Joey Barton: 'Morrissey is a modern-day Shakespeare' (GQ, 2012)

Joey Barton GQ interview mentioning Morrissey:

Joey Barton: 'Morrissey is a modern-day Shakespeare' - GQ
Morrissey has just launched his highly anticipated comeback single "Spent The Day In Bed", with Joey Barton making a special cameo. Here, we remember when GQ Style interviewed Barton on Morrissey back in 2012

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im not in favour of over effusiveness.
there's this circle of dumb broads at my work (oh how i cant stand them!) whose whole schtick is being overly effusive, giving over indulgent praise where it hasnt been earned. just the other day i overheard one broad, sheepishly trying to get on the over effusive band wagon of meaningless positivity--it having the nature of a virus, it seems--say to the lead over effusive broad--the one who set the whole absurd tone--that she "looks 20" (moz's phrase "desperate womanhood" comes to mind). this woman has grey hair, sinewy hands and arms, porous skin, and i would guess her age to be about 50. yes, ill admit she looks good for her age. but looking good for your age does not mean looking twenty.
at first being around these old birds you may think "oh that's nice" when, for example, one of them tells you you do a great job when all you do is stand there looking surly, but after a while you start to realize the emptiness of everything they utter, to the point you dread coming into contact with them and certainly would never try to engage them in conversation. it's not a skillful behaviour to engage in--over-effusiveness that is. it doesnt lead to any real connection, either with people or reality, and so it's missing it's own point. instead, i propose we call things as they are. keep it real, as they say.

thus, i have to disagree with this joey barton and further state my inability to appreciate his comment based on it's over-effusiveness. i think it would be fair to say that moz is like an oscar wilde-- a huge, huge compliment as it is. he is certainly, like oscar, a lord of language and infinitely quotable. but he is not shakespeare whose scope and breadth of all things pertaining to human nature and to language absolutely no one comes close. it's hard, in short, to take such a comment seriously and makes me wonder if perhaps he caught the over-effusive virus too.

(and i say this without any particular affection for shakespeare, unlike oscar, whom i have loads of affection for)

Your experience really makes me feel absolutely blessed that I don't have to work or have colleagues around me. It is very interesting when the debate about having to work pops up in various forums online. At first people who work defend the values of working and some even claim to love their job but as time goes more and more of those people begin to admit that working is absolute hell because of the colleagues around them.

I think I realised as a kid that people cannot get along at all and we live in a world where a majority of people work hard every day to sell the myth that we can. Internet was a brutal reminder just HOW much we all really hate each other and yet people wonder why wars are a constant.

It is the details that irritate us as in your case cause on a whole those behaviours are nothing and shoulnd't bother us but just like in every relationship it is the small details your partner does that drives you mad. I don't think there is any hope for mankind and already some men have chosen to go their own way and created what almost looks like an organisation.

The divide between people will grow way bigger in the coming years and maybe the world will come to an end not because of the threat to the environment or some giant rock from space but because people in this day and age simply cannot get along at all. The longer I live the more I begin to understand the mind of serial killers and maybe it's nothing wrong with them and instead the society is at fault.

I know Morrissey touched on that subject in at least one song and even in a few others.
Your experience really makes me feel absolutely blessed that I don't have to work or have colleagues around me. It is very interesting when the debate about having to work pops up in various forums online. At first people who work defend the values of working and some even claim to love their job but as time goes more and more of those people begin to admit that working is absolute hell because of the colleagues around them.

I think I realised as a kid that people cannot get along at all and we live in a world where a majority of people work hard every day to sell the myth that we can. Internet was a brutal reminder just HOW much we all really hate each other and yet people wonder why wars are a constant.

It is the details that irritate us as in your case cause on a whole those behaviours are nothing and shoulnd't bother us but just like in every relationship it is the small details your partner does that drives you mad. I don't think there is any hope for mankind and already some men have chosen to go their own way and created what almost looks like an organisation.

The divide between people will grow way bigger in the coming years and maybe the world will come to an end not because of the threat to the environment or some giant rock from space but because people in this day and age simply cannot get along at all. The longer I live the more I begin to understand the mind of serial killers and maybe it's nothing wrong with them and instead the society is at fault.

I know Morrissey touched on that subject in at least one song and even in a few others.

It's too many people to close to eachother for a too long time.
Look what happens with rats in a reasonable comfortable, ahem, big enough cage. There can be two males in it, as long as they can have their own territory. But whenever there is a third and the territory gets to small and they can't escape to it anymore cause it is gone, they start fighting and killing eachother.
Now I know we are not rats, but this behaviour is well-known amongst animals and documented for ages.
We are human animals.
It's too many people to close to eachother for a too long time.
Look what happens with rats in a reasonable comfortable, ahem, big enough cage. There can be two males in it, as long as they can have their own territory. But whenever there is a third and the territory gets to small and they can't escape to it anymore cause it is gone, they start fighting and killing eachother.
Now I know we are not rats, but this behaviour is well-known amongst animals and documented for ages.
We are human animals.

