Dog on a Chain review in Record Collector - 2/5

For reasons best known to themselves, Record Collector got the world's #1 Morrissey-hating journalist to review the new album. David Quantocks, who I believe was even once sued by Morrissey and forced to write a grovelling apology, gives it 2/5. In all fairness, he does quote an appalling lyric about geese and a niece which I'm hoping he mis-heard or made up. Haven't bought the mag so can't scan and attach.

Scan provided by Famous when dead in the comments.
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I know. It’s like he outright forgets he’s reviewing music. She sounds good, they sound good together, that’s why she’s there. It was probably a fun duet

If the theory that Bobby is about Bobby Hatfield is correct, then she's probably there to do all the high-pitched wailing he did, while Moz does the other Righteous Brother's part.
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Love it when the usual goons turn up and slag off a REVIEW because it doesn't say what they like about something they HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD. But they LOVED the reviews of something they HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD when it concurred with their bias.

The actual three monkeys right there.

Love it when the usual goon turns up to the website to slag off the artist he hates, over and over and over again rather than moving on with his life like a well adjusted person.
Here's a thing. I've just scanned some data of the more shouty registered users and unsurprisingly very few are subscribers to Solo. Most take regular pops at Skinny, who as a long-standing subscriber, assists with the financial upkeep of this site. I may not always agree with his comments but I admire the fact that he puts his money were his mouth - quite often - is.
If Melvis’ 14 keyboard warriors were to set a minimum star-rating for reviews - in order to accept their legitimacy - what would the cut-off be? 3.5 had them giddy. Would 3 or even 2.5 do the trick?

Asking for a friend.
Oh Granny, what high standards you have!

Check for a pulse but age, consent, and species is fair game.
all above board,
I will never be an escaped goat or a social piranha on this webthingy.
If the theory that Bobby is about Bobby Hatfield is correct, then she's probably there to do all the high-pitched wailing he did, while Moz does the other Righteous Brother's part.
Never mind bobby, have you watched Alf garnett yet... I seen it this morning worth a watch ....
(Yet another) Useless "Journalist", David Quantick, an infantile grown man, who can't seem to get over having to publicly apologize to Morrissey, pleaded with Record Collector to let him write his lazy little revenge piece.. Mind you, David is supposed to be (unbiased) professional and an (60yr old) adult, but morphs into Super hissy bitch Dave DickRot, whenever he can exact vengeance.
So, For Super Dave DickRot's half-arse payback review, wasting everyone's time on his ego-driven babble, the champion wanker gets a (Big Fat) Zero Stars.
that is : 0/5 stars
Love it when the usual goon turns up to the website to slag off the artist he hates, over and over and over again rather than moving on with his life like a well adjusted person.
No well adjusted person throws their weight (albeit lacking) behind a try-hard, “poor-me” media whore like Melvis.
(Yet another) Useless "Journalist", David Quantick, an infantile grown man, who can't seem to get over having to publicly apologize to Morrissey, pleaded with Record Collector to let him write his lazy little revenge piece.. Mind you, David is supposed to be (unbiased) professional and an (60yr old) adult, but morphs into Super hissy bitch Dave DickRot, whenever he can exact vengeance.
So, For Super Dave DickRot's half-arse payback review, wasting everyone's time on his ego-driven babble, the champion wanker gets a (Big Fat) Zero Stars.
that is : 0/5 stars

^...the f*** is THIS one on about?

Review the reviewer?

Save your breath, Simple Sally. Melvis doesn’t send out Christmas cards.

Fak Arf.
I only really know him from his many talking heads appearances on drivel like 'I love the 90s' etc. He comes across as perpetually smug and deeply annoying whilst looking a bit like a face transplant recipient staring at a pin.

The new album might not be up to much, but I would trust Skinny's reasoned and unbiased opinion over Quantick's.

he did a lot of those talking heads shoes shows, but he’s been involved in some really sterling stuff - the Thick of It, Veep, Harry Hill to name a few. He’s a strange one because I’m pretty sure putting a review in Record Collector is gonna earn him chicken feed compared to what he’s been involved with...
For reasons best known to themselves, Record Collector got the world's #1 Morrissey-hating journalist to review the new album. David Quantocks, who I believe was even once sued by Morrissey and forced to write a grovelling apology, gives it 2/5. In all fairness, he does quote an appalling lyric about geese and a niece which I'm hoping he mis-heard or made up. Haven't bought the mag so can't scan and attach.

Scan provided by Famous when dead in the comments.
Is Leeds about to be cancelled?
I wish Record Collector would have gotten a music journalist to review it.

Went ahead and sent a interestin' inquiry to Paul L., the editor of Record Collector.
Wondered why they let a biased guy do a record review.
Ya gotta figure that if that's their style, then ya gotta question any of the reviews they do.
Trust me, is wasn't no kind of nasty inquiry or nothin' like that.
Just thought it would be interestin' to find what the really real deal is.
he did a lot of those talking heads shoes shows, but he’s been involved in some really sterling stuff - the Thick of It, Veep, Harry Hill to name a few. He’s a strange one because I’m pretty sure putting a review in Record Collector is gonna earn him chicken feed compared to what he’s been involved with...

He's a jobbing gagsmith. He does whatever.
I am not all surprised or even concerned about this review, just like the one forthcoming from The Guardian, it is to be expected that a default poor review is but a foregone conclusion. The biased reviewer in this case wears his politics on his sleeve and spends many a word discussing Morrissey's politics, as if it has equal footing to his music. I'm waiting for the SPIN, Rolling Stone reviews which are less steeped in British liberal media sensationalism.
I am not all surprised or even concerned about this review, just like the one forthcoming from The Guardian, it is to be expected that a default poor review is but a foregone conclusion. The biased reviewer in this case wears his politics on his sleeve and spends many a word discussing Morrissey's politics, as if it has equal footing to his music. I'm waiting for the SPIN, Rolling Stone reviews which are less steeped in British liberal media sensationalism.

I hate The Guardian's politics.
i am not a dog on a chain review

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