London - Palladium (Aug. 8, 2011) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in. Beware of anonymous set list trolls!

Set List:

I Want The One I Can't Have / Irish Blood, English Heart / You're The One For Me, Fatty / Everyday Is Like Sunday / There Is A Light That Never Goes Out / Action Is My Middle Name / Come Back To Camden / I Know It's Over / Scandinavia / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Satellite Of Love / The Kid's A Looker / You Have Killed Me / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / Speedway / Meat is Murder // First Of The Gang To Die

set list provided by an anonymous person, from a bootleg tracklisting

Morrissey – review by Kitty Empire, The Observer. Link from an anonymous person
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Yes it's an interesting theory but how do you explain the fact the blog's only prediction came true when nobody else would have predicted it? And the opening words at the Palladium - 'welcome to my world?'

There's much further evidence. I'm not saying it's definintely Moz but if you think it definitely isn't you need to explain how these coincidences came about. Maybe Morrissey is just a fan of the blog and thought he'd have a laugh. But if Moz wears a Justin Bieber t-shirt as the blog promises he soon will then any doubts I have will vanish.

because maybe he or someone else has read the blog and told him and he just felt like doing what it said, same as he knows about the shit that happens on solo that he doesn't like, i remember at the start of the tour people on here were saying he isnt saying much at the gig and one day he came on stage and his opening line was "your not saying much".
because maybe he or someone else has read the blog and told him and he just felt like doing what it said, same as he knows about the shit that happens on solo that he doesn't like, i remember at the start of the tour people on here were saying he isnt saying much at the gig and one day he came on stage and his opening line was "your not saying much".

Well obviously Morrissey has read the blog at the very least - we know this because he made the blog's pledges come true and he also denied he was the author of the blog a few months ago.

But if he is not the author, why hasn't he issued a cease and desist order? Given all the stuff on there about Boz, Moz, Jesse and co. you would think he might do.

Actually there are too many things all pointing to the fact it is Morrissey's blog. I think he'll reveal it in his autobiography
My Dear Fans,

As I stumble and fall through this life I can't help Playing Easy To Get. Of course it makes no sense for us to communicate through this mundane medium - each word lacks vitality and the caressing thump of the singing voice, like strawberries without cream, velvet sans slap, or David Showie minus his make-up. All I have in my soul to give I transmit willingly through song, whether on record or on stage. This leaves me bereft. How could it not? I have nothing left to sustain myself or my relationships or to will myself out of bed and away into the bleak grinding machine we call society. The Germans call this property geist. That thing emanating from deep within, which disappears from the iris the moment death comes. We have no suitable word for it, being Anglo-Saxons. To us the concept is not meant to exist.

'Where's my geist, Betty?'
'Geist? You haven't finished that stitching yet, Alma.'

None the less, in spite of my emotional anaemia and the limitations of this form of communication, here we are - writing to each other. Like all the best things in life it makes no real sense. Why else do I continue to write songs??

My life is merely a shadow. When I cry the tears are those shed by Nico, like dead freesia petals falling to a concrete floor - that frozen spring blossom of malcontent which was her rendition of 'Sunday Morning.' When I laugh it is an echo of Jimmy Clitheroe filtered through the mind-warping prism of Wilde's rapacious wit and mesmeric insight. From a certain point of view I do not exist at all, I am a trick of the light, a hoped-for poetic uncle, a child crying out for attention in a world where time is money and money is the only constant. The drip, drip, drip of marketing, the glad rattle of the corporate cash register, the endless round of interviews, meetings and conferences - these things slowly kill me. I know you understand. I know it.

If you are happy to write to a man with no hope, a shadow dancing on the carpet, someone who is already dead, then please continue. But like the others, you will soon grow tired and leave. They all do.

