Alain Whyte mentions contributing to Madonna's new album

Well fare play to Alain.Wether you like Madonna or not, she has done some good songs.Must be interesting for Alain, writing with Morrissey and Madonna.Good luck to him.
Does cleaning up the studio after Madonna left count as contributing? I’m kidding! Wish he was still touring with Moz, that’s for sure.
I approve. Madonna is the Queen of Pop, this is indisputable, and it just so happens that she's actually female (I think).
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Although I loathe Madonna, you can't blame a guy for working.

It sucks that we're still stuck with Jesse Tobias though.
Says a lot about music in general that Madonna is supposed to be the best thing there is still. She is like a cow you can milk over and over again. She managed to release music for kids all her career and she had absolutely no message to the vast masses out there. Never said anything about my life and the people around me but she was a messenger for the exclusive little elite of fashion victims that did drugs and bad things.
You go girl (sorry middle age woman).
I felt sick when I read this as well. I abhor her. If she's the epitome of a strong woman, then women have a long way to go.
Other than Alain feeling happy about this, it's terrible.
Good on yer Alain.

Not a big fan of Madge myself, but maybe a new guitar based direction will change that (a bit unlikely me thinks).
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Alain Whyte is one of the Nicest Guys in The Music Business....But, you can't expect him to sit around and rest on his past success....Good for him-!!
I approve. Madonna is the Queen of Pop, this is indisputable, and it just so happens that she's actually female (I think).

Madonna is the Queen of Pop ???!!?? HAHA that's so funny ~old grandma "QOP"
she is a joke that's not funny anymore - what interesting drugs are you on ?
what is indisputable is that AMY ~that's right ,AMY will always rule !!
Alain it has been ALL down hill since you left -
Music should be appreciated for what it is. I respect Madonna for her contributions to her genre, she made some damn good dance music. An artist isn't your personal friend. I thought more of you would be a bit more abstract with your thought process. If you're really progressive you wouldn't have the hate. Grow up haters, Morrissey included.
Alain is the most incredible talent ever. His music just soars and lifts Morrissey’s words up to new heights
His guitar playing is incredible as he makes me melt and tingle at his strumming and makes me wish he was strumming me instead.
He has the most wonderful hands and his songs are the best that have ever been written. Jesse and Boz are total hacks compared to the wonderful talent that is Alain.
He should write music for everyone everywhere as he has more talent in his little finger than anyone in the world. He has a baby doll face and I want to play with him all day. Alain is the epitome of the kid’s a looker because he looks like a gay. I want him to be gay because then I can have my way with him as I have come out of the closet recently. It feels good to come out professing my love for Alain the truth shall set me free or so they say.
Alain has a gallon of manhood between his legs.
I worship him totally and want to hear his wonderful music every moment of every day and if his career had not been totally empty since he’s not with Morrissey much anymore I’m sure he’d be on the radio all the time or at least once.
To all you anti gays out there, fantasizing about a man and a woman you really are ignorant because Alain is the way for men. Amen. Alain do you love me too. A prompt response is necessary.
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