Your fantasy Morrissey/Smiths release


Reckless Endangerment
Have you ever thought about what would be AMAZING as a Morrissey/Smiths release, but may not even exist? I've thought about this ever since I saw the video portraying clips of the making of "Meat is Murder." I would crap a buffalo if footage from the recording of the debut album would be uncovered and released on dvd. Think of how powerful those sessions must have been. Of all the albums ever made, I would not even be able to comprehend the intensity to which the recording of "The Smiths" surpasses. Tell us YOUR fantasy Morrissey/Smiths release, from anywhere remotely plausible to not :)
Of all the albums ever made, I would not even be able to comprehend the intensity to which the recording of "The Smiths" surpasses.

i totally agree. i love the first album dearly. anything new associated with it would excite me.

i want to see footage of him putting the vocals down for 'southpaw' (the song), too.

i think mainly i'd just want more early footage. my favourite things are like the rockpalast gig footage, and that one where they go to a school and him and johnny do this charming man. or any of his early interviews. all that stuff. i want more. :D
more live dvds would be great... its his strength appearing live why not release more for the starving fans....

the whole south with morrissey dvd sounds fantastic(in that thread kewpie have linked) i wonder if it might not see the light one day online at youtube or elsewhere
..cause i many bootlegs have found their way online why not that(okay it was prof filmed) but still? there no way you could made it avaiable..if only for af ew hours online somewhere and then withdraw it..hmmm prob not I guess;-(
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