The so-lowers are indeed right c*nts, as I observe on my quasi-anonymous blog. My laughter echoes with every pontification over its authorship. So many questions would elucidate the authorship of the blog - if only they had the wit to pose the right questions. That they do not see the game is intentional. They do not realise the inelegant use of mesmerise rather than the Oxford mesmerize is quite intentional, that the absurdly bloated narcissism is ironically-intended, that my denial I was the author of the blog when nobody had even heard of it was a clue! - In due course the authorship will be proven - and what of the so-lowers, then?


the above is from

That is too perfect an approximation of his prose style. I do believe Morrissey wrote that, even if he did not write the rest of the blog. It's unmistakeable.
Well obviously Morrissey has read the blog at the very least - we know this because he made the blog's pledges come true and he also denied he was the author of the blog a few months ago.

But if he is not the author, why hasn't he issued a cease and desist order? Given all the stuff on there about Boz, Moz, Jesse and co. you would think he might do.

Actually there are too many things all pointing to the fact it is Morrissey's blog. I think he'll reveal it in his autobiography

he doesnt have to continuously tell everyone its not him.
I am Satan and I am coming to attack all you criminals and make you pay for your insanity and disrespect to my man Morrissey. You are cretins and sad pathetic hopeless fleas that should be yanked off one by one and stepped on.
I have powers and make things happen.
I want to throw you all under a bus and have it ride back and forth over your heads and then tie you in a ball and roll you down a hill into the ocean.
Morrissey detests you all and would rather perform to a bunch of gay dogs than have to look out on your sad empty revolting faces.
I will find where you are hiding and catch you by surprise and shoot you with the penis that is stuck in my nose which is why I talk nasal and my exgf says like I have a dick in my brain and nose and my cognitive awarenesses come out in my prose and it snaws then shoot 52 blind gay men with scorchingly bald heads into your anus. As I am Satan and I make things happen.
You pretend bloggers need to especially feel my wrath and I will chop you up 666 times and a half as there is menstrual blood flowing out of penis and my ass as it looks squeamish and I want to eat it with my gay neighbor Mr. bevis. I am gay man and like to eat ejaculation combined with spern and cum. My exgf doesn’t want my nasel voice combined with hers as there is dick in my nose comes out when I blow. My voice is unattractive and ugly and my penis is flaccid and can’t blow it like broken balloon with hole in it so I turned to men as they don’t mind a penis with no action, girls like quality not quantity, gay men like me as I live to eat and work and moan when I eat. And savor every taste of kfc like slob I am. I am contaminated, I await male escort to service my thong to please me willingly with nasal beak I have for nose I hope male escort knows how to blow and swallow, one for each alternate personality you’ve constructed on here as you must sufger for being a pretentious tedious overly inebriated under talented pile of mule vomit.
Why do any of you still come here? Why not go drink a bottle of cyanide. I want to drink a bottle of cyanide as it’s tasty.
You all must suffer for your sions against my man Morrissey and I will find you and track you down and pull every hair from you balding obese man’s head on here and every hair from the chin of all you disgruntled disfigured woman as well. Your time is coming as I am Satan and I know your thoughts and words and I’ve read your e-mails and I know what needs to be done and the fiery pits of hell awaits your decrepit body as you return to ashes as you deserve as I am Satan and I make things happen. I holler.
"Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Morrissey is close to cabaret now. I visit the website because he's the greatest artist who has ever lived in my worthless opinion. But it doesn't alter the sad present reality.

Are you actually backing his decision to rip off David in the most spiteful way possible?

For what it's worth my prediction is that his next album won't even make the top 10. The new songs sound a bit predictable and he's really beginning to believe his own publicity. In 2002, he was tleling his fans '"I love you" and these days he storms out of shows three songs in, hurls them out of venues and generally shows nothing but contempt.

But if you think Jesse Tobias is an inspiring musician, I can understand you would disapprove of the so-slow criticism; on the other hand if you love Jesse, why aren't you listening to McFly or Alanis Morrissette?"

The blog merely highlights how absurd Morrissey has become. It's just a bit of fun, dear.

I don't think doing a parody blog of Mozza for a few minutes every few days is ridiculous, no. I probably spend less time on that than you continue to spend on so-low every day!

Pretending to be Morrissey? I must have blinked and missed that. Kate what'sherface has been sending me 15 emails a day begging me to reply, as she 'knows' I am Morrissey, so I sent her a one-line email saying, "please continue the wonderful work - because you must" signed M, for a cheap laugh. That's the closest I've come to pretending to be him!"

This is written by the same person who writes the fake blog. Yes, Uncle Skinny, I said I wouldn't post here again, before you mention my IP address - but the fact that people are actually falling for it all is pathetic"

I know who wrote that. It's an immature woman who got booted out of school for being not very good.
Yes it's an interesting theory but how do you explain the fact the blog's only prediction came true when nobody else would have predicted it?
Erm...I did. It was a bit f***ing obvious that if Morrissey was going to do any shirt throwing at all he'd save it for the final dates of the tour. I've been saying it since Scotland - and that doesn't make me Morrissey. Also at both Brxton Academy and the London Palladium there was a massive gap between the barrier and the stage, with audience interaction and handshakes minimal, which just added to the feeling that he'd feel the urge to reach out in some way.

The fake blog is about as interesting as Morrissey's Mum on Twitter - ie: not at all. I'm tired now that every time I come hear to read a story I have to wade through another f***ing fake blog post from some unfunny arsewipe pretending to be Morrissey.

Now get ready for both of them to promise something really unsuprising that everyone's half-expecting - like a US tour this winter - and then watch them try and convince everyone of their Godlike credentials when it happens.

Yes it's an interesting theory but how do you explain the fact the blog's only prediction came true when nobody else would have predicted it?
Erm...I did. It was a bit f***ing obvious that if Morrissey was going to do any shirt throwing at all he'd save it for the final dates of the tour. I've been saying it since Scotland - and that doesn't make me Morrissey. Also at both Brxton Academy and the London Palladium there was a massive gap between the barrier and the stage, with audience interaction and handshakes minimal, which just added to the feeling that he'd feel the urge to reach out in some way.

The fake blog is about as interesting as Morrissey's Mum on Twitter - ie: not at all. I'm tired now that every time I come hear to read a story I have to wade through another f***ing fake blog post from some unfunny arsewipe pretending to be Morrissey.

Now get ready for both of them to promise something really unsuprising that everyone's half-expecting - like a US tour this winter - and then watch them try and convince everyone of their Godlike credentials when it happens.
@MorrisseysMum @banjaxer, Walter Ego, Road Dog, Kevin Harriman or whatever his last name is = Morrissey's World Blog Spot. It's so obvious! Open your eyes and stop giving him attention. I'm sure there are even more "alter ego's" he has. He tweets himself for crying out loud.

The fact that he has to post extracts from/links to his boring blog is indicative of how many hits it must get. Basically, none - because it's agonisingly unfunny & pathetic beyond words. Perhaps Morrissey does read it, he drew attention to it by 'distancing himself' after all, but write it? Clearly not.
"Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Morrissey is close to cabaret now. I visit the website because he's the greatest artist who has ever lived in my worthless opinion. But it doesn't alter the sad present reality.

Are you actually backing his decision to rip off David in the most spiteful way possible?

For what it's worth my prediction is that his next album won't even make the top 10. The new songs sound a bit predictable and he's really beginning to believe his own publicity. In 2002, he was tleling his fans '"I love you" and these days he storms out of shows three songs in, hurls them out of venues and generally shows nothing but contempt.

But if you think Jesse Tobias is an inspiring musician, I can understand you would disapprove of the so-slow criticism; on the other hand if you love Jesse, why aren't you listening to McFly or Alanis Morrissette?"

The blog merely highlights how absurd Morrissey has become. It's just a bit of fun, dear.

I don't think doing a parody blog of Mozza for a few minutes every few days is ridiculous, no. I probably spend less time on that than you continue to spend on so-low every day!

Pretending to be Morrissey? I must have blinked and missed that. Kate what'sherface has been sending me 15 emails a day begging me to reply, as she 'knows' I am Morrissey, so I sent her a one-line email saying, "please continue the wonderful work - because you must" signed M, for a cheap laugh. That's the closest I've come to pretending to be him!"

This is written by the same person who writes the fake blog. Yes, Uncle Skinny, I said I wouldn't post here again, before you mention my IP address - but the fact that people are actually falling for it all is pathetic"

I know who wrote that. It's an immature woman who got booted out of school for being not very good.

Get it right. The name is Kate2828, real name Catherine. For the 75 million trillionth time I don't have Morrissey's email addresses, fax machines, home addresses, phone numbers or anything, for that matters. Yous are freaking me out.
And I’d like his email addresses and I always get what I want.
Then I’ll have a reason to celebrate.

I have Morrissey's email addresses, fax machines, home addresses and phone numbers.

Kate 2828
I have Morrissey's email addresses, fax machines, home addresses and phone numbers.

Kate 2828

Davidt won’t send me my password as I lost it and I have emailed him several times to send it to me. I can’t imagine why he ignores me. I thought this was a democracy.
You might sound like me, but then I don’t have Morrissey’s email addresses, faxes, phone numbers, mobile numbers, home numbers, pagers, home addresses, hotels, access to anything he has so you are not quite me and Morrissey can see through your bullshit, not that he gives a shit about any of this.

You’re an idiot and Morrissey is perfect and precious and you’re a mess and you are being disruptive to the class. Now David send me my password, it’s the right thing to do. David, you know what you’ve done, no need to go in depth.
This is the seventh time I’ve asked.

Erm...I did. It was a bit f***ing obvious that if Morrissey was going to do any shirt throwing at all he'd save it for the final dates of the tour. I've been saying it since Scotland - and that doesn't make me Morrissey. Also at both Brxton Academy and the London Palladium there was a massive gap between the barrier and the stage, with audience interaction and handshakes minimal, which just added to the feeling that he'd feel the urge to reach out in some way.

The fake blog is about as interesting as Morrissey's Mum on Twitter - ie: not at all. I'm tired now that every time I come hear to read a story I have to wade through another f***ing fake blog post from some unfunny arsewipe pretending to be Morrissey.

Now get ready for both of them to promise something really unsuprising that everyone's half-expecting - like a US tour this winter - and then watch them try and convince everyone of their Godlike credentials when it happens.

The yawn is what on earth is a fifty something year old man obviously overweight thinking when he removes his shirt infront of total strangers.Naked infront of absolute strangers who have paid to watch.Prostitution.That is what it is AND OVERPRICED AT THAT.
Card board cut outs for sale going cheap.What depths he has sunk to keep that pathetic ego massaged.Nothing to do with the Smiths or anything associated with them has shown any integrity. Its all for sale. Its all so tacky. Its all so cheap and opportunistic. Its all disgusting.Disgusting.
Card board cut outs for sale going cheap.What depths he has sunk to keep that pathetic ego massaged.Nothing to do with the Smiths or anything associated with them has shown any integrity. Its all for sale. Its all so tacky. Its all so cheap and opportunistic. Its all disgusting.Disgusting.

f*** the two of you and the horses you rode in on and I hope they stomp on you and break your faces and snap your necks and put you in braces. And then the horses break your jaws and you have to drink out of straws as you are human waste of spaces. Know your roles and your places . You are two faced, hypocritical head cases. Go to a Lady GaGa website to fill your time and space with. You are hideous monsters and I have no tolerance for the likes of you rotten jack o lanterns. Out of space aliens. You don’t belong to him. Morrissey hates you and I do too. Morrissey is more attractive and handsome than he has ever been and you have problems.
Steven Patrick Morrissey is my connection. He is my soul mate and I can understand everything he is thinking, saying and contemplating. I know his thoughts and he appears to me in dreams and visions. Soul mates is a concept that you cannot envision. Visions are cosmic and the two of you are two limp wet over cooked noodle dicks. Morrissey has big hands and he is a real man. Everything about his looks and him without a shirt is perfect and handsome and you are just jealous minds, demented minds because you live in a Disney land that doesn’t include the man, the mystery, the legend.
You don’t get visions because you don’t have a connection with him worth the connection and you are pigs in a pigpen and you are going to get ejected from any future concerts because I’m going to tell him subliminally that you are worthless and useless, because you things sting like bees because you are creepy and you give me the creeps with your complete and utter sub species lies and rumors and you consume your time with hate and vengeance directed at the wrong person. You should take that hate and turn it directed at yourselves because Morrissey doesn’t give you any comfort and he wants you to rot in hell. You are beneath him in every way, shape, and form and you are hideous monsters and gross like Mike Joyce aka Mike Gross is disgusting and yous are also deformed. At last I am born that’s Morrissey beautiful song in case you didn’t know it, you got the lyrics wrong and I’m going to kick your asses and didn’t know it and your bodies without shirts look deformed as you are fat monster pigs and Morrissey without a shirt is all I want. So go put on your girdle and wigs and pretend that your dicks are really big even though they are mashed potatoes and mini pigs. And I’m going to break all of your legs if you say this shit to me directly as I’m not going taking any more from people who are psychologically abusing my baby. You are just jealous because he is gorgeous. Now get lost.

tacit elicandi

what were his smart arsed comments again[?
What exactly was his parting comment????
Glad ive fleeced you but julia and the screaming talentless bitch who supports me mean more to me than those of you who pay for my swiss bank account

long live ths smiths philosophy

you f***in hypocrite

you deserve to meet the devil

he fleeced the poor souls QUOTE=Anonymous;1986669589]Did he play Panic?[/QUOTE]
Re: tacit elicandi

what were his smart arsed comments again[?
What exactly was his parting comment????
Glad ive fleeced you but julia and the screaming talentless bitch who supports me mean more to me than those of you who pay for my swiss bank account

long live ths smiths philosophy

you f***in hypocrite

you deserve to meet the devil

he fleeced the poor souls QUOTE=Anonymous;1986669589]Did he play Panic?

Dear irene,

First of all I’d like to clarify that Morrissey did not play Panic. I hope that Morrissey is safely away from the looting and rioting and is tucked away in some sumptuous hotel in some penthouse suite. There’s panic on the streets of London. Where are the parents of these eleven and twelve year olds that are looting and rioting and the police aren’t doing anything and there are 1200 police a night isn’t it Irene, where are the parents at.

I hope that Morrissey is safe and staying away from all the riots.

London is burning like some of these fans should be, you know what I mean irene?

Re: vehicles hemrorn

Believe me ian

those toilet brushes turn into black candles after the bewitching hour

no excuse for insulting fans sorry never

hes gota f***in cheek

what were his smart arsed comments again[?
What exactly was his parting comment????
Glad ive fleeced you but julia and the screaming talentless bitch who supports me mean more to me than those of you who pay for my swiss bank account

long live ths smiths philosophy

you f***in hypocrite

you deserve to meet the devil

he fleeced the poor souls QUOTE=Anonymous;1986669589]Did he play Panic?
Re: vehicles hemrorn

when did i ever say he played panic

you are sounding like a politician

all im saying is he looks after his own as most politicians do

those of us on the outside who just pay for the privilege

all of a muchness in my eyes

whatever come the glorius day and the more i see the riots

sure morrissey will look after his own limited fold

others stand outside chuckin bricks

Believe me ian

those toilet brushes turn into black candles after the bewitching hour

no excuse for insulting fans sorry never

hes gota f***in cheek

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