GENE coming to the Us~!



WOOHOO!! This is from the yahoo gene message board.


As MATT has written the message as below(co. of Olympians-Online), it's
revealed that GENE will be VISTING US at the end of JULY!

"DALLAS" is named but it's still unknown where else the band will visit
then... They also consider a WARM UP GIG in the U.K......keep watching the

Comments: We have to go to Dallas at the end of July for a radio show with
....Trail of dead (that'll be fun!) the US tour is around that time but we
may have to do a warm up here first..I still fancy an acoustic thing but of
the US shows are rock Gene then....dunno..maybe we can do the odd festival
on the Acoustic stage?? Good idea?? hmmmm i'll get on to that..
> WOOHOO!! This is from the yahoo gene message board.

> ::: GENE VISIT THE U.S. IN JULY!!! :::

> As MATT has written the message as below(co. of Olympians-Online), it's
> revealed that GENE will be VISTING US at the end of JULY!

> "DALLAS" is named but it's still unknown where else the band
> will visit

good! dallas can have them because they don't like real music anyway!
I'm always sort of out of the music loop and just heard of Gene recently, but everytime I hear one of their songs, I like them more and more (as I did the Smiths). What exactly is it about them that doesn't make them "real music?" just curious.

> good! dallas can have them because they don't like real music anyway!
yeah i'm curious too they are great. I don't see why they would be compared to The Smiths when they have come a long away since their first album, and have evolved greatly to their old sound. I used to refuse to listen to them simply because people called them the "next smiths" but once i heard a few songs i was hooked and quickly became a huge fan. Suzanne what makes a band have considered to have "fake" music? Seems all music is music to me. Maybe you haven't given them a good enough listen. to each his/her own I guess.
> that's come a long way* and have evolved greatly FROM their old sound. I should REALLY preview these things before posting, but hopefully i got the message across ;-I
> yeah i'm curious too they are great. I don't see why they would be
> compared to The Smiths when they have come a long away since their first
> album, and have evolved greatly to their old sound. I used to refuse to
> listen to them simply because people called them the "next
> smiths" but once i heard a few songs i was hooked and quickly became
> a huge fan. Suzanne what makes a band have considered to have
> "fake" music? Seems all music is music to me. Maybe you haven't
> given them a good enough listen. to each his/her own I guess.

i was ragging on dallas, but anyhow, yeah, its a matter of personal opinion. i'd heard their second album, and i tried to see what was special, but when my tape player in my car chewed my lone copy i had recorded from elsewhere, i didn't weep for it. i can only recount how "fighting fit" goes in the chorus and that's it because that's how unmemorable i found the album.
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