"Defensive Eating With Morrissey" (13 Images Of Food Hoarding By Automne Zingg)

Automne writes:

I make zines of various goths and musicians eating things. I know. It's kind of ridiculous but the latest one features Morrissey and each page is a Smiths pun.

Defensive Eating With Morrissey (13 Images Of Food Hoarding By Automne Zingg) - Etsy

Thirteen glorious full color images of Morrissey consuming all of the food and leaving you with nothing. NOTHING!!!!!

Who would pay $20 for that? :squiffy: It's not even clever or well executed.
It's $13 (it costs a lot to print) and not everyone's thing but thanks for the critique.

So you think pairing a pun with a drawing is going to be lucrative? Have you ever been on the internet before?
That cracked me up. I think she is very clever.

Crystal you can surely understand the eating voraciously?
So I clicked on the link and scrolled through the Etsy pictures. I have no idea what the f*** I just looked at.

But I think I kinda like it...
That cracked me up. I think she is very clever.

Crystal you can surely understand the eating voraciously?

The Peanuts thing was clever. And free. This is not clever and she wants money for it? Good luck with that.

Also the drawing in this picture Morrissey has two left hands and his thumb is sticking in the sandwich. The graphic design looks like it was laid out in Microsoft Word. It's crap.
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The Peanuts thing was clever. And free. This is not clever and she wants money for it? Good luck with that.

Also the drawing in this picture Morrissey has two left hands and his thumb is sticking in the sandwich. The graphic design looks like it was laid out in Microsoft Word. It's crap.

Uh oh. It was supposed to be two right hands and all thumbs. Good eye, Crystal geezer. Good eye. I better open up Microsoft Paint and make a new one.

Oh I see now. All the times I have defended you in the poll and everywhich way possible and now this. Well, at least I have eventually found out the truth about you.

I'm more loyal to the skid marks in my toilet than you.

Oh I see now. All the times I have defended you in the poll and everywhich way possible and now this. Well, at least I have eventually found out the truth about you.
she's always like that. dense, malicious or both. both i think.
Yes, I guessed that, freak. Don't you understand you have now lost a friend? And you will be very sorry you did that from now on

You aren't a friend. You are one head of a monster that doesn't like me anyway. Don't you have some watermelon cubes to eat, Hydra?

You aren't a friend. You are one head of a monster that doesn't like me anyway. Don't you have some watermelon cubes to eat, Hydra?


If you think that folks don't like you, you're never going to get well. it doesn't matter what you call people. It doesn't make an impact don't you see?

The only person you're hurting is yourself

I'm not going to to play mind games with you, and not going to fight. I know it's hard for you, but just accept yourself and try to be the best you can

There's no anger, only sadness, and I hope you find a way through the quagmire of surging emotions which need reining in for your own welfare

I'm sure that your psychiatrist has given you many tips on how to deal with whatever you are going through, so rememeber the good advice you're given

I wish you the best of all possible outcomes, no matter what, or how your life pans out in the future

If you can get past anger, you'll then be in control of yourself. it's worth it, so try it out

All the best to you x
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"The Light That Never Goes Out" is the only drawing that looks a good likeness to Moz. The Fresh Prince drawing was pretty spot-on...
I don't know you or CG, but I have frequented Solo for over a decade now, [choosing to login and/or comment sporadically..]...

Hence, I've read most posts by you & as well as CrystalGeezer.

-I am not here to start drama or anything like that -if that were the case, I'd have done so on numerous occasions -there have been a vast number of 'chances' ([especially over the last 12 months] to start wars on here.. I'm sure most most [frequent] readers know the instances I'm thinking of.

I have spent the last 10 minutes thinking if I should say something or let it go.. I have decided to post my thoughts..I will try & restrain myself as much as possible, for my sake..

CrystalGeezer... With all the posts you've written on here..well, one can get a glimpse of your everyday life..away from the internet & Solo..*

This also applies to some other users who post heavily, like RealityBites, Robby, Girlafraid etc etc.*

You or others may say that you are not like that IRL, but I disagree. -You *may* differ slightly IRL, but not that much.*

How I am in real life, is how I am on the interwebz, albeit more extroverted.