Very true, Gerrit. All about instincts inherited from way back. It is all about territorial pissing.
I remember this woman at the last job I had, my GOD!

Every fooking Monday we had to listen to what the hell she had been doing at the weekend. It often involved some kind of performance where kids has been singing making her cry.

Then there is always that man or woman going on about their fooking roses in their garden. Anyway, this womans husband who looked half her age got dragged along to these fooking events and I felt sorry for him.

Her arse was wide like a bench and if she ever did anything good it was that she could sit steady. She just had to let everyone know that she had a great weekend while the rest of us just wanted to end our life in any of the machines available.

But the 60 plus lady who followed Man United since way back impressed me.

sounds really horrible, rifke. i guess if you'd started laughing all of a sudden, because of a funny joke you remembered, their funny visages would all of a sudden crumble to pieces, all the misery eventually taking control of their bodies, flesh falling off their bones, everything collapsing in front of your eyes. i'm sorry, that they cannot accept you as the charming and funny person you are. must be hell.
probably these people need someone they can put into the role of the moper, or else they finally would have to acknowledge their own antisocial tendencies which is most likely forbidden in their circles. but then, on the other hand, they help you to identify something in your character that you have in common with morrissey, or not? maybe they are unconsciously doing you a favour?

one of my colleagues, who had a nervous breakdown last year, has to attend a laughter yoga class at the moment to deal with her stress issues. whenever she feels under stress, which happens quite often, she places a hand on her belly, closes her eyes, and starts "laughing" in an absurd way, which sounds more like a hoarse dog's barking, a grotesque smile distorting her face, and after awhile she is finishing off the laughter with some relieved "aaaaahs" and "uuuuuuhs", wiping away tears of joy from her cheeks. it's a madhouse, rifke, believe me. in another yoga class she has learned some breathing techniques, so that she is not just laughing all the time, but most recently also combining the laughter with heavy, saccadic gasps of breath, something women do while in labour pains, standing there with pursed lips, puffing hard, as if there was no tomorrow. i really feel sorry for her.
so my workplace has not just turned into a madhouse in recent years, but also a delivery unit. all this gives me a really hard time, i tell you.
oh my gosh, that sounds so bizarre, lanterns! i would be horrified! you should just stare at her with a look of utter "what the hell are you DOING?!" distate the whole time shes indulging in this pantomime. that's what i would do. what nerve subjecting people to that kind of weirdness.

oh yes, i dont really mind being the outsider. i appreciate any opportunity to feel an alliance with morrissey, being that he's a fellow so called "moper" which really just means that he doesnt suffer fools. the thing thats always been true for me is that the people i like always like me back and the people i dont like always dont like me back. it works great, makes the social world a very orderly system. i dont yearn after the approval of people i dont mesh with: instead i just eschew them as "not my kind of people".it just would be nice if it werent always so one sided, if "my kind of people" could once in a while be the majority rather than the minority.
oh, i do laugh to myself a great deal--it's a habit of mine, actually-- but it doesnt have any effect on them. once they've developed an idea about you in the vacuum of their minds no evidence to contrary can permeate their skulls. whenever you do produce any evidence that you might be other than what they've decided they respond by saying "you're so cute" in their sing song voices. what the f*** does that even mean? so derogatory. *sigh*

i thought you had retired?!
well, yeah, sort of. and wouldnt you think that it was about time at 74? just at the moment i am trying to enjoy a few days of retirement with a snotty nose, double pneumonia and all.
yes, it is indeed derogatory to belittle a co-worker. they are probably not worth any of the energy that would be needed to defend yourself. so it's either ignoring them or finding a new, more inspiring workplace. my experience is that it is important to have at least one confindant among the colleagues.
oh lanterns you need to retire! there are frogs that need to be moved to safety and mice to rescue from water barrels and squirrels to be photographed! they're all waiting for you!!
oh dear, pneumonia. well i hope you get better soon! make yourself some nourishing concoction full of herbs or somesuch!
oh lanterns you need to retire! there are frogs that need to be moved to safety and mice to rescue from water barrels and squirrels to be photographed! they're all waiting for you!!
oh dear, pneumonia. well i hope you get better soon! make yourself some nourishing concoction full of herbs or somesuch!

You two of all people arguing puts me in an awkward position cause I cannot support any of you now. But I am weak for Rifke and her anti colleague stance.

*Waving a white flag*
Meanwhile, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin was recently the subject of praise from Jay-Z, who described the singer as a “modern day Shakespeare”.

“I have been in the industry long enough to know when I’m in the presence of a genius and Chris Martin is just that,” the rapper said. “In years to come, Britain will look back at him as a modern day Shakespeare. He is an incredible recording artist, an incredible songwriter, but where he really comes alive is performing live. If you get the chance to see Coldplay live, do it – you ain’t gonna regret it.”

So I think Jay-Z's back on the ganja and all "NO REGERTS" now, just like Cala's hot tattoo says that he got in jail last week

But me, I'm like "I got 99 problems and Chris Martin's at the freaking top of my list!" ya dig
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