathtub with fangirls as sightings on the mainpage?

I personally don't access the site through the main page so I could give a rodent's behind where it is posted. Content is content. Again, I am suggesting that a little ability to censor and decide what is legitimate news or just speculation is in order. Seems to me that the posters here want to be spoon-fed what the 'truth' is and not decide for themselves. This is lazy and dangerous.
Can someone please explain the lyrics to "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle" because I have always thought it was a song about an adult protecting a child from scary things.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

An anonymous person just submitted the link (perhaps the author), so in that sense it is new. I see that posting the link to the main page has struck a nerve. I can see the argument that the posting of the link means I approve of it or give it any sort of validity, but it's not the case. I am glad to see that there are some reasoned objections to the content on the site and if people do come across the site in the future, hopefully the objections will be attached to it.

I think you should reconsider the validity of keeping this link on the Main News Page David. At the very least could you move it for discussion elsewhere less contentious? Or at the very very least change the 'Headline' tag?
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