•Unless you are BrummieBoy*
-who is a fascinating read; I love it when BB posts. Whether I agree with said posts or not, I cannot deny the fact that they are well written, fascinating, & informative. Yes, they may ruffle feathers, nevertheless, I do enjoy reading them and hope he/she/they come back. BB must have a blog somewhere on the interwebz & I would love to read it :) [I've been meaning to say this for a mighty long time, & am sorry for getting slightly off topic]

CG, you often say:*"..I promise I'm not crazy in real life.."*-Why do you keep mentioning that?*
Do you want to convince others, or yourself?? Or do you say that so you can make friendships on here?? In a way you want to impress others.. you want to be validated by others on here. Now, there's nothing wrong with that*
-everyone needs some sort of validation, whether it be online or IRL.

What I do find wrong is you treating Reelaround [and a handful of others] like crap. Reelaround has pretty much been civil to you all these years. ..unlike others who morph pigs noses, or pull pretty low blows by saying that your are fat/lazy/lower class/uneducated, etc, etc.. So for you to say:
" I'm more loyal to the skid marks in my toilet than you."*

That is pretty disgusting & disgustingly pathetic IMO. I cannot comprehend why you would basically sh!t on the people who like (tolerate maybe?) you on here.*

It is obvious that you have a lot of issues; you have stated this fact yourself. I, too have issues, but I'm not going to spend my life on a forum badmouthing people...or saying/doing the other odd things that you do. Do you realise what you do is detrimental to yourself, to your mental health?*

You begged a former poster to get away from a supposedly abusive relationship & wouldn't let that issue go..

-Why don't you take your own advice..why don't you listen to other posters who worry about you? Why don't you take a long hard look at yourself CG?

...You are, what, 40? And you won't get in a relationship because the 'signs' aren't pointing that way; because God is telling you to wait for Morrissey?!??*I just hope & pray that you realise...that you see the REAL truth before it's too late...I really hope you do..

I often wonder if you have any real true friends in your life.. Friends or even family that you talk to about your signs..that you & Morrissey are "meant to be".. I hope you do have friends...And I pray that you don't push them away like you have & continue to do on here.

I don't know.. I have a feeling if people around you knew the CrystalGeezer online; knew of the things you write of..that they would help get you medicated. Having sad that, I don't think that you are psycho.. I think you just need someone to talk to..perhaps even a mood stabiliser.. You come across manic in some posts, especially in the ones where you mention rather crass & vulgar thoughts..such as Morrissey putting his penis in your vagina [who writes those types of things anyways?!?!?]?!?*

Mental illness[es] or not, there really isn't an excuse for your attack on posters. That comment to Reelaround is NOT warranted. At all. *

Please take a step back.*
Re-assess yourself, your life, your life on Solo. Do you *really* want to live the way you have been doing thus far? And for the love of God...I really hope you are seeing a professional for your mental health..if not..well..I hope you start seeing someone..& if not..I am so sorry for you.

There's a lot more I could write..but I think it'd best be left...for another time.. I have spent far more time & energy on this post than I intended to.

Oh, and if you happen to read this Reelaround; Your post just goes
to show what a wonderful human being you are. Instead of doing what she & many others do, you choose to respond in a way one can & should be proud of.
I think we both know what you should do from now on..

Have a great weekend all. I'm off to do my hair!


There is nothing more toxic in this world than guilt & hate.

If you think that folks don't like you, you're never going to get well. it doesn't matter what you call people. It doesn't make an impact don't you see?

The only person you're hurting is yourself

I'm not going to to play mind games with you, and not going to fight. I know it's hard for you, but just accept yourself and try to be the best you can

There's no anger, only sadness, and I hope you find a way through the quagmire of surging emotions which need reining in for your own welfare

I'm sure that your psychiatrist has given you many tips on how to deal with whatever you are going through, so rememeber the good advice you're given

I wish you the best of all possible outcomes, no matter what, or how your life pans out in the future

If you can get past anger, you'll then be in control of yourself. it's worth it, so try it out

All the best to you x